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Chapter 6 - Water Not Wine

While there is nothing wrong in drinking the occasional glass of wine, when you’re trying to lose weight, almost all the fluid you consume should only be water.

The easiest way to get fat is to drink your calories. Avoid sodas, commercially sold fruit juices, sports drinks, etc. You only need water!

And you should drink lots of it.

This is why you should drink water…

 Drinking ice cold water in the morning speeds up your metabolism

 It reduces your appetite. Any time you feel like snacking, drink a glass or two of water and you’ll feel full and be less likely to snack.

 It keeps you hydrated and healthy.


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From Flab To Fab

 Your body needs water to metabolize fat. It’s part of the fat burning process.

 You’ll be less likely to get dehydrated during exercise if you drink water regularly.

There’s really no need to emphasize this any further. Drink enough water daily.


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From Flab To Fab

Chapter 7 - The Power of Protein

This is one of the most powerful techniques to speed up weight loss.

The more proteins you consume, the faster you’ll lose weight. The body uses up more calories to digest protein. Unlike fats and carbs which are quickly and easily digested, proteins burn more calories.

Never consume a carb without a protein. Never consume a fat without a protein.

Just by having the protein together with these foods, you’ll prevent an insulin spike.

One of the best ways to get protein in your diet is to eat eggs.

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. They have received a bad rep about high cholesterol and a lot of other false information.


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From Flab To Fab

This is highly ironic since cereals which are detrimental to one’s health are believed to be healthy, yet eggs which are truly beneficial are demonized.

This book will set the record straight. Eggs are a wonderful source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and a lot of other beneficial nutrients.

Cholesterol in the body is due to saturated fat and trans fat and not dietary cholesterol. That means that despite what you have been told, eating the eggs with the yolk is just fine.

In fact, it’s healthier since most of the nutrients are found in the yolk.

Not only are eggs a fantastic source of lean protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, but they contain some pretty important nutrients.

Eggs are also considered to be the perfect food. They contain vitamin D, 7 grams of protein, vitamins B6, B12, choline, leucine, L-arginine and folate. You may not be familiar with what most of these vitamins are but what really matters is that they are what your body truly needs.


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From Flab To Fab

What truly matters is how you prepare the eggs and that you consume them in moderation. Do not fry eggs in saturated fat or in vegetable oils. Use coconut oil or olive oil. Fry them lightly or half-boil them.

The point to note is that when you are losing weight, you should mix 2 egg yolks and the rest should be egg whites. This is assuming that you’re having more than 2 eggs.

The reason for this is that egg yolks though high in protein, are calorie dense. So, you want the benefits that eggs provide but you do not want to add too many calories to your diet.

If you’re still on the fence about this, Rochester Centre for Obesity in America, conducted research that proved eating eggs for breakfast could limit daily calorie consumption by more than 400 calories. Isn’t that fantastic?

One point to note is that if you are consuming eggs daily, you will be getting more than enough protein. It would be ideal to avoid protein shakes and other commercial protein products sold in your health stores. Ideally, we should be getting our proteins from natural sources.

Also, try and get eggs that are organic. They will contain less omega-6 fats and more omega-3 fats.


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From Flab To Fab

If you’re a vegetarian and don’t eat eggs…

There are many vegetables that are high in protein too. You can eat those and achieve the same benefits.

20 High Protein Veggies

 Peas (Green)

 Mange Tout (Edible-Podded Peas, cooked)

 Sweet Corn (Yellow)

 Succotash (Corn And Limas, cooked)

 Sprouted Beans, Peas & Lentils (Soybean Sprouts)

 Lima Beans (Cooked)

 Kale

 Broccoli Raab (Cime di Rapa, cooked)

 Parsley

 Artichokes (Globe or French)

 Spinach (Cooked)

 Mushrooms (White, cooked)

 Collard Greens


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From Flab To Fab

 Mustard Greens

 Broccoli

 Baby Zucchini (Courgettes)

 Garden Cress

 Beet Greens (Cooked)

 Arugula (Rocket)

 Brussels Sprouts (Cooked)


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From Flab To Fab

Chapter 8 - Sleep Your Way To Weight


Getting enough sleep is crucial to losing weight.

When you don’t get enough sleep, your body is stressed out and releases a hormone called cortisol. This hormone leads to weight gain indirectly.

What most people fail to realize is that being constantly deprived of sleep will take a toll on your health in the long run.

Research has shown that people who have less sleep eat more, feel hungrier and generally consume 350 calories more than required. Those who stay awake late often find themselves consuming snacks and heavy meals often.

Your body’s insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance levels will drop. This is bad since your body will go into fat storage mode instead of being in fat burning mode. When your insulin sensitivity is down, you will store fat much more easily. The same applies for glucose tolerance.


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From Flab To Fab

Lack of sleep also increases the body’s stress hormone, cortisol.

Once again the body’s fat burning ability decreases or in a worst case scenario, just completely stops.

If you’re eating on a caloric deficit and training daily, your body is already stressed out. It needs sleep to rest and repair itself. Not to mention de-stress.

There is a reason it is referred to as “beauty sleep”.

All the best attempts at losing weight will be hampered if you can’t afford to get enough sleep at night. Power naps during the day will not cut it.

You need sleep at night for at least 7 hours. Most people claim to get by on less. They may… but at a price to their health in the long run.

Aim to be more productive so that you get more work done in the office and don’t have to stay late. Stop watching late night TV

and do not work out too close to bedtime. Ideally, you should be working out in the day.


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From Flab To Fab

Try and meditate to free your mind from the daily stresses of life.

Remember, even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat. There is more to life than deadlines, targets and appraisals.

Get enough sleep and you will find it much easier to shed the fat.

The power of a good night’s sleep should never be underestimated.

Do ensure that you’re getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily.

Don’t burn the candle at both ends when you’re on a weight loss journey.


Copyright © 2016 – All Rights Reserved

From Flab To Fab