Uncage Eden: A Spiritual Philosophy Book about Food, Music, and the Rewilding of Society by DJ Rankin - HTML preview

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I love you trees.

I know it’s been rough lately,

Unci’s been sick,

because of stuff we did,

but she’s getting ready to start healing herself.

There is a movement of us,

we are waking up,

we are reconnecting with all of you.

We’re going to win this thing,

please hang in there.

I love you so much.

And any help you got is much appreciated, aho.





Today is Tree Day. Sun Dance eve. The day that the dancers will travel several miles to locate this year’s Sun Dance tree, and then they’ll all work together to carry it back to the arbor. I know, I’ve been a little vague so far, and I can’t guarantee that won’t continue, but I guess it would help if I filled you in a bit.

In the middle of the Sun Dance circle, there’s a tree, not growing, but in the ground and upright as though it were. The ceremony takes place around this sacred tree as it moves through the four directions. All of the dancers have prepared six hundred Tobacco ties, prayer ties, a hundred of each sacred color that they then wrap around the tree. Prayers for the people. That’s what Sun Dance is, the strong spiritual warriors praying for the rest of us. For the year ahead. This is the Lakota new year, and the tree is covered with heartfelt decoration. Thirty or so dancers, 600 ties each, 6 colors, plus other prayers from the community. It was entrancing.

A high voltage antennae transmitting to the heavens, as it’s toroidal flow energizes the Earth. The inipi concentrates a united prayer and blasts is skyward, affecting change in its wake of subatomic interaction, so if that’s only a sweat lodge, just imagine what four days of hardcore praying is gonna send out there. Or if you like science more than prayer, then just substitute the english word ‘vibration.’ A united ‘vibration’ blasting out through the unified field of universal energy, vocal cord reverberation, heat waves from the stones, and alpha brainwaves on my mind - prayer vibrations.

We live in a vibrating universe. Vibrations from the sun power our vibrating planet, who created the vibrations of life, and at the tiniest particle level, they may not be particles at all, but subatomic vibrations. Waves. Like the waves in our ocean, glittered with plastic as they sparkle in the vibrations of moonlight. The Moon that pulls on the tide throughout its cyclical orbit. A monthly celestial cycle, whose regularity is familiar to most, as well as the clear physical impact it has on our emotional state. Or the more gradual changes of our yearly orbit, cycling between seasonal allergies and seasonal depression. Gravitationally significant celestial bodies, spiraling through space, and affecting our day to day. Waveforms of energy, each positive and negative parabola a ‘cycle’, a complete revolution, and the number of cycles per second - the frequency.

The cycle of the Earth’s rotation - a day and a night, light and dark, positive and negative, yin and yang. Tuned into frequency 365.25 cycles/year. Other worldly happenings affect life on this planet. These basics that we based our calendar on, are simply within the spectrum of the cycles that we have the patience to notice, but certainly longer spanning movements affect our time here on Earth.

And our time here on Earth is filled with the smaller cycles of life, all the way down to the microscopic interplay of entangled electrons. These spiraling waves compose the universe, at every scale and level, from the infinite spirals of the expanding cosmos, to the very light waves that when projected through your physical being, give an illusion of an identity separate from spirit.

Or the outward spiral composed by the inward workings of a Snail’s shell, a product of random mutations, yet upon closer inspection, its design seems to religiously follow a rigid recipe for life. Through incalculable odds, these precise mathematical equations define the building blocks of our biological blueprints. This sacred geometry is the math of life. The math of the universe. The math of God.




1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55... The Fibonacci Sequence. A simple pattern attained through basic addition, and basically, if you combine any two adjacent numbers in the series, your total will bring you to the next. A mathematical system that builds on itself as it grows into infinity, and when its uncharted evolution is charted with curves, the spiral that unfolds is identical to the Snail, but let me slow this down a bit for you.

