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Table Of Contents

The Introduction
The Positivity Factor
The Creativity Factor
The Happiness Factor
The Innovation Factor
The Personal Inspiration Factor
The Leadership Factor
The Internal Motivation Factor
The Personal Organization Factor
The Time Management Factor
The Unique Greatness Factor
The Action Steps
Your Free Gift – The Video Training Course
The Resources Section

Hi and welcome to the “Success Synergy Formula” e-book. Thanks for downloading it – I do believe that you will find value in what you read but I want you to do one simple thing.

Don’t dismiss the ideas because they may be simple – it is a proven fact that simple ideas work better than complex ones because you understand then easily and can apply them quickly.

My goal is to make it a pivotal point in your life where you begin putting together the elements necessary for building a life that you personally consider to be successful…and if you walk away with one (1) – yeah, just one NEW idea, then for me this writing is successful.


Now you may already know some of what you read – but knowing something is not what produces results – acting on what you know and actually doing something is what really separates those who have okay lives, from those whose lives are outstandingly successful.

All You Need To Walk Away With From This E-Book Is One (1) New Idea – and that alone could literally launch you to outstanding success…so take the time and extract you launch-pad idea – and when you do, take a moment and share it with me and my readers on the blog by going to the “Success Synergy Formula” page and posting a comment.

Let’s get started…

The Positivity Factor

It is not always easy to maintain a smile on your face. This is because of setbacks and misfortunes especially if your home is about to be foreclosed or you just lost your job. What do you do when that happens? There is no other way to put it but try to remain positive.

But how do you do that? Well you can start by being thankful for what you do have. If your home has not yet been foreclosed, be grateful that the government is trying something so you can still keep the house. If you lost your job, be thankful that you can get unemployment checks until such time that you can find another job.

Everyone knows that times are tough. To make you remember the things that you do have, why don’t you write it down and then read it again whenever you feel down.

Another way to think positive is to find the silver lining in a given situation. If you lost your job, perhaps this is the right time to think about shifting to a new career, starting your own business or even going back to school. This is perhaps the best thing you can do if nobody is hiring, if you don’t have capital to start your own business and if no one is willing to lend money.

Ever heard the line, “whatever hurts you now only makes you stronger?” Well such a statement is true because sometimes, we have to fall flat on our face to see what we are doing before we realize that there is another way or that we can change. Once you hit rock bottom, this is when you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over.

Let’s say you didn’t lose your job or your home but just feel lost. When this happens, try to see the bigger picture. If you are the breadwinner in the family, you can’t afford to let your spouse or your children down. At work, you are part of the team so you have to do your job to the best of your ability.

Have you ever told anyone your dream and people laughed at it? This happens and there are two things you can do. One forget about that dream and wonder what if for the rest of your life or use that as your driving force and prove them wrong. If you think you can do it, stick to your guns but if it is seems to be unrealistic or too ambitious, listen to them and see what the pitfalls are so you can make the proper adjustments.

You can also stay positive by listening to people or hearing what others have said. You can find these in inspirational books or audio books available at the store or online. You have to remember that these people have written their stories to tell the audience their adversities and how they were able to overcome them. After reading, the question you have to ask yourself is can you do the same?

At work, there is such a thing called burnout and when this happens, you are not that effective like you were before. When this happens, take a step back or go on a vacation. We all need to rest and clear our minds so that we return feeling refreshed.

It is right that you fight for something that you think is right. But if you have done something wrong, don’t be afraid to admit it. We all make mistakes. It is a part of being human. You should take it as a learning opportunity because we can always learn and improve.

Aside from listening to a recording or reading a book, you can also continue to be positive by talking to a friend. You don’t feel about yourself by putting him down but rather sharing and complimenting each other.

Believe it or not, one more way to stay positive is to realize that you can never please everybody. If you know someone who is full of negativity, get away from them and only hang out with people who are just as optimistic as you.

