Uncage Eden: A Spiritual Philosophy Book about Food, Music, and the Rewilding of Society by DJ Rankin - HTML preview

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Beings of light, on a straight narrow road,

Creation’s vibration, tells them to slow,

The path becomes clouded, the light must evolve,

Returning to center, illusion dissolves.




Not every step of evolution is going to seem like some giant leap of mankind, it happens over such long spans of time that from our internal perspective, the entire world seems to stand still. Inanimate. Stagnant. We see the differences in each other as a mechanism to pull us apart, but they are the adaptations, that combined, will bring us back together. Every step you take, contributes to the collected consciousness of creation. Your pathway of discovery is reflected in the path of humanity is reflected in the path of the universe.

If you observe your own timeline, not much changes one day to the next, seemingly insignificant details fill the pages of your life story. But by the end of the book, you have no doubt become a completely new character than the naive protagonist that set out on this adventure. You didn’t feel your evolution happening at the time, but it is undeniable that you have risen to the adversity of life, and adapted to overcome it. You are not the adolescent you once were, you have become the hero that was inside you all along. Looking back from this perspective, it’s obvious that the seeds were planted in the very beginning, every encounter experienced and situation navigated, pushed the growth of your being to the next stage of development. Every hardship you faced only strengthened your resolve, as it prepared you to survive this hero’s journey of never ending adversity.

We are each on our own quest, seeking our own understanding, as we unravel the answers to our own questions of what it means to be an integral part of this great mystery. An interwoven thread of this inconceivably complex tapestry of existence. Upon close inspection, your path looks just like a piece of ordinary string, much like a day in your life appears to be no different than the next. But as you begin to step back, your widened perspective provides a much more dynamic view of your place in the bigger picture. And if you could manage to forget that you were even one of the threads at all, you would become enlightened to the scope of the complete creation. To the understanding that you are the creation. The entire image of existence was in the coding of your string all along. Every string has the code, that’s how it’s possible for it to weave itself together with such grace.

Every cell of your body has the same genetic DNA information that composes all of your being. All different kinds of cells with unique purposes that work together to create you. The entire program to instruct the construct of your infinitely complex body and mind, is spiraled around in each microscopic bubble of that same body and mind. The cells of your liver grow and perform their function without having to worry about your toenails, but they have the entire blueprint in their heart. Your liver is not something separate from you, it is you, it is a vital component to your existence and you could not live without it.

The DNA of creation is within you. The DNA of the universe. The DNA of God. The entire blueprint of the everything, is in every cell that composes it. The secrets of the universe are already in your heart. You already have the complete picture of the tapestry that you are helping to create. The strings are the tapestry, it is nothing without the fibers of our being. You are not simply some solitary thread floating in space, you are an infinite cosmic creation, but in order to experience the lifeline of our thread in time, our electrical conductance has been encased in an insulation of ego.

Our ego shrouds us from the finished product of our creation, but it is not meant to disconnect us altogether. It is a vibrational mechanism that allows us to experience unique perspectives of the exact same universal energy, and that same energy pours through each of our egos. We are all the same being of light, not similar, we’re the exact same being. God, the universe, cookie monster, whatever you want to call us, that same ball of energy is inside each of us, at the same time that we are inside of it. I know, it's pretty heady stuff.

The complete universe is inside you, pouring out through a filter of ego created by DNA, astrology, and conditioning, which gives you a personal perspective through which to explore the universe that we inhabit. We are God inside, exploring God from the inside.




But we got lost somehow. We are supposed to be connected to the big picture of the great mystery, but our vibrational connection has been severed and our egos are convinced that we abandoned them. Man is under the impression that he is separate from creation, separate from nature, separate from God, and he is fearful without the assurance of universal love. The ego will fight to survive, it is scared of death, because it believes it is the entirety of your being. It has lost sight of its role as a mere conduit of consciousness.

Some cultures of course understood this, and came up with some original ways to combat the ego’s grip on their connection to Wakan Tanka. The sweat lodge humbles you as it purifies your heart, your prayers are blasted outward, but it also vaporizes your ego as it pierces your soul. You emerge reborn from the womb of Unci Maka, humility in hand, as you gasp for what could be your last breath. The sacrifices of the Sun Dance step it up a notch, or seven, it’s tough for that ego to hold on when a train of Buffalo skulls are tugging back at it. A Peyote meeting is about more than melting faces, as your heart is connected to something larger than your head. When you are up on the hill for hembleciya, your ego is starved out while you face it head on. And indigenous rituals from around the globe share the same ego-reducing properties, as they provide a window into the great cosmic mind.