This sequence of numbers is found throughout the natural world, it seems to be the very fundamental element that guides the growth of our family. Sometimes it is manifested into this world as a literal spiral, like the shell, who upon a half organized dispection, is clearly a product of Fibonacci. A look at its cross section reveals many chambers of secrets, beginning with two similarly small compartments in the center. Our baseline, our 1 and 1, and the next section seems to have doubled in size, or a ratio of 2. Spiraling out from there, the growth has increased by 50%, giving us our 3. Now we start to gain some ground as we move away from the concentrated center of attention, add 3 + 2 to get 5, a bump up of 2/3 from our previous. And in this fashion, the shell follows the formula of fruition, chambers of 8, 13, 21, and so on, ensue.

This same specific spiral can be seen in the arrangement of seed heads, like in a Sunflower, or petals on many other flowers, often totaling a Fibonacci number. Or seed pods on a Pine cone, or the composition of a Spider’s web, or you can find the same ratio spiraling out of control from the eye of a hurricane and in the waveforms of the rising ocean. You can even see this numerical anomaly emanating from both the black hole at our galactic center, and the most intricate workings of our DNA molecules.

Outside of this cosmic spiraltuality, the math just keeps on giving. Trace the path of diverging branches as our Sun Dance tree ascends to greatness, always starting with a single trunk, and as you climb the increasingly frequent limbs of a tree, you also climb Fibonacci. And the Ant that passed you on the way up, his body is built around this sequence, as are the other animals, including us. From the segments of our hands to the arrangement of our face, it’s as if Fibonacci held the brush that painted us into existence.

Da Vinci drew it too, that’s what his famous depiction of man was all about, a diagram of divine design, which he then implemented into his many inventions. The human apery of nature’s architecture, seen in the curvature of the eiffel tower, and the perfection of the parthenon. It’s also what the free masons were all about, a guild of craftsman who geeked out on building with this heady math, maybe just for fun, but I’m thinking there might have been a little more to it. Like the fascinating relationship between this subconscious sequence, and the golden ratio, or Phi.

Phi is a little harder to wrap your head around, or to wrap my colonized words around at least, and the original greek symbol of a completed circle bisected by a straight line (Φ), actually turns out to be more accurate than just some arbitrary scribbling. Like Pi, Phi is a never ending number, 1.618033488... and on and on. We’ll just call it 1.61 though, the golden number, the golden mean, or the golden ratio. The ratio being 1:1.61, and most easily comprehended as a straight line segment. If we divide our line into a big half and a little half, in such a way that their ratio is mirrored by the ratio of the big half to the total length, that’s Phi. That’s a confusing bit, I know, but we’ll be ok as long as we can takeaway a concept of how this number can create an infinite sequence in either direction. Not yet, huh?

So just go with me on the 1.61 thing, people way smarter than either of us have already confirmed it, like Pythagoras. We’ve got our little half and big half, the latter of which is 1.61 times the length of the former, and the total of both is 1.61 times the length of the big half. So if we wanted to extend our sequence, we could add a line segment that is 1.61 times the length of our current total, which gives us a new total, and a new big half. And now we have a chance to add another 1.61. This could obviously go on forever, or could grow infinitely smaller as we continuously divide our line by our magic number.

Now, you could certainly create a line with any other ratio, like my favorite 1:2, with segments of 2,4,8,16,32,64,128, and 256, just as fractal in nature as we zoom up or down the infinite series of bits and bytes, but we’re talking about a different thing here. Only with our golden touch, does the symmetry of the sequence start to show itself. Every new segment of 1.61 times the last, is also the sum total of the previous two sections, so you could envision folding it over on itself, a perfect fit. And fold that into the last two, and then the two before that, and into infinity you can curl this ratio in on itself, theoretically, all the way back to the singularity. From the infinitesimally small beyond, only conceivable as a microscopic seed of life, this sequence then endlessly unravels itself, much as the Ferns of spring unravel themselves and the planet takes flight.