This is because positivity brings about and attracts positivity.

The Creativity Factor

There are many ways to get a job done. You can follow what people have done in the past or tried something that has never been done before. Such a technique is in itself creativity because when faced with a problem, sometimes you have to think out of the box to find the answer you are looking for. The question now is, how can you become more creative
To become more creative, you can read books and apply techniques that are used in case to the situation you are facing. Will it always work? Of course not but this can give other people ideas. What you have done in short is get the ball rolling.

Aside from reading books, your creativity may also manifest itself after attending a seminar or a lecture because such events allow people from a similar field to share ideas and opinions. This is why some professionals attend conventions because there are breakthroughs and inventions that were not available before which can be used now.

Some people get ideas from simple things. It could be a television show, something they saw in the mall or even the museum. If you see something interesting, take note of it and then ask how it works. If you have a notepad, write it down so you can always go back to it later on. Try to see things the way they are and not how you think it is.

You can also be creative by trying new things and knowing if it will work or not. You don’t have to do this for anybody just yourself so you know what risks you can take and at the same time have fun. A good example will be try a new sport or learn a musical instrument.

Another will be to improve on something that has already been made. In fact, this is how a lot of people have made a fortune. Remember all those gadgets sold on the home shopping network? Although there are devices or machines already that can do the job, these people have decided to make a device that is smaller or more compact.

If you think about the items being sold, if you knew a little better, you could be the ones making the money not them. The only difference is that they paid attention to their creative side more thus they were able to make it and the only thing you can do is buy the item.

You can also become more creative by playing games. A good example is the toy Lego. Although you can assemble something based on the picture and the instruction manual, it allows you to build your own thing. This is the only toy that can do that with other brands following the same theme.

If your life seems to be a routine, do something different for a change. There are places to see and things to do so go out and travel. Believe it or not, you can also foster creativity by taking a break and then working on it again later. This gives your mind time to recharge so you can continue what you were working on.

There are many ways to foster creativity. You can learn it by looking at things, listening to people or through simple discovery. For the most part, it is something we have that must be nurtured so you shouldn’t be afraid to also express yourself once in awhile.

The beauty of being human is that we are capable of learning things no matter how old we become. Creativity is something innate that you discover it as a child and as you realize later on, it must be pursued continuously later on in life so you are always learning every single day. Remember, such an activity should be fun so don’t stress yourself out.

The Goal Driven Factor

Ever wanted to be rich and famous?

Well some people reach that while others don’t. This feat does not happen overnight or by wishing on a star. It takes a great amount of effort and some luck. This all begins by being able to set your goals.

To do that, you first have to ask yourself “what do I want to do in life?”. As a child, you probably said to yourself “I want to be a fireman” or something to that effect. Years later this changes and if you look back, you ended up doing something else.

Does this mean you don’t know how to set goals? No because it is a fact of life that the things we liked as a child change as we grow up. We matured and decided to pursue something else more fulfilling.

As you grow older, you don’t always have to do what your parents say anymore because the decision is in your hands. Do you want to join the varsity team? Do you want to go to college? These are things you have to ask yourself then from there, you can review which one has more priority over the other.

For instance, teens who got pregnant have to raise their baby which means they don’t have time to finish high school or even go to college. This means they have to choose being a mother rather than pursuing a career. When the child gets older, only then can they consider going back to school so they are able to complete a goal that was set aside for awhile.

When you set goals, you have to think which ones of these are short term and those that are long term. If you want to get good grades in school that is the short term goal because the long term goal is getting into the college of your choice and finding work.

It would be a good idea to write these down and then put subtasks underneath so you can plan how this can be achieved. You can write down how many hours you plan to study daily then when the SAT’s are coming, you can countdown how many days there are left until the big day that will give you enough time to prepare for each of the subjects on the test.

If you got into the college of your choice or graduated already, naturally you cross out these old goals and then put new ones. If you loaned money for college, you have to figure out how to pay it off by knowing how much you should pay monthly.