The colonized headspace, however, is so intrinsically egocentric that we believed the Sun to revolve around us. And we still think the Earth does. The ego is celebrated, as only the strongest become celebrities to worship, and only the strongest of those become president. We revel in our revolutions against the planet and our mastery of the universe, we proudly defy the laws of nature, and we openly claim the throne of our kingdom. We put chains on the entire circle of life as we quarantined God to sunday visitation. We are so full of ourselves that we can’t feel the spirit within, yet we still claim to be God incarnate.

The ego is the darkened filter through which light experiences life. Even the biggest egos of science still can’t figure out exactly what a photon is, particle or wave, or neither. It’s one of the greatest mysteries of science, which is purely the study of the material world, which is purely a prism for light to refract through. Of course you can’t measure its empirical properties with some gizmo in this dimension, it’s the source of existence for the whole thing, including that gizmo.

We can’t quite figure out the light of expansion, but we can easily test for the inflation of the darkness, so I guess that must be the only one that actually exists. The tools of the material world can only prove the presence of the material world, yup, you must be a material girl. And the more our ego assures itself that it is the ultimate decider, the more disconnected we become from any connection that proves otherwise. And after a few thousand years of egostatistical analysis, the darkened hearts of self-servitude have developed scientific methods of ensuring their seat on the throne.

The prince of darkness is but the first creation of light, the worthiest of adversaries through which we project the beams of time. The dynamic of this relationship is most unique, the dark lord of the universe is the only product of love that is destined for failure. By its very purpose and design, its deterioration is directly correlated to the evolution of every particle in existence. With every step of our transition back into oneness, the procreator of separation loses strength, as his grip on the material world begins to fade. This is a most undesirable fate for an energetic force whose power is only second to God’s.

The darkness has been permitted to reign supreme as we prepare for the upcoming transition, but as its cycle of control draws to an end, it will stop at nothing to continue its chokehold on the light of creation. It’s in its DNA. Like a nearly eternal space robot programmed to prevent its own demise, and as its expiration date nears, it becomes desperate to cling to its final drops of artificial sentience. And those who have become lost in the cloud of material power, those who understand the vibrational nature of the universe but prefer to retain their place atop a crumbling tower of third dimensional wealth, they are attempting to harness the ego-driven race of technology, to dampen the uprising of light that flows through the heart of humanity.

And they’re doing a pretty good job. The vibrational interference of modern colonization has put exponential restraints on the ascension of our internal frequency, but, lucky for us, the universal energy field that empowers evolution, is rising at a much more accelerated rate. But it is only going to awaken those that seek harmony between their own physical being, and the literal vibrations of Unci Maka.




Much like how every single seed contains the genetic information that can evolve into an entire forest, the code of your DNA is outfitted with the necessary components to progress the evolution of the universe. The seed of life lies dormant within you, and like any seed, it is awakened by its elemental relationships with natural vibration. I’m not talking about some metaphorical comparison of spiritual connection to an acorn, your physical body literally needs the same three elements of life in order to progress the evolution of its being.

Water, obviously, it is life itself, and it is absolutely vital to the reemergence of the light within. It is the mechanism that allows the growth to flow. It is the super conductor that enables the transfer of energy and cosmic consciousness to guide our evolutionary path.

The Sun, our local ambassador of universal energy, and the one with the best perspective of the tapestry of life on Earth. His power propels every single movement that has ever taken place on our planet. His vibrations can be felt as they are absorbed by our skin, but we take them in more efficiently through our energy consumption of a converted wavelength. The Sun pours down the most updated information of evolutionary frequency, and it is processed by the plants of our planet. They hold the most recent iteration of universal understanding, and as we partake in the feast they provide, we too are enabled to become one with everything.

And Unci Maka, our planet, the Earth beneath our feet. And as we physically dig our toes into her surface, we become rooted in the sentient world around us. She nourishes the development of who we will become, and as we rest our head upon her body, our own heartbeat begins to align with hers. There is a natural flow of energy between our beings, a quite literal transfer of electricity, she feeds our soul as we feed hers, and this back and forth vibrational relationship keeps us mentally, physically, and spiritually in-tune with the entirety of her heavenly body.

And as coincidence would have it, the very entities who stand to gain the most from our subservient disconnection, are the very ones who poison our water, air, and Earth. The oil they’ve convinced us we’re addicted to, destroys all three, as we rush to the pumps for fear of gas shortage. The water runs thick with toxic sludge, which they toxify further with plastic and fluoride, but we’re happy to pay the price because it’s the ‘smart’ solution. The revolting fumes of industry ensure that solar energy remains a joke, as chemtrails further shield the planet from its creator.