Wait a sec, you said each number is the sum of the previous two? I thought that was Fibonacci? Well, sort of. The difference in the two, is that Fibonacci starts from 1, a finite beginning, but Phi has nothing of the sort, it spans in either direction into perpetuity. Forever. Outside of time.

What is the ratio of Fibonacci then? Ah, here’s the cool part, one of them anyway. It’s always changing, but not a random mutation, it seems to be striving to bring itself closer and closer to Phi, closer to 1.61, closer to the golden number, closer to perfection. Let’s take a look.

So 1,1,2,5,8,13,21,well, the first two are pretty easy, they share a ratio of 1:1, duh. And another gimme with a 1:2 follow up. Ok, so far we’ve hit the integers on either side of our golden thingamabob, but I’m not sold yet. Well, 2:3 is the same as 1:1.5, and then 3:5 reduces to 1:1.66 and holy cow we’re already getting there. 5:8 is 1:1.60, 8:13 is 1:1.6153, and 13:21 brings us to 1:1.619. Shockingly close to our golden doodad, but never quite reaching its unreachable goal of perfection, only tightening its gap into infinity.

Try to visualize it like a waveform, graph it out, here, I’ll sketch it for you. Draw a straight horizontal line, this is Phi, 1.61, the unchanging constant in the cosmic construct. Now mark the first ratio of Fibonacci, 1.0, do it somewhere on the left side, just a dot somewhere under the Phi line. And now a bit to the right for the next ratio, 2.0, so a dot above the 1.61 line, but not as far away as the first had been. To the right a bit and back under for 1.5, right again and up above for 1.66, right and down 1.60, and let’s connect the dots on this fundamental vibration of life. Draw the wave, and see it drastically tune itself to our centerline, almost. With every cycle of our waveform, the Fibonacci sequence, or this mathematical code that seems to steer the growth of our planet, draws nearer and nearer to absolute unity. Pure perfection. A state of infinite connection. Oneness.




It’s like the G string on your bass rig, give it a good thump and watch it go. Wild erratic jumps at first, but quickly falls right in line, and you can literally watch the vibrations lose amplitude as the string approaches a full and complete stop. When it’s still, you can see the entire string, but no beautiful music. Only when you shake it up a bit, does the song start to unfold. So Phi is the guitar string in its infinitely resting position, as a particle, not a wave, the entire theory of music coiled into a single wire. And Fib is the string in motion, the vibration that brings the music to life, transforming the singular into the symphony of our sensual world. We know that the entire universe is made of vibrations, science, from particle physics to solar flares to vitamin D to 7.83 to radios to rainbows, and all the way out there until we hit the eternal white light.

Wait, eternal white light? You mean an infinite source of every other color in the known universe? An all-inclusive energy that can project a holographic reality, but only after being obscured through a filter of vibration? I see what you’re saying, the white light is Phi, the constant, the undivided beam of complete conclusion, the everything. And Fibonacci is the vibration of experience, as we spiral our way closer and closer to the heart of it all. Oops, think I got ahead of myself a bit, but pretty heady stuff, huh?

So the ratios of this Fibonacci thing are all over creation, almost looking like Phi, but not. Like the segmented lifestyle of our augmented Corn. Or something as simple as leaf spacing, which follows this flow chart, as it somehow provides the precise amount of room for maximum Sun exposure. Fibonacci is the engine of evolution. The mechanics of how the natural world comes into being. Each generation closer to perfection than the last, each cycle, and through the fine-tuned refinement phase, your species gradually becomes a more fit version of itself.

Phi is the ultimate destination, and a beacon of guiding light as we just give everything a bit of time. Fibonacci is the manifestation of the infinite Phi into this finite physical world. Within its vibration is the entirety of time itself. It seems that the whole system is built to experience the system building itself, and an impossible target ensures that the show must go on.

