The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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I wanted to point out to you, that..

You came across this book because you decided to take up the responsibility about the way you see yourself, how you see and respond to others and how you feel about you wherein you are about to cause a major shift in human consciousness, because of this divine intention. This book has the power to change the entire collective consciousness when this book is being shared all over the world. This book is designed to enlighten you just by reading and contemplating it. It is a great compilation and summary of all the greatest teachings for human beings, most of it, especially being revived by my master Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, an incarnation of Super Consciousness on this planet Earth, metaphysically guiding me to support his vision and dedicated mission for humanity to have another super conscious breakthrough for the evolution of mankind. This book has the power to awaken your dormant potential and will be a daily guide to keep you inspired, to maintain your integrity towards the being who you really want to be- with knowing that your intention to be is where you feel your life is of most value for you and others.

Being always inspired is who you are looking for inside of you.

You are coming back to your center, your core of being, your values and desires in life and start to recognize yourself as the source of your power and worthiness, if you keep entering into that and that becomes your life context by sharing this knowledge than this is entering into spirituality. The Cosmic- YOU! Being inspired by the knowledge that comes from the very source. Your spirit raises yourself by yourself and others to a higher possibility of existence, which is the intention of the highest consciousness."

"Treat this book with respect it is deserving. It is there for you to turn your immature conclusions and questions about life into solid answers and that turning to an experience, a successful result. It has heard you and found a way to get to you. This book came to existence because you asked for it.

Years back I told everyone that I would be writing a book without really knowing why..

All puzzle pieces came together through this book. In my young age the Sanskrit term "Jiva" popped up in my life and it resonated with my very being, which in itself means "Soul". Since then it became my spiritual name I have chosen, as the very initial sign of my purpose. Later I added unknowingly the Sanskrit term "Shakti" unto it, which means Power. To that time I was not yet introduced of the existence of my Master. Years later living in the monastery complex of my guru he shared the meaning of this Sanskrit terms. Jiva Shakti is one cosmic principle of Super Consciousness. It means, "the power of giving/enriching". There are four fundamental cosmic principles (in Sanskrit: tattvas) which are:

Integrity  (Vaak Shakti) The power of words

Authenticity  (Mano Shakti) The power of thoughts

Responsibility  (Buddhi Shakti) The power of feeling

Enriching  (Jiva Shakti) The power of living

This book will be life changing as you already read through the introduction. In this manner, I am happy for you that you have chosen to go the sacred path, that which is YOU.

Let's not use too many words for the introduction of this book, the time has come for you to have continuous breakthroughs just because your power of intention co created these letters, which are the letters you wanted to manifest. Your own power, are the letters you are reading right now.