And the planet herself, oh my, she’s the largest target of vibrational warfare. They’ve intercepted her blueprint and modified her DNA, brainwashed her people into encasing her body in a forcefield of anti-vibrational matters, and they violently rip apart her flesh as they remove the energy centers of her being. And for some reason, they seem to concentrate their effort onto the homes of the indigenous people of the planet, the uncivilized people who still live with the Earth, the people of prayer and ceremony and living in a good way. Wonder why?



The european takeover of the planet didn’t begin in america five hundred years ago, it began in europe long before that. There were indigenous communities all around, they even had tipis over there, although the addition of the smoke flaps was an original american design. Even white people are capable of living in harmony with the Earth, probably still no rhythm though. They didn’t just all of a sudden wake up and decide to be civilized, they were assimilated into it the same as everybody else, by force.

Who even knows how it began, the whole power structure of global domination, but obviously somebody came up with the idea of ownership and superiority. Maybe it was a single man, who believed that his God gifted him the entire world as his domain, to rule over all of life on Earth. Or maybe it was some slithering whisper that convinced the man that he could have the knowledge required to be a god himself, no longer an equal to the rest of the filthy animals. Or maybe it wasn’t even a lone ego, maybe there was a whole tribe, like thirteen families or something, you know, like the thirteen families that each owned one of the original colonies in america. Or the thirteen families that supposedly make up the illuminati, that supposedly control the shadow government, that supposedly have been pulling the strings since the advent of puppets, that supposedly never existed. Either way, somebody decided to be in charge, like a king, or a pope, and spread their doctrine of compliance as they conquered their neighbors.

Assimilate or die, today’s not really a good day to die, so we’ll take door number one. Well, definitely no more praying to the dirt, we pray to the king now. Or the pope. So, no more living with the natural cycles of the Earth, or eating her abundant bounty, for free. Nope, you gotta work for your dinner now and gotta give the king his cut. And the pope. Oh yeah, you’re gonna be pretty sick for a while, but just until your body adapts to eating foods with no naturally occurring vibrations.

Oh, vibration shmibrations, we told you to cut out all that hippie talk, and we better not catch you praying around the tree. Plus, we’re digging the tree up anyway, turns out that it’s coincidentally atop a giant ore deposit, and we’re taking it to the bank. And the king. And the pope. Don’t be silly, the Earth’s not alive, she won’t feel a thing, and neither will you after a few generations of disconnection from the energetic union created between the Sun and the Earth.

Freakin hippies, I tell ya. You can’t even decide if the copper mine powered your prayer, or if your silly circular ceremony poured power into the planet, doesn’t matter to us, there’s a fortune under there. A fortune is only worth something if others want it though, so we’ll get you strung out on debt and convince you that slaving away is your only chance to get ahead of private property. So yep, got everyone chasing the money to survive, while they keep on forgetting anything about their vibrational entanglement with the web of life that provided everything they could ever need, plus we have alcohol, all hail the king. And the pope.

And now we can take this show on the road. Systematically spreading our policies of superiority, enslaving the land and farming the people, outlawing prayer and extracting energy, then the booze and sugar and missionaries, and before you know it, an entire Earth of Earth worshipers have become disconnected from the vibrational connection they shared with their living planet. Their home. Or what they call, their “mother.” All around the world they held the same connection, the same energetic relationship, the same ceremonial process of energizing the ground beneath their feet, but no worries, we’ll just build cathedrals around their ‘magic’ sacred sites, and they’ll have no choice but to tithe on sunday, as their generational disconnection breeds subservience to the king. And the pope. And if people all around the world believe in the church, then it must be real.

And now we’re baby stepping our evolution all the way from the big bad bang of primordial ooze, through millions of years of primate fiascos, found our roles as caretakers of life and conduits of energy, maintained harmony and balance as we held onto our understanding of universal cellular structure, praised and prayed and prancersized as our love for the Earth propelled us into the future, every day brighter than the last and her song somehow more beautiful than before. At least until the patriarchal efficiency of complete compliance bulldozed the diversity of life on Earth, caged our hearts, and began farming the greatest monocrop in the history of herstory.

And that brings us to the present, the now, and today’s the day that you get to decide, it’s the only day you can do much at all, in fact. You can either follow the herd as they blindly march to the slaughterhouse, or you can wake up, cut the fence, and regain your freedom as you resume your role in the destiny of our living planet Earth. The choice is yours, the time is now, today is a good day to live.




