The Power of Vision: Recognizing God’s Call by Ericka Jackson - HTML preview

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How Do I Handle My Fears About Stepping Out And Living My Vision?

Fear is the reason people choose not to live God’s vision for their lives. It might be fear of not having enough money, fear of not having enough time, fear of not having enough energy or fear of stepping into leadership. Whatever your fear is, I have some wonderful news for you. Your fear is a critical step in you moving forward in your vision work. Although you have probably heard many definitions of fear, God revealed the truth about fear to me about three years ago as I was preparing a lesson for the Teen Sunday school class I taught at the time.

Fear is the lack of submission and surrender to God.

Your fear shows you the areas in which you are not being faithful. What do you fear? List them out. Take a look at your list and run it through the truth that you have not believed God for each of those areas. Fear is not False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is a spiritual issue and no matter how many affirmations, positive thoughts and poems you use to attempt to overcome, combat or fight your fear, unless you use your spiritual tools, fear will not leave you alone. When you apply your spiritual tools of prayer, renewing your mind, meditation, surrender and speaking about only those things you desire to attract, fear will leave your life and if it does resurface, you have the tools to make it disappear.

To release your fear once and for all, recommit to being faithful and believing that God is going to bless you more than you can even imagine in each of those areas. Visualize having each of those fears disappear. Pray about them. Release them. In my book The Fearless Living Challenge, I further outline and explain the specific steps to living fearlessly and The Prayer of Surrender for you.

Bonus Question: Is There Enough “Vision” To Go Around For Everyone?

I will always remember sitting in my Economics 101 class at Western Washington University and learning the first fundamental law of our economic system – there are scarce resources and there is not enough to go around for everyone. While this question seems straight forward, you have to take a look at what you have believed prior to today. The concepts of success left over from the 80’ and 90’s suggested that success looks the same for everyone. Dream home. Yacht. Luxurious vacations. Opulence.

While you will have access to all of this through your vision work, your visionary success will look different from anyone else’s. Because there is such endless variety and no limits to the options God allows for you, if everyone chose to live their vision, it would create massive solutions and everyone would have what they needed.

The challenging aspect of this answer is that there will always be countless people who do not choose to live their vision. Since vision is of light, there will always be those who choose to be led by darkness and not step into the light of vision. So, there will always be more than enough opportunities for success and living your vision.

Go ahead, give yourself permission to be joyful not only for your vision, but for those around you living theirs’. God’s blessings for you have your name on them if you step up and take action to live His vision. While the secular world tells you that there is not enough of anything to go around, in God’s Kingdom, there is plenty here for everyone. Get started taking your vision to a new level TODAY!

I look forward to guiding and supporting you on your vision path. I have teachings on the specifics of bringing forth your vision in The Programs and Success Store sections of my website.

Be blessed and I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to email me with your feedback, questions and insights at

With All My Heart, Ericka

Ericka’s Special Offers and Resources
I Am Here For You…

Above all, know that I am here for you. Please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call me at (919) 954-8005 or email me at I worked to put all that you really need within this challenge. If, for some reason, you feel like you need further support and assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me.

I will also be premiering new offerings and membership that you will be able to receive at discounted rates. I will be specific when I announce them and you can also take advantage of those offers when they are announced. Please make sure you have signed up for my monthly e-zine (electronic magazine) at to stay abreast on upcoming offers.

Please check my website often, I add new tools and resources weekly to help further your visionjourney.


Self-Coaching: Your Guide to Living Inside the Bull’seye, 3rd Edition
The Fearless Living Challenge: A 49-day Course To Living Your Greatness
Leave Your Job in 2007! A Step-by-Step Plan to Live God’s Vision as Your Full-time Vocation


Nothing makes Ericka’s eyes sparkle like the possibility of people living God’s Vision for their lives. She truly understands that achieving success originates with and follows God. Only once you deeply understand your assignment in God’s Kingdom, will you begin to experience authentic success. She skillfully blends spiritual insights with practical knowledge that walk you through the process of fully surrendering and clearing away anything in the way of knowing and acting on God’s path for your life. She has been gifted with the ability to “see” others’ life purposes and visions and to discern what is needed to move them to the next level.

She uses her gifts and experience as a speaker, emotional healer, and visionary to guide others in living God’s vision as their vocation, She guides her audiences in fearless living, time management and turning their vision work into successful businesses. Ericka’s life experience and passion for evoking the best out of others naturally evolved into launching The Convergence Center in 2001, a company on a mission to lead a cutting-edge, multi-media movement that provides Christians with the tools, insights and processes for achieving personal and professional freedom.

She has developed several teaching series including The Success Salon®, Bigger! Bolder! Better: Taking Your Business to New Heights®, and The Ericka Jackson Show®. She is the author of Self Coaching: Your Guide to Living Inside the Bull’s-eye, The Fearless Living Challenge: A 49- day Course To Living Your Greatness, Leave Your Job in 2007! A Step-by-Step Plan to Live God’s Vision as Your Full-time Vocation, and The Power of Vision: Recognizing God’s Call.

She is advancing in ministry currently as a licensed Evangelist. Ms. Jackson continues to share her gifts, talent and expertise with ministries around the country. She lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her daughter, Kalii.

YOU HOLD THE POWER © 2006 by Ericka D. Jackson
You hold the power of co-creation in your hand More than ever before you must take a stand Stand up and build your Vision today
It’s time to give it your all and no longer just play

There is greatness in you the world has not seen Your greatness can no longer remain just a dream He put a Vision in you that only you can fulfill You must boldly go forth and not sit still

How? You might ask. Allow me to say
Keep your eyes on the prize and do a little each day What is your Vision? Whom will you serve? All of God’s goodness you fully deserve

Make today the last day with fears that you wrestle This is not about you, you are only the vessel But an unwilling vessel is a dangerous thing Because the brilliance and gifting remain unseen

God has given the plan on which you shall act You have all that you need and nothing to lack No more fears, no more lies, no more living small lives Go forth and spread love
With the force of a lion and with faith as your glove For without you, someone else will not see All that God needs them to be

It’s time for you to walk in Victory!



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