Certainly I’ve not proven God’s existence by equation, the dynamics of nature’s governing laws are what they are, no need to assume a supernatural governor. Plus, if we were gonna find God in the numbers, he wouldn’t be hiding in the land of the pagans, he’d obviously be in the sky. I’m not trying to prove anything, your path to spirit is yours alone, or not, and my idea of God is something that can’t be visualized anyway, and would certainly never fly in sunday school. God or not, there’s something with these numbers though, and something with the manifestation powers of unconditional love, and definitely something about the creative control of the cosmos. Yep, saw it in the stars.




The whole ‘science’ of astrology, is the study of celestial cycles of influence. Music on a much grander scale, but composed of the exact same wavy spirals. A spirographic universe of outward orbit. Not expanding into obsoletehood, but expanding its own consciousness as it comes closer and closer to a reunification with Phi. Think of Phi like a circle, a perfect circle, so think of Phi like a pie, now that’s not confusing at all. And Fibonacci is a single dot in the center, the beginning of something, a seed loaded with the code of creation and standing by for the word, the vibration, the go ahead to get going. It’s time.

Our Fib dot unfolds itself, now we have two points on a straight line. Another unfolding brings more dots and more straight lines, but as our series progresses, our program that seems to have a life of its own, also seems to be building a spiral that is getting close to the curvature of our Raspberry Phi. Our Moon around us, us around the Sun, the Sun around the Milky Way, and our galaxy around this spirical universe.

So Fibonacci isn’t some lifewater magic that spawned evolution from two amino acids, it’s been guiding our gravity since before we ever had any pull. And if you thought that it took a long time for our planet to sprout people, you should have been there for the coalescion of our circular Earth herself. Then the Moon came along and shook things up as it slammed into us, violent vibrations at first, earthquakes and wobbly orbits, but each heavenly body somehow settled into a harmonious balance with the rest of our solar discography, and all in the name of Phi.

Now the Moon tugs at us throughout our daily life, but don’t think that’s all we get out of this universal expansion pack. The stars affect us here on Earth. Truth. However it works, those little twinkling lights in the sky, as well as our local planetary positions, influence us in big ways.

So what’s your sign again? Oh, that’s right, you said that was all mumbo jumbo, no dirty gypsy is gonna tell me how to live my life. I got free will and all. And you do. You absolutely have the free will to ignore this obvious correlation between birthdays and human behavior.

I also get free will, even with my stargazing habits, but possibly even more free, considering that I’m empowered with the knowledge of my natural predispositions. I don’t consider it fate, it’s more like the specific gravitational grid that was active as my brain chemistry was getting all mixed up. The unique specifications of my physical body, the details of how my eternal spirit will experience this particular trip down Fibonacci lane. The stars might give you a push in the right direction, but it is what you do with that momentum that determines who you become.

They don’t stop the day you’re born either, even if the Earth did stand still. Their continued journey continues to affect yours. Forget the hippie stuff, just look at the science. It’s undeniable that space rocks affect life on Earth, from tidal waves to menstrual werewolves, so it seems pretty dumb to assume any other position. They’re harder to keep up with, no nightly waxing of the Moon to record, these subtle cyclical influences that affect society as a whole, sometimes even take many lifetimes to reoccur. How could it ever be catalogued?

Well, thousands and thousands of years of star knowledge, an understanding and connection with the cosmos that simply cannot be paralleled by a google sky map app. But we don’t really know all that much about it, especially after oppressive governments burned entire libraries of wisdom. And then burned the mystics too.

But I’m not here to read your palm, I just want to be sure that your mind is opened up to the possibility that we are not isolated from the rest of interactive space. In a universe literally built on vibrations, it’s foolish to think that we’re some type of anomaly within the laws of physics. Waves of energy will affect the energy of our waves, it’s science. Now, the parts about predicting your path, or next week’s lotto numbers, probably not as empirical as Ms Cleo would have you believe, though, I generally don’t listen to anything the empire has to say anyway.