And all that being said, not every step of evolution is going to seem like a giant leap of mankind, so please hold your judgements until the ride has come to a full and complete stop. It may seem to have even taken a step backwards at times, but we’ll figure it out in the end - today we cooked frozen pizzas. I don’t mean the kind of frozen pizzas I began my evolution as a camp chef with, I mean the cardboard facsimiles that offer just enough vibration to etch a tombstone. But even a day of colonized cuisine can be chock-full of cosmic coincidence.

I was walking behind the cook tent as Smokey pointed to the ground, “You recognize that thing?” OMFG, no way, it was the very grill top that I’d used all winter at Standing Rock. Lightening blizzard filet mignon, nine-tiered wedding cake, and of course midnight elk pizza, and they’d managed to save it for me as the bulldozers rolled down 1806. Needed a good scrubbing though, and it had been starting to fall apart even at camp, but that described most of us by the end of it all. What a reunion, almost better than rejoining Smokey’s ranks, so to celebrate, we ate meat.

Burgers for dinner and pizza for dessert, I had mastered the from-scratch version baked inside a freezer, but these were gonna be a different beast. Kinda wanted to wrap them in foil, but not only is it destructive to manufacture, it’s toxic to cook with. The disposable wrap is covered with chemicals, but aluminum is simply not good for us to consume, or consume out of, expensive cookware included, can’t quite remember why though. But I’ve been eating out of it my entire life, in the colonized scouts we even used to wrap up meals and toss them straight in the fire. Though, we also boiled an egg by melting a styrofoam cup, good point.

Just because you can buy the products of R.J. Reynolds Wrap at walmart, doesn’t mean that they are not poisonous to all they come in contact with, it’s almost a guarantee, in fact. Does seem a little silly to be so particular with our toxin intake while we eat the complex inferiority of a monosodium substitute, but then again, we are literally camping in a radiation field.




The leader of the camp at the Wind Cave stopped by one afternoon, with a geiger counter. I’d already seen the piles of yellow uranium refuse on the other side of the river, large enough ‘deposits’ that Smokey could point them out without the binoculars that we used to monitor dapl’s ridge line rendezvous. The ‘yellow cake’ is left to poison the surface and the water, it is the waste product of uranium mining, and it happens to be threatening the underground Oglala Aquifer. A one-time-use water supply that stretches from here to texas, but it’s been continuously exploited and depleted by agriculture for a long long time anyway.

The government has protocols on safe uranium consumption and nuclear fertilization, which would obviously have our best interests in mind, always, so we used their minimal radiation poisoning standards and did a little testing of our own. They sent me down to the river with the device, obviously the closest to a canary in the bunch, and I reported back a reading of 73 something or others, which wasn’t really any more toxic than the rest of the rez. Figured it would be the highest there, seemed to be the target audience of nuclear dispersion, but I guess that could mean that the diluted vibrations had already washed downstream to the people. Just for fun, we checked the sunwise circle of our sacred fire, Buffalo skull and all, and surprise surprise, we’d been singing and praying right above a vortex of 91. And we’d gotten a glowing review.

Now, I don’t know much about science, pretty obvious thus far, so I can’t definitively make up any more conjectures of contamination. Coulda been the years of surface sludge left by the extractors, coulda been the unmined uranium below our sacred space, or coulda been the energy flow we’d been building with our prayers around the peta wakan, connecting the Earth and sky in a toroidal flow of love and rainbows, either way, the fire was the hottest point in camp. So we could wake up any day mutated into Turtles, or retuned to some new radio station of the revolution, or who knows, maybe we’d arise one morning to the Sun returning our wake up song.




When you travel in an off-grid network built by those on the outskirts of sanity, you’re certain to cross paths with some characters, there’s even crazies that believe in intelligent life on Earth. There was one dear spastic brother, who although he’d never seen a birth certificate to confirm his age, did manage to remind us daily of his recipe for commod-beef steak sandwiches, which to his credit, was the best I’d ever tasted the absolute worst quality of so-called meat.

We agreed to provide the indians with some minimal rations to make up for plowing over their garden, but the contract was written in our superior language, which allowed us to redefine just how barebones the minimal requirements for life could be. If mainstream america were exposed to the ridiculously low-quality substitute for nutrition that we provide, it would make them sick, but it’s just for the indians, so who cares?

