Uncage Eden: A Spiritual Philosophy Book about Food, Music, and the Rewilding of Society by DJ Rankin - HTML preview

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Plants are a most wondrous creation. They nourish the essence of our being, as they bring life to the light within. They connect us to the universe, through the marriage of Sun and Earth.


Plants are medicine for the soul. They heal the vibration of the heart, as they repair discord among the senses. They contain the harmonious instructions of returning balance to the symphony.


Plants are aligned with the cycles of life. They awaken to the first vibration of light, and retire as the darkness settles in. They spiral closer to perfection with every waking breath.


Plants hold the memories of a time undivided, an era of oneness before kingdoms were separated. They are the keys to unlocking the reunion of species, as we grow towards the unification of life.


The plants of the world play a vital role in the path of our own bloodline, through their knowledge, we will sprout the wisdom of living in a good way. The relationships to be built are not metaphorical, we must offer the energy of our love in order to build a vibrational bond between us. Your connection to the energetic interplay of Sun and Earth, is directly related to the sacred songs of the green nation, and the closer we eat to nature, the closer we become to God.





Speaking of plants, it was getting awfully green in the rainforest, so it was obviously time to go trekking through a blizzard on a search for more old time sakes. February here was just too moderate and lush, no adventure of survival, so we were taking this show on the road, and heading to Standing Rock for a vacation. Ok, so this was no vacation, but it’s still gonna be fun to revisit the site of our awakening, on the anniversary of our eviction.

One of our brothers had a vision of a prayer walk, so he manifested it into reality. We were caravanning out to join him in solidarity, it’s sort of a thing we do, plus we heard there’d be real frybread. Should be a bit colder than here, and it just so happens that I have the perfect outfit for the occasion, although we’ve had none of the air conditioning that built our tolerance to the chill of last winter.

We’d been living in it for months, night and day, our bodies had adapted, evolved, our blood was physically thicker, which enabled us to function at lower operating temperatures, like forty below, but now we’re just jumping right in from the comfort of the permathaw. It’s like when you live in a hundred degree summer, but you don’t subject your body to the shock of artificial air conditioning, you instead become acclimated to your surroundings, and the shade of your tipi is actually quite refreshing. Humans can survive through a wide range of climates, we are highly resilient when we step outside of our comfort zone, and it is only through the colonized dependence on convenience that we’ve evolved into such pathetic pantywaists. But at least this time we know what we’re getting ourselves into, although that kinda made it worse. It was gonna be cold, really cold, and we were going to be walking forty miles in it, better be some real good frybread is all I can say.

A couple of us were staying behind, and a couple of us weren’t coming back, so our extended departure included plenty of hugs and things. As for me? How’m I supposed to know? That’s way too far to plan ahead, so I took all of my stuff and prepared to move on to the next life. Anything could happen from this point, as it can from any point when you’re present in the now, but especially as even more water protectors were coming together, plus I’ve been itching to get into some action.

Randy was more certain of his plan, he wasn’t coming back. He was gonna stay in the dakotas, he’d been planning on going back soon anyway, so this journey manifested itself at the perfect time, what a coincidence. As he packed his sacred belongings, he gifted me one of the feathers that he kept wrapped in a red prayer cloth. A short Hawk feather, the perfect size for a hat adornment. And that was his intent, as he’d seen that my Sun Dance feathers had fallen out over the last week, but I’d hardly noticed.

I was really digging them being there, but I understand that the wiyaka is on its own journey through this world, just like me. We traveled together for a while, a good ride, but it was time for it to move on along its path. There is a spiritual energy in this sacred feather, as there was in the sacred bird who sent it off into the world, and as there is in any gift of life from Unci Maka. We pray with Tobacco before we begin to beat a drum made of an animal’s hide, we honor its sacrifice and know that its spirit travels with this instrument of prayer. And the tree nation that gave us the wood to build it, we honor them in a good way, because to pray any other way, just doesn’t make very much sense.

So are you sure that you want me to put this in my hat? I’m not easy on hats by any means, it’s gonna get ruffled a bit, and eventually it’s gonna travel onward. But I guess if I’m gonna be adventuring around with only my hat and a cup, I might as well be doing it in style, and a little sacred energy probably wouldn’t hurt.

We got sent along our way with a few other gifts for the road, and for the snow, and a couple extra-long toksa’s to entice a round trip out of my unknown trajectory. My in-the-moment itinerary gives me the ultimate confidence of travel insurance, but it can be a little tough for those who never know when I’ll depart, though these particular companions know that I’ll see them soon no matter what. Especially if the truck breaks down before we get out of the state.

