The Shocking Truth by Roxanne Robinson - HTML preview

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4 billion Pounds of industrial chemicals are released into our environment every year. 72 Million Pounds of those chemicals are known carcinogens (cancer-causing agents.)” as stated by Environmental Defense Group (EDG). Where do you think all those chemicals go when they are released into our environment?

The Shocking Truth is that all the toxins, heavy metals and chemicals released into the Environment, eventually enter your system. These nasty elements contaminate your air, your food, and your water. A Scientific Study showed “the Average American has approximately 90 different industrial chemicals in their body at any given time.”

A fast-paced lifestyle has increased the development of poisons, chemicals, heavy metals and toxins, all in the name of Progress. Man’s push to be and have the best in every aspect of life; may also be the cause of his destruction in the end.

The Human ‘Race’ by nature is always in a hurry, always pushing to get it done quicker, better and for the least amount of money. Unfortunately, this attitude has resulted in a very dirty planet; where no living thing is safe from the toxic fallout bombarding our planet.

The Shocking Truth is that approximately 70,000 man-made chemicals are in use commercially in the United States everyday. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “65,000 of these chemicals are labeled “Hazardous to Your Health.” One problem resulting from this total disregard for the environment; every living thing on this planet is in danger of toxic overload.

Are you wondering, how this toxic fallout could possibly have gotten out of control? Rest assured this did not happen overnight, this condition is a result of years of releasing toxins, chemicals and heavy metals into our atmosphere.

Here are a few of the ways these elements enter our atmosphere:

· Smoke released while manufacturing various products. · When producing energy to light up our world.
· Exhaust produced from different modes of travel.
· Pesticides and herbicides used both commercially and



· Using chemicals to clean our water.

By knowing how these nasty elements enter our atmosphere; you will find it easier to understand how they get into your body. Every breath you take probably contains some kind of toxin; everything you eat contains some toxins and every glass of water you drink has chemicals in it. To make matters even worse, you might unknowingly be adding more toxins, chemicals and poisons to your system.

Almost everything you use on a daily basis may contain some kind of chemical additive. Everyday items like; toothpaste, deodorants, hair products, household cleaners, perfumes and colognes, some hand creams, diet products, sugar substitutes and many more; have been linked to hazardous chemicals and toxins.

Many man-made pharmaceuticals also contain hazardous elements, albeit in small quantities, nonetheless they are there. Knowing that your body is just a dumping ground for the chemicals and toxins, you wonder is there anything that can be done to fix this? Never fear there is a solution to your body’s pollution, which is easy and effective in the removal of these toxins, which I will show you later in this report.

The contamination of our planet is not just one Country’s fault; every country in the World has contributed to this pollution. Every culture carries some responsibility for the state of our environment and needs to take action in the clean up our Dirty World.

The Human Race did not know that they were creating a sleeping giant in their quest for a better life and richer lifestyle. Always looking for ways to make life easier, more efficient and more productive; mankind neglected to consider the long-term effects of their progress and what it would cost the Human Race.

Here are some Shocking Truths:

· Toxins, heavy metals and chemicals bombard you daily. · No place on this planet is immune from this threat. · You will deal with this problem for the rest of your life. · Toxic overload affects every living thing.