It is not always a straight path to achieve your goals. Setbacks do happen and we have to adapt with the situation and change some of them. For instance, if you are no longer happy with your career, you will most likely want to shift to another one.

Does this affect the long term goal? Not really but it will just delay the time that it will take you to achieve it.

One thing you should consider when setting goals is not only thinking about yourself but others as well and this happens when you have your own family. Yes you may be bringing home the bacon but does this reduce the amount of time you spend with your spouse or your kids? A lot of experts have said that there must be a balance but some people find it easier said than done.

What if your job requires you to move? Can you and they handle it? Most of the time, they will be supportive especially if you are the breadwinner in the family. But the cost of course is them leaving their friends behind which is very difficult for the kids. The point is as head of the household, you have to get them also involved in the process of setting goals.
Setting goals are easy when this is written on paper. The challenge will be achieving it. If you are almost there, don’t give up and hold out as long as you can. If the plans you have set are not working, step back and see what is wrong because sometimes another approach is necessary. (Achieving Goals)

The Happiness Factor

Can you always be happy?


As you know, this isn’t always easy. There are things we have to do aside from just putting a smile and your face so here are a few of them.

First, don’t take life too seriously. If you do, this only causes stress. What you have to understand is that there are things beyond your control so you should learn to let these go. The only thing that you can do is do things to the best of your ability and then hope that it is enough.

You should also learn to laugh and appreciate the lighter things in life. Most of us don’t realize it now but some of the mistakes that we commit now, we talk about later on and when we look back, it is something also worth laughing about. But until that day comes, learn from your mistake and try not to do it again. If you can, try to reflect what you did at the end of the day.

Should things go wrong, always look for the silver lining. Sometimes, bad things happen for a reason and this provides us with an opportunity.

Instead of wishing for things that you don’t have, you should also learn to be happy with what you have. Chances are, you don’t live in a mansion or own a fancy car. What you have is your life, your friends and your family so you should be thankful for that.

Are there people around you that criticize you often and as a result, this brings you down. There are people who are like that and here, you can tell who your real friends are. If they respected you, they wouldn’t do that. But if they see something wrong, there is a way to make you realize that you made a mistake and would take steps to help you become a better person.
The same can be said toward your treatment to other people. If you are a true friend, you will always encourage and support them.

One of the most important things you need to be happy is to be yourself. This means expressing yourself even if this will not please everybody. You can do that by engaging in activities that you enjoy and striving for short and long term goals.

We need people around us so we must always have a healthy relationship. Yes, there will be times that you will fight or have misunderstandings but situations like these makes your bond even stronger than before.

You should also make an effort to maintain a line of communication so that you guys are able to hang out with one another even if you pursue different things later on in life.

Another way to be happy is to learn to diversify. This simply means not sticking to the same daily routine. If you have time, try to engage in fun activities like a hobby, a new adventure or an exercise routine.

There is one other way to always be happy and that is to help people. Helping someone in need always makes you feel good even if you do not get anything in return. Who knows? That kind gesture will be rewarded later on when someone sees that you need help.

The hardest thing to do to have a happy life is to learn to forgive. If people have done you wrong, learn to forgive them for what they have done. If you feel you have done wrong to others, learn to forgive yourself.

Life is too short to live in on regrets, mistakes and misfortunes. Yes these are all setbacks but this should not change who you are because despite the circumstances, you can still be happy.

If you need help to find your way, seek professional or religious counseling because both can show you the way. When we talk about professional help, this does not always mean seeking a psychiatrist but rather a life coach. For the religious aspect, there is always the pastor or priest.
We all have the power within ourselves to be happy. You can start by following some of the things mentioned one at a time and then making it a part of your daily life.

The Innovation Factor

Ever got stuck with one problem that you can’t forget until you are able to solve it? Well there are many ways to overcome that and only those who follow the proper steps can do it. Can you handle it? Let’s find out.