Well, not broken down exactly, but the heat quit working, as we’re heading into a north dakota february, might as well be broken down. Could always suit up I guess, but I’d rather fix it while we’re still above freezing, and luckily, we had the west coast auto maintenance and water protection agency on board. Autozone, part’s not in stock, $200 across town, did you check the fuse, I’ll check again anyway, and hot diggity Dog we’re back on the road.

Stopped the caravan at the columbia river for a water healing ceremony, offered Tobacco and prayers to the life essence of Unci Maka, and shared heart vibrations with our precious planet. Please pray for your water, at least tell it that you love it. I don’t take a sip without saying, “I love you water, mni wiconi.” It scientifically raises the water’s frequency, heals its damaged molecules, and in turn, does the same for you. From the tap or bottle or well or creek, and especially if you know the water to not be the cleanest, please, your life depends on it.




Now back to it, and then stopped again, we heard a clinking and pulled over to find broken lugs, can’t fix it ourselves on the snowy road, but ‘luckily’ we were on an exit ramp with a tire shop in sight. Before we left, I prayed with some Tobacco for safe travels, unencumbered by harm or irreparable damages, or those pesky law enforcers, I prayed to keep us traveling in prayer and protected by the light. So what seems to be the problem officer, I thought we prayed so that this kinda thing wouldn’t slow us down. Well, there was ninety miles of frozen mountain pass ahead, and not much going on behind us, could have taken the setback as a bad sign for the road ahead, but we knew that we’d just broken down at the absolute safest location possible, for a reason. And obviously the reason was to break out the crockpot-roasted beef sandwiches I’d cheffed up before we left. Aho.

And next thing we know, we’re back in the dakotas. South dakota. Thought me might have time to roll through Camp Justice, woulda been a fun surprise visit, but it was late and we had to get to Randy’s house for frybread and stew. He wasn’t sure if he’d be traveling north with us, but we’d see him tomorrow either way, for now though, we were off to visit a long lost friend.

JK, we stayed with Smokey. This guy. He’d left the west a few weeks earlier and was already starting to miss me. There was an actual reunion too though, a protector that we’ll call Bob, and he was jumping in with the road crew.

I knew Randy wasn’t gonna come, he had stuff to do, so I needed to give him something from my heart, but I don’t have very much left except for that. I had an extra notebook though, something that I hold sacred as I protect it from the elements and spill the contents of my heart across the page. So I wrote him a heartfelt letter in the front of it, and adorned the cover with some inside jokes and stick figure artistry.

I was right about his departure from the exit plan, in the morning we traded vibrations as yet another blizzard was rolling in, so we rolled out, and I left my brother to be dearly missed. I have no phone, so there’s no keeping in touch, maybe an occasional message through the clouds, but once I’m gone, I’m gone. We promised to keep working on songs, to keep the prayer strong, and that is a promise I will keep until we meet again. But I was gonna do all that stuff anyway.

And finally, we were actually headed back to camp, with a blizzard on our tails. Who signs up for this kinda stuff, twice? The car issues had delayed us a bit, so when we rolled up to the prayer walk, it was underway, and they had already made it from the front of Rosebud camp to the infamous backwater bridge. (Uncannily similar sounding to the ‘blackwater bridge”, hmm...)

Still looked as snowy as I remembered, but way less guns and humvees and blinding lights and teargas and stuff. Ah, memories. But this was as far as they were even walking today, it was just the opening ceremony, so Bob and I hopped out to walk the two flags back to the rally point. He carried an AIM flag, the colors of the four directions with a two-finger peace sign that also looked like a feathered indian head, and I carried the stars and stripes. What? Proud to be an american? Are you kidd..., oh, nevermind, it’s upside-down.




Our country is in distress. We have been taken over by tyranny. It is our duty as americans, to stand up to those who are holding our government hostage. An upside-down flag is not a sign of disrespect to your country, continuing to allow malicious forces to exploit it, is. A patriot is not someone who supports their leadership regardless of rights and wrongs, they are someone who stands for the people of the nation and the promise of freedom.

We are not free. We never were. We are being farmed in the federal prison of the united states. Our incarceration fuels the profits of corporations, who only further enslave us, as we become increasingly dependent upon them for the fundamental elements of life. If we do not act soon, their chokehold on the government will expand to all of humanity, and they will have successfully conquered the entire world.