We can certainly predict the future of these galactic spin cycles though, we have tons of scientists and universities dedicated to interstellar investigation. And telescopes. Tons of ‘em. Quite literally. But not quite enough to capture the big picture, should probably build build build another big bigger biggest giant massive telescope. Too much light pollution in the developed world though, gotta find the tip top of some way high mountain out in the middle of nowhereland. How about Hawaii? It’s just a tiny dot in the far corner of the map, and they have a super tall mountain, Mauna Kea, sounds divine.

I bet it does, this most sacred mountain of the native Polynesian people connects the energy flows of heaven and Earth, it is their eldest ancestor, even they would never build as much as an altar upon its summit. Just like how the Lakota would never set up camp on their most sacred mt rushmore.

But we own Hawaii now, won it in a poker game I think, and we were even so nice to the locals that we didn’t massacre all of them, why we even gave them jobs at the airport as they welcome the incoming colonialism. Of course, we did outlaw their language, musta been scared of the Earthly power found in a native tongue or something. Or maybe we didn’t want them gossiping about how we hadn’t actually won their living island fair and square, how we just stole it in the middle of the night, not that I’d expect a domain of such eminence to start worrying about their reputation at this point.

Can’t be that bad, we didn’t even invade the Kingdom of Hawaii, we just sent the church, the missionaries, those with the moral authority to impose God’s will. We sent the 'Congressional Church', or what is now called the 'United Church of Christ.'

Holy what!? That’s a real thing? Oh jeez. We sent our national minister to administer some good old fashioned white folk praying. He got in bed with the new kids on the block, as do all good clergymen, but I meant the refined gentlemen of the colonized sugar industry. They, supposedly without the knowledge of washington, staged a coup and overthrew the peaceful local government. Aloha. The queen ceded without altercation, unwilling to allow her people to be hurt, and although the US didn’t plan on seizing this major opportunity of exploitation, they most certainly didn’t hand the keys back over either.

And again, the past is the past, but this telescope thing is happening right now. During the fight at Standing Rock, the state of Hawaii approved the construction, but they admittedly underestimated the indigenous community, who stood up and brought the building to a halt. And still it rests in contention. There are already thirteen scopes on the mountain, though this would be the biggest in all of the northern hemisphere, so thirteen precedents that this is no big deal. Just like an array of pipelines in place, proves that progress is paramount. Except that they all leak, not the telescopes, but they have all spread destruction along their paths as well.

NASA performed their own study, and found that their presence had greatly affected the local ecology in very harmful ways. The construction process powered by destructive equipment has obliterated the once lush landscape, plus trash and debris is in constant flow down the side of this supposedly inactive volcano. Luckily, NASA isn’t quite as merciless about destroying the planet as the faceless pockets of the oil machine. They’re not stopping or anything, but they want to proceed in a good way, like, not at gunpoint. The empirical scientists certainly don’t acknowledge any type of legitimate spiritual claim about the sacrednicity of said mountain, but that’s cool, as long as they acknowledge that it’s probably not too intellectual to destroy the Earth in the name of exploring space.




Now, I’m certainly not knocking astronomy, there’s a lot to be learned from the stars, the indigenous communities I look to for advice have all had strong relationships with the sky. Grandfather Sky, pouring sacred energy into Grandmother Earth, she in turn birthing all that we know. Such a cool cycle of universal energy, and scientifically accurate, as even flat-Earthers can’t deny that the Sun powers the Earth who empowers the Earthlings. They should invent a dance or something.

And they did it all without an invasive hundred foot telescopic tumor, but I’ve said all along that they were at the peak of evolution, vision most certainly not excluded. Doubtful that they could see some of the far out spaciness that we’ve been able to capture, but you never know, other captured cultures from the past seemed to have a pretty good grasp on future technologies.

Mayan calendar. Dope. And certainly convenient that it’s cyclical circle is a much more accurate representation of reality, than the awkward cellblocks of the colonized squares, though there’s no good place for cute puppy photos. Its complex design keeps track of an array of celestial cycles, including a more precise version of our days and years, but without our demands of instant gratification they were also able to see into the future. They were aware of space dust that we’ve only recently destroyed enough ecosystem to discover. They were on that long game for sure, days into months into years into baktuns(144,000 days) into the amount of time that it takes for the Earth’s wobble to complete an entire... wobble?