What people have to understand is that each problem they face is different from the last one they encountered so you should approach the issue with clarity.

When you take an exam in school, some of the questions on the sheet are not found in the text book. What was taught to you are the principles in how to solve the problem. It is now up to you to find the right solution.

A good example of this is math. Yes you leaned how to add, divide, subtract and multiply. If a word problem asks you a certain question, you have to think quickly what you will do to get the correct answer.

But what if the problem is more complex than working with numbers? When this happens, you have to figure out what is wrong first so you can think of the right solution. But before you can carry that out, you must have a plan.

Before this executed though, you have to understand what are the repercussions of your actions. If you have weighed everything and this seems to be the best solution then we go to the next step which is executing it.

Let’s use another example. If there is a leak under the kitchen sink, chances are you probably have a busted pipe. One option to take care of the leak will be to apply sealant which should terminate the leak. Another option is to replace the pipes if indeed, it is already damaged.

The first option is good and at the same time cheap. You can buy the sealant yourself from the hardware store and then fix the problem your self. In the long run, what you have only done is put a short term solution for the problem.

The second option on the other hand is more effective but it is going to cost you more when you have to buy some new pipes or hire a plumber to do the work. Could you have replaced the old pipe yourself? The answer is yes if you have the skills to do it. If you don’t better let a specialist do it because you could just make the problem even worse.

This is why execution is simply putting into action what you have planned. If everything goes smoothly, then the problem is solved but if something goes wrong, you have to take a step back again and then find a way to deal with the new problem.

When the problem is solved, we are relieved and think that the case is closed. But what if it happens again? This is why we must always evaluate what was done and then consider if the same plan should be carried out should a similar situation happen.

But didn’t we say earlier to approach each problem with clarity and that no situation is the same? Yes we did but most problems that occur today are very similar to events that happened before. This is why situations are documented and taught so people will be able to see if the same or different course of action should be taken.

There are too many examples to mention where we are faced with problems and it takes awhile for our brains to figure out how to solve it. If you have never done this before, try asking people for help because they may have encountered this problem in the past.

Does it make you less of a man to do that? Of course not because we don’t have the answers to everything and this is always what makes us human.

The problems we face everyday can be solved using the simplest or complex solutions. This is perhaps the best quality we have the separates us from any other animal in the planet. When there is a situation, we take steps to deal with it. You will only know what to do when you are able to assess the situation, come up with different solutions, weigh the pros and cons, execute it and then evaluate the results.

The Personal Inspiration Factor

Inspiration is what drives us to do great things. It could be a feat that was accomplished by another person or something tragic that makes you want to win. This just goes to show you can get inspiration from just about anything so you just have to find yours.

There are many places where you can get inspiration. It could be from a book that you read, a movie which you saw or something you saw with your own eyes. If this gets you motivated and makes you want to do something similar, then you have found your inspiration.

What you have to do now is choose the goals you want to achieve. Naturally, what you want to achieve will take time. This means you have to come up with a plan so this can be executed and you achieve the desired result.

Let’s say you want to win in a competition. Regardless of what sport it is, you have to get in shape. Since it is rare that athletes train on their own, you have to find a club or a coach who will be in charge of your training regimen.

From now until the day of the competition, you just have to practice day in and day out. Focus on your technique and build up your endurance. Come race day, it is you against the other competitors and hopefully, you could end up being the winner.

But what if you know that and you know someone who needs some inspiration. Well, you can be the good Samaritan and help them find it so they can accomplish a similar feat. Aside from helping find their inspiration, you should also show them how to get it. When they have done so, they will be thankful for your help and you will feel good about your noble gesture.

You can be an inspiration to others by also setting a good example. Ever heard the line, “practice what you preach.” Well, this is your moment and if people see what you are doing, they will do the same because they know you are being a good role model.
Another way to inspire others is to show that you care. Talk to people and ask how they are. Learn to know what they like and don’t like. Find out if they have problems and offer your help.

