Twitter Wonder Tactics: Harness the Power of Twitter for Pure Profit by Grigore Turcanu - HTML preview

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Testing, Tracking and Improving
The key to an effective marketing strategy is the ability to quickly determine how efficient your marketing is. Traditional marketing requires you to wait for months to determine its effectiveness and even then you can’t be sure whether it was your advertising that increased sales or some other external factors. This is where the beauty of online marketing comes in because you have tools at your disposal that will provide you with this information in real time and for free.

Therefore it goes without saying that you also want to track your Twitter marketing so that you can determine which approaches are effective. This will save you both time and money.

There are a number of free and paid services you can use to track the traffic coming to your website, no matter its source. One of the most popular is Google Analytics, which is free. It provides a wide range of reports on your traffic covering traffic sources to keywords used to locate your site. However, one drawback is that it does not update statistics in real time as it can take up to 24 hours. is a paid service that is even more effective because it allows you to track each link you post on the web. It also provides information on the activity of those visitors on your website. This is an excellent way for you to improve your marketing strategy because it allows you to follow a prospect from the moment they click the link to the time they leave your site, whether they make a purchase or not. This means that you can adapt and improve your strategies as you have clear information on which approach works and which doesn’t.