The Power of Vision: Recognizing God’s Call by Ericka Jackson - HTML preview

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What Exactly is Vision?

While this seems like a straight forward question, it really isn’t because there are so many different uses of the word “vision.” While vision can be a prophetic “seeing” of something that has not yet occurred in the natural world, it is also used to describe a goal. Vision, as I discuss it, is the ultimate conception of what God shows you as possible for your life. Vision is the big picture of what you were born to do. Vision chooses you. You cannot choose your vision, it is already assigned to you. Your job is to uncover it and take action on it.

I remember when I began realizing my vision. I was 12 years old and my sister talked me into running for class Vice-President. I had to prepare a speech to deliver in front of the entire 7th grade class. I clearly remember looking up into the bleachers and seeing the faces of all of my friends, acquaintances and teachers and feeling no nervousness at all. I stood at the tabletop podium and delivered my speech. Although I don’t remember exactly what I said, I vividly remember the reaction my words received from the crowd. My classmates were standing on their feet cheering, screaming and letting out piercing whistles.

I stood there dazed for a moment as I fully grasped that their reaction was in response to my speech. It was at that moment that I understood that God had given me a gift of speaking and sharing a message that left people changed. I also realized that I was most comfortable speaking in front of a crowd – the more the better. That was the first glimpse of my vision – God’s largest purpose for my life.

Vision is of God. This process of living to your full capacity and potential can only be from God. Contrary to the mantras, “You can do anything you put your mind to!” and “Shoot for the stars!” that the motivational speakers of the 1980’s and 1990’s tried to drill into your head. The truth is you can do anything God has ordained you to do. All too often we try to adopt someone else’s calling or purpose because it looks great, fun and wonderful. Well, that is theirs. God has something specific that is yours. Which is why it appears that you have sometimes failed because you were working on an idea or vision that was not really intended for you.

Whew! That’s deep, isn’t it? It is so different from what you may have been taught or have come to believe. When you really take a closer look, it is quite freeing. When you are on-point with your vision, your purpose, passion, gifts, talents, preferences and chosen altitude (calling) all culminate to create the most deeply fulfilling life for you and those you have been chosen to serve.