King of the world, it sounds like a joke, as does the New World Order, who supposedly seeks to control the planet’s population through a global government and worldwide currency. The only catch to this obviously silly story, is that a long list of credible witnesses have openly spoken about this organization, like, most of our presidents. The loose lips end there though, secrecy is of utmost importance for the most privatized meeting in the world, the Bilderberg Group. There are no minutes, or press, or wives, or even an acknowledgement that anything smells fishy, but the elite who gather to discuss the new policies with which to order the world, are obviously up to something.

It was founded by the unscrupulous David Rockefeller, as was it’s predecessor, the Trilateral Commission, but the ridiculous roster of attendees starts to paint a picture of what they could possibly be conspiring about. International bankers, corporate heavyweights, media giants, and political powerhouses. Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Murdoch, our Federal Reserve buddies Greenspan and Bernanke, so many more leaders of the free market, and even our favorite of them all, Obama. No surprise there, even if the group does seem to serve the interests of a supremely white house, it was obvious that Obama was bought and paid for, at least once he appointed a dozen members of the Trilateral Commission to his administration.

They’re planning the future that I’m praying to prevent, a centralized control system that will disempower humanity from ever escaping the cages of oppression. They use scare tactics to relieve us of human rights, currency to convince us that they own our species, and they are only a few steps away from their attempted takeover of the entire planet. Ok, so now I definitely sound nuts, but then I guess so did David Rockefeller when he said, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept a New World Order.”

But we’re not defeated yet. It is not too late to change the course of human history. In fact, it is only now that we’ve become empowered enough to make a difference. Through the technology of our global interconnection, we are now capable of rising up, in a unified stand, against the elite who have kept us separated for so long. The walls they’ve built between us are crumbling, we are waking up to the realization that we are one people, and as we come together to make a stand, they will have nowhere to go but down.

It is time. We are ready. We are strong. Eight billion strong. They cannot stop us once we’ve combined our vibrations, and they know it, so they are desperately scrambling to disconnect us from one another. They’ve been officially waging war with the world, bombing innocents to breed hatred, and as their scare tactics crumble at the shaking hands of the disarmed, they simply choose another target and reroute the destruction.

They are terrified of us, of unity, of truth, of prayer, because they know that they are no match for the abundant power of love. Their mechanisms of fear only work on a population who have forgotten who they are, who have forgotten how to trust, who have forgotten how to love, who have forgotten that they are the exact same essence of life as every other being of light on this planet. We are healing the fractures between us, we are rebuilding harmony between nations, we are reuniting the species of mankind. And only then, will we have the capacity to develop a worldwide union of technological convenience and symbiotic partnerships with the rest of life on Earth.




So let’s get to it then. Where do we start? Well, we have to assemble for freedom. We have to spread the word and gather the troops. So for starters, you could hang an upside-down flag in your yard. You could show your personal disgust at the criminal enterprise that we have allowed to control our country. Those that run over all others in their quest for global domination, and not voicing your discontent, only enables them further. We no longer have time to sit back and live a quiet life as we ignore the carnage around us. The walls are closing in quickly, and once they are upon us, it will be too late to stop them. Millions of americans are ready for a change, you are not alone, but if everyone continues to hide from reality without putting up a fight, then we’ve just handed them the world without a fight.

We must resist. It is the only option for survival. Millions are ready, they are waiting for the call to action, they are stuck in a system that they know is tearing them apart, but they see no other way out until it is time to rise up. It is time. We must assemble the patriots and planetarians. We must alert the corners of the world that it is time to unite. We needn’t rely on horseback warnings of reverence, we can reach the masses with a single click. #overthrowtheman

Flip a flag in your yard, alert your neighbors that something is wrong. Post a picture for your virtual friends to see. Many will be upset, they will not understand, they are fully invested in the legitimacy of the idiocracy. But a conversation will be started, one that may cause them to think about what they’ve blindly believed their entire life. If their own middle-class white neighbor feels this strongly, then maybe there’s something to it.

And those that are already aware, they will follow suit with their own flag, you will be shocked by the number of people ready to do something, they just don’t know what to do. The internet community will catch on like wildfire, it will become the latest fadnomenon, as even celebrities begin posting selfies with the upturned stars. Once people see that their voice counts for more than choosing between two evils in a rigged election, they will eagerly jump on board.

The movement will spread beyond neighborhoods, we will flip flags within the city limits. Even those the most connected to disconnection, will be forced to evaluate their role in the system. Twenty points for any flag flipped at wells fargo. Or government buildings. Don’t get shot though.