At the same time, talk about yourself and share your own experiences with these people. Your words of wisdom will really help a lot especially if they are now going through a situation similar to yours. One way to make you look human is to share not only your successes but also your failures.

A good example is at work since you are surrounded by colleagues and newbies. If you are one of the most senior ones around, naturally people will look up to you and follow your instructions. Should there be some newcomers, give them a warm welcome so they don’t feel nervous working with you on the first day.

Every so often, go around and talk to your group. Give them the chance to speak their minds because they may have good ideas that can help the organization. Should these suggestions work out, don’t take the credit but hand it to them. This shows that you are fair with your people and they will respect you even more.

In both instances, to be able to inspire others, you have to be a good communicator. You have to be able to speak your mind and share your thoughts. If you can make people imagine what is happening, the better.

If you don’t know how to communicate properly, enroll in a class that allows you to do so. Not everyone is a good speaker but with some practice, you can get the hang of it.

We are all beacons of inspiration. We don’t have to be heads of state or leaders to do that since we can in our own little way inspire ourselves or even others to do more with their lives. It just takes a little effort to ask ourselves and people what they want so we can plan what needs to be done and make it happen.

The Leadership Factor

There are leaders and there are followers. Living in a free country, you get to be elected to become a leader. But do you have to go for the highest post in the land to be called a leader? No because in projects in school or at work and even in the military, people with certain skills are also called leaders.

But how do you become a leader? Well the first step is to have good decision making skills. As you know, this is something you are not born with but rather taught at a young age. Your parents probably taught you the difference between right from wrong and that there are consequences for certain actions.

If you make mistakes, don’t beat around the bush or pass the buck. If you made a mistake, learn to admit it and say you are sorry. Learn from it so you don’t commit the same mistake again.

Being a leader does not always mean talking and everyone doing what you say. Remember we just said that sometimes we mistakes and how it can be avoided? Instead of you thinking about what to do, listen to what people say.

Your people may have a great idea that you never thought about before. Once they have said their piece, take it into consideration.

Apart from making mistakes, good leaders should also be able to recognize their shortcomings. We all have that and the people we work with sometimes are too afraid to tell us what these are. If you want to know what it is, you have to allow them to speak freely so you can identify what you need to change.

In fact, you can also share your sentiments to your staff. This is not to get back at them but to reciprocate what is known as constructive criticism.

How can you expect people to listen to you if you don’t have good communication skills. Effective leaders speak well and if you lack that, it will be a good idea to take public speaking courses and practice speaking in front of the mirror or your friends.

Did you know that most of speeches written by high ranking people are not written by themselves? Once their speech is made, they practice before speaking in front of a live audience. This allows the listeners to understand what they are trying to say.
Leaders should be able to also take some risk in every decision they make. It should not be made on a whim but rather a calculated one that could be good for the organization. If this should fail though, you should be ready to face the consequences and take responsibility.

It will also be a good idea to assess what happened so that if you want to try something like this in the future, the outcome will be different.

The last quality that any leader must have is trust. People look up to you so you have to show that whatever they say is kept in the secret confidence. If you say you are going to do something, you better keep your word because this is your bond even if you did not sign any papers. Hopefully, people will admire these qualities and then try to do the same thing.

The qualities mentioned of how to be a good leader are idealistic. This is because there are other things people do that are bad and that is the reality. To them, they think that the end justifies the means.

Did some people get hurt along the way? Yes there were a few but is this how it must be done? The answer is no.

A leader is not born. He or she is made so that they can have a vision and then share this to whoever they are working with. Does the leader have the answers to everything? Of course not but if the person is able to inspire others, it can help them develop ideas that they can share.

In time, the leader will have to step down and new ones will take their place. So right now, the subordinates need to learn fo

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