Understanding Your Life’s Perspective by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Mastering the art of delegation is one of the skills that can totally change your life. The problem with most people, especially women, is that they tend to think they’re the only one who can do something and do it right. The thing to remember, though, is that "right" is often subjective. Maybe someone else can do it perfectly fine.

Let’s look at some factors that can help you master the art of delegation so that you can simplify your life by leveraging other people’s time.

Hand Off the Right Type of Tasks

First, get a handle on all the tasks that you do. When you can organize and categorize them, you can look at ways to make each task easier to accomplish.

In some cases, you can automate them with technology, in other cases, you’ll need to find a person to handle that task for you.

Give the Tasks to the Right Person

In addition to handing off the right type of tasks, you’ll want to find the right person for that task. If you know someone who is already good at that thing you need to be done, they’re the most natural person to hire because they already know how to do it.

You just give it to them and let them do it. If you find someone who hasn’t done it before, you’ll have to train them. That is an idea if your budget is lower but hiring an expert will make everything simpler.

Get Out of Their Way

Once you pass the task on to someone else, get out of their way. Don’t micromanage. Sure, give them some expectations for the task. For example, if you hire someone to clean your home, make sure to let them know about the things you deem important for the cleaning to be considered sufficient to you, then let them do it.

Most service providers already have a specific method for doing that task based on their expertise, so it’s always best after you’ve agreed on deliverables to let them get on with it.

Use Your New-Found Time Productively

It’s not enough to just delegate a task to someone else, and that’s that. Instead, use the time you gain to do something productive. If you use that time to do something important to you such as spend time with your kids, your partner, friends – or to do money-making tasks, you’re going to feel so much more productive and enjoy delegating more.

If someone else can do something faster, cheaper, and the same quality (or close) as you, why wouldn’t you delegate? If you are feeling overwhelmed because you are doing too much, there is no point in continuing. Instead, invest in training and delegating to others because you’ll not only improve your own life but maybe theirs too.AUTOMATION