The government will not like this. They will frame this as an act of terror and try to corral the sheep with fear, because they will be terrified of the momentum heading right for them. They will try to convince viewers at home that hostiles are taking over the country, but we know that they already have. They will try to convince us that this movement is about something other than the peaceful resistance of government tyranny, but we will be expecting their lies, and we will not fall for their deceit any longer. They will attempt to infiltrate this movement, I can guarantee that one. They will pose their own operatives as spokesmen for the campaign, as they try to derail the snowball headed straight for washington. Do not back down.

Or is this just some half baked foolishness that won’t do anything but increase american flag sales? So what if flags are flipped, what’s that gonna stop? Could this flag wave of millions of american citizens in protest of their corrupt government, possibly achieve results? And what results are we even looking for? A new election? That’s only gonna bring more of the same. We have to completely eradicate the power structure that allows the profits of the few, to decide the policies of the many. And it doesn’t take that many. It only takes 3.5 percent of the population to rise up in order to topple corruption. In south korea they successfully did it with candles, upturned flags should be even more powerful, especially once we flood the streets with them. How many of us can a couple of teargas grenades possibly stop? And just imagine if we started burning money too.




But what happens when we win? When those who we’re coming after, tuck their tails and run away like the cowards that they are? We can cheer and celebrate, but what comes next? Chaos and disorder? Another military regime steps in? We just think happy thoughts and start flying around? Who’s gonna be in charge? How can we fix the world? Isn’t it just better to stay in the comfort of this prison, than to step outside into the unknown? Uh, no.

Our primary objective must be repairing and preparing. Change is coming to the planet, it is too late to stop it, but it is not too late to drastically reduce the devastation that will occur if we just mindlessly ignore the rising up that is happening all around us. With money and corporations no longer in charge of science, our smartest minds will now be free to honestly approach real world solutions to decrease our footprint, not increase sales. We will assemble think tanks to tackle the logistics of providing fundamentals to the populous, we’ll even include water, and the populous will come together to begin the deconstruction of civilization.

We can still act civilized, and we can even live in houses and stuff, but we have to clean up our mess before it is washed into the water supply. We can’t have oceanfront oil refineries, or nine hundred miles of sludge melting into the arctic, or the nation’s biggest cities directly in the flood plains of tomorrow. Demolishing the skyscrapers seems a stretch, plus that’ll be the only place to run for the billions who insist on taking the submarineway to work, but we need to at least empty the contaminants of our nation, before they flush our future down the drain.

So where are we gonna move the metropolitan masses to? You don’t seriously suggest tipis in the woods, do you? There certainly is something magical about the vibrant culture that arises out of the diverse community of babylon, so let’s assume that our roll of smarties can conceive of a blueprint that would allow urban nightlife to thrive, within the notation of the musical tapestry that we are all a part of. It’s not as impossible as it seems. They’d be way smaller of course, there wouldn’t be any industrial or financial districts, and there wouldn’t be miles of road ragers commuting to soul-sucking jobs. So everyone in the city would actually want to be there, which means they might treat it with more respect than a back alley dumpster.

The food is of course the biggest hurdle to make it all happen, it’s really what makes or breaks any city’s allure, and it will be the primary focus of every community across the globe. We have to start eating local. There is no other option. So our new urban landscape will have to be designed to merge home and garden. And we can’t simply grow simple-minded food indoors. The complexity of life is powered by the Sun, through the plants that we eat. It is imperative that we consume the purest vibrations possible. Energy straight from the source. Within these spiraling codes of creation are the original instructions of the universe.



Alright, hold on a second, I thought we were ordering the new world, and next thing I know, you’re dropping EMPs on me. Did you say that the Sun’s vibrations are somehow these mysterious “original instructions?” But I thought they were some kind of ancient knowledge handed down from the ancestors? What do some indian cavemen and the Sun have to do with each other? And then you said that the stones for your silly sauna thing were ancestors, the grandfathers, and the mountains too, but isn’t that also what this Tunkasila character is, some magic grandfather in the sky for you guys to hoot and holler at? Who in the world are these ancestors?

Well, they’re those that came before us. Just like your ancestors. Our parents and grandparents and great grandparents and great great grandparents and what’s so great about those old senile fools? Well, you may only have known them as they were slipping into an alternate dementia, spouting off about things that don’t make sense in this current rendition of a perfect sense-making modern society, but I guarantee they hold a wealth of knowledge, if you just take the time to actually listen.

They remember another era, living the old ways, a time when you had no choice but to be connected to the land around you, your survival depended on it. And just imagine the connection of their ancestors, and of their ancestors, and then theirs, and we could trace the branches of this family tree all the way until they reach the sky.