Plus, if they don’t like it, they can just get a job like the rest of us have to do. Who do they think they are, that they don’t have to contribute to the mass-extinction event that the rest of civilization’s been building towards? Or they could just go hoot and hollar and dance around the Sun, no food or water for days, bet that’ll shut ‘em up real quick.

Quite the contrary really, it invigorates them as they become energized by the flow of vibrations from the Sun. It travels through their light conducting bodies, is passed to the tree as they raise their arms, pours into the Earth as it replenishes her power, and travels back to them through the ‘souls’ of their feet. A localized model of the planet’s toroidal magnetic field, a scientifically proven example of unseen energy directly enabling the evolution of life on Earth. I’m not making this stuff up, magnets are real.

They don’t eat or drink for four days, and they don’t die, they become alive in a way previously unknown. Or during hebleciya, again no food or water for four days, although my Sun Dance brother said that if he could dance through the hunger, I should be able to stand still no problem. Plus, there’s actually science about it, from actual doctors and stuff.




Fasting is a big part of many spiritual practices, even some of the big ones, although just giving up belly button lent seems like an easy way out. And everyone knows that there’s no room for science in church, which must have been why Buddha, Mohammed and Jesus all went out into the wilderness to do it. But when your church is the lodge, and sunday dinner is a walk though the abundant buffet of life, it does make sense to discover the true line between taking what you need and living in excess. Plus, it’s science.

Ketosis - it’s a state of metabolism in which your body is powered by ketones instead of glucose, and can be reached after three days of zero caloric consumption. Your body begins processing it’s stored energy in a new way, digestion is no longer zapping most of your power, and your mind moves into an altered state of clarity. Even secular nutritionists tout the health benefits of four day fasting; a reinvigoration of the mind; your body begins to heal itself as it burns up the damaged cells first, including the purging of cancer; and somehow the spirit of the ancestors is also recharged, which explains why the original instructions included the process long before Joe Rogan ever mentioned it.

Also explains a bit of scientific understanding of how some silly dance-off, or a solitary game of king of the mountain, could physically enable your heart and mind to open themselves up enough to receive a vision from the spirit world. Well, maybe not exactly science, unless we just call it a hallucinogenic delusion that coincidentally relates to real life, and randomly provides guidance that empowers you to live a healthier existence among the plants and animals that you most certainly don’t share any type of unseen connection of symbiosis with. Oh yeah, that sounds like science to me.

Or like my daydream about some magical garden that can provide for all of us to eat the content of our hearts, certainly the science books funded by your agricultural empire would deny the possibility, and in the current version of our gridded life, it would be tough. Especially when the pockets of our captors have got us strung out on an even more intoxicating substance than alcohol, meth, or even coffee. We’re addicted to food.

I love it, can’t live without it, I would give up most anything to keep it in my life, and most give up the entire essence of their being just to line it up on the table. We feel it so vital to who we are, that we swim in the decadence of our colonized cuisine. We watch programming of commercial kitchens, interspersed with the persuasion of kitchen commercials, yet no mention of our family members that directly suffer because of our disease. Forget the plants and animals or the Earth herself, which it seems we already have, but even those in the inferior majority of our own superior species, are forced to pay the cost of our addiction to excess.

And then when you do start to question the poverty and inhumane conditions we subject our human subjects to, everyone around you laughs it off, sure, it sucks for them, but we love food, what are you gonna do? It’s hard to acknowledge a problem, when all of your friends are functioning addicts, asleep to the toll that their lifestyle is having on those unable to step outside of the factory farms that supply your food chains.

It’s difficult to see another way, when the pusher man has made it so easy to lose yourself in a sea of cattle. They increased supply far beyond demand, and then demanded that we eat more. Our population inflated in more ways than one, and even as it made us physically ill, they just sold us more drugs to ease the pain, as we continued to stuff their wallets with our mouths. They eliminated any competition on the block, and cut their product with toxic filler as they pumped up the cost per instagram, and still we beg for more. We will do absolutely anything for it, we sell ourselves short as we sell out our own mother, but how can we ever escape this nightmare we’ve spiraled into?




I really do love food, I love to cook elaborate meals, it’s my whole new camp career and inspiration for what I consider authorship. Of course all the mechanized monocropping is bad, but soon enough we’ll be waking up to that fact, and putting an end to the devastation that we’ve let spread far too far. But the problem is bigger than that. Our eyes have grown larger than our stomachs, and now our stomachs have caught up. We need to be eating less. And the key tone to making that not as scary as it sounds, even to me, is to start eating better. When your diet is composed of fast