The procession of the equinox, the planet’s third axis of power, the rotating tilt of our off-kilter trajectory. All this and more can be found in the latest greatest calendar of the Mayans, from the orbits of the orbs, to the schedules of the stars, and for a very limited time we’ll throw in an added bonus of synchronistic convergence (just pay the additional shipping and handling).

That super long cycle, the one that affects the fundamental climate conditions of our planet, whose revolutionary nature happens to be in perfect time with the shorter cycles tucked into its timeline, it and all of those other spirals are all lining up, as they come together to close out the thirteen thousand year halfway mark of our weeble wobbling. Get ready, sudden planetary upheaval is imminent, end of the world here we come... Wait just a cycle, that was back in 2012, and the only disaster we saw out of that starred John Cusack.

It was no apocalypse now, but considering the scale of our timeline, it does seem a little small minded to expect a polar shift of consciousness to happen overnight. The existence of humans is but a tiny sliver at the very end of herstory, this cyclical vibration has been humming long before Earth Mama pushed us out of this world. From our minuscule perspective, we’re already quite a few cycles beyond doomsday, but zoom out another 13,000 years and you see that we have only just begun. We are embarking on a long cycle of great change. We are standing in the doorway to a new age of man.




Been there, done that, at least if you believe anything those crazy indians have to say. We’ve been through a few already, we were given a choice to thrive as we figure out how to live in a good way, or not, and they always seem to end with global catastrophe that pushes the growth of an evolving people. One with fire, another with a great flood, and most recently an instant ice age. Uneducated tribal mythology at best, though it does seem to have some correlations to the one true God and that book he wrote on his day off, and it also appears to harmonize with science.

The wiggle of our waggle will greatly affect climate conditions on Earth, including the water cycles, which will influence both firestorms and sea level, as well as global temperature changes as we warm ourselves into another big blizzard. Definite scientific evidence of the last ice age - “the ice age” - saw it in a cartoon so I know it’s real, a sudden snowstorm that reduced our numbers as it pushed us to grow stronger. Also definite scientific evidence of early civilizations who up and disappeared, advanced cultures with technologies that we still don’t understand, massive monoliths so magnificent that even our megamachines are immobilized.

Our obsession with instant gratification expects a hollywood montage of mayhem, but it might be a little more subtle than that, or it might already be happening. We imagine a great flood hitting us all at once, over forty days at least, but the planet could also find itself slowly submerging as the polar ice caps melt and ocean levels rise - like is happening right now. Or the deep freeze, perhaps it was a slower transition into colder temperatures, only noticeable across the generation gap. Or maybe the disrupted water cycles would look like runaway wildfires across the globe, with simultaneously unexplained rainfall records, and hurricanes, and tsunamis, and volcanic disruptions of the blinded mainstream, but still no one seems to notice.

And now the forth age of man, which is also what science is calling the sixth great extinction event, is winding down with a level of planetary deterioration envied by Darth Vader. The water is filled with oil and plastic, and dead fish. The air is toxic. Animals and plants have already begun their extinctual journey at a rate of 200 species per day, the diversity of life is drying up on Earth, which we know from herstory will only propel her further into Fibonacci. History might be over though.

We are already in it, whatever the logical explanation might be - act of God or act of man, or unicycles in space - it is undeniable that our planet is changing, and most statistics say that it’s not for the better. Right now, we may be experiencing the decline of our way of life in subtle baby steps, but that doesn’t mean that once our landfills reach a tipping point, that we won’t experience the full wrath of instant gratification. I, personally, am expecting the big one, but I’m also a proponent of patience, so I’m using this time to prepare myself - physically, mentally, and spiritually - and I’m also following my path o