If we could go all the way back to the very first man, well, wouldn’t he have been the most evolved specimen of our species? He’d have had to dilute his God-given perfection when he mated with an erectus female, wouldn’t he? Oh yeah, I forgot about that conniving hoochie Eve, well, in that case, I guess Adam was just the least inbred specimen of the bunch.

Whatever’s clever, but evolution is obviously a thing, so even number one man had ancestors; Erectus, Habilis, Robustus, Monkey, Lemur, Mouse and Protozoa, and back to the single cells of life that somehow held the genetic information, to spawn the entirety of life on Earth. That’s one heck of a seed right there. And we are all related. Distant cousins no doubt, and that single cell is separated by many great ancestors, but we very clearly resemble each other. Our DNA does at least. It’s been updated a few times along the way, mutated, radiated, and every drop of energy that powered it’s evolutionary path to us, came straight from the Sun.

Whatever the mechanism of our spiraling genetic code becoming updated, in the most incredibly diverse and miraculous manners of symbiosis, it’s undeniable that there must be some source of steady influence, or at least regular intervals of radiation, and I can really only think of one giant radiation ball that our planetary cycles routinely revolve around, as it pours spirals of energy directly into every single cell of life. The Sun of God.

So yeah, maybe the Sun is the catalyst that literally fuels evolution, big deal, everybody knows that’s just a random coincidence anyway. It’s not like he has any clue what’s going on down here on Earth. We can’t even figure it out, and we’re the smartest species ever. How could a massive body of energy outside of our comprehension, ever comprehend what is best for ‘our’ planet? Now, he’s definitely got more experience, like, since the beginning. Way before life began, but he was still up there pouring vibrations into our planet, our mother, the incubator that would nurture the entirety of Earthly existence, the egg of life. And I guess, technically, he pretty much created the planet to begin with.




In the beginning, there was darkness, and then there was light, as the fundamental vibrations that humans labeled hydrogen and helium, ignited into nuclear fusion, and the gravity of his personality began to pull together a harem of planets. Kinda funny how ‘Adam’ and ‘atom’ sound so much alike, and how the first most basic atom is hydrogen, and that the second element of creation has an additional rib, I mean electron, and the union of the two Eve-olved the existence of everything we’ve ever known. Including our planet, who was created out of the dust of the Earth, which was still kinda just the same dust of the Sun, and as the Sun’s energy entered the orb of the Earth, it also created everything that we’ve ever known.

The sacred union of the Sun and Earth went through countless cycles of fire and brimstone, molten lava that cooled to become rocks, the very first solid members of our Earthly community. The Sun kept sending its juice, and the Earth kept evolving. More rocks, and mountains, and water came from somewhere, maybe space, but that’s just more hydrogen plus an oxygen vibratamin boost. Then the Sun built us an atmospheric nursery, warmed up the egg, and our mother gave birth to the ancestors of man, as she brought new life out of this world.

The Protozoa are our ancestors, the mountains are our ancestors, the rocks are our ancestors, the Earth is our mother, and the Sun is our father. This is not some poetic metaphor attempting to unite our understanding of the universe with the doctrines of religion and evolution, it doesn’t even rhyme. No, this is the signal flow of connection between the now and a higher dimension. And Tunkasila? Well, I guess he must be the Sun’s dad.

I get that this must be a lot to wrap your highly evolved head around right now, so we can move on for a bit, but the real takeaway for today’s lesson is simple - The Sun and the Earth are entangled in a symbiotic dance of energy exchange, the mechanics of which are the driving force of our evolving DNA. Their vibrations combine to create the spiral of life at the heart of existence, most directly with the plants, who are capable of making this conversion internally. We then consume the plants, who contain the most up-to-date evolutionary information, and our own genetic preparedness for survival evolves. It happens in small subtle steps, but you are what you eat, on a deep vibrational level. So why would anyone under the Sun, eat the fake foods that our civilization crams down our throat? Please, don’t, the future of the planet depends on it.




And by this time, we’d made it back to the rally point, which was right across the street from Rosebud, so of course we drove over there to chief one. We even got to see a police suv up on the hill, protecting the protectors no doubt, good times, and then we headed to Sacred Stone for further disorientation. Snow, fire, and a tipi, more old times with new friends, and then we headed to Black Hoop to blaze one. And we weren’t even on tour, it just so happened that the family that was putting us up, lived right down the street from the fallback camp that I never fell back to.

‘Standing Rock: The Musical’, had happened in their backyard, and they had been there from the beginning, before the beginning, and they were still here after. They said that they’ve had to chase off trespassing dapl workers who were nosing around on the rez, and I’ve even heard reports of teargas explosions in Cannonball. The oppression of indi