Unlock Your Full Potential by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Unlocking Your Potential Is Not a Destination

The last thing to keep in mind on this journey to unlocking your potential is to remember that it’s not a destination. You won’t wake up one day and magically have all your potential at your fingertips. Truly unlocking your full potential means you need to sit down and examine your life and your choices. Only then can you truly unlock your potential.

Remember that you will constantly be unlocking your potential because it’s not a destination. It might seem strange to constantly be working on something or constantly be working on yourself, but that’s how potential works.

Remember that you are dreaming big, but you are starting small. Starting small means you will have a long process ahead of you. While unlocking your potential might not fully be a destination, you will still see goals being mastered and progress being made.

Since the potential is not a destination, it’s even more imperative that you try to keep track of goals and make sure your steps of progress are constantly evolving. Without doing this, you will never truly know if you are unlocking your potential or not, because there is no true end goal or end product.

The steps outlined below will help you as you go through the journey, not the destination:

Stop and Think for Awhile

Before starting on the journey of untapping into that potential that’s locked away, try to stop and rest for a while. Your life is probably so busy. This is one of the reasons you might feel trapped and unable to uncover your potential. The business of life can make you feel small and not give you enough space to truly grow and create your potential.

Part of stopping to rest also means being mindful of what’s going on around you. While unlocking your potential should never be a comparison, you can still take time to note what others are doing around you.

You can also be mindful of what others are doing and try to seek some advice or tips from them to help your journey along. You also need to be mindful of yourself and pay attention to what you’re doing individually. When you’re driving, just drive and listen to music. Don’t get distracted by thoughts, the phone, or other outside factors that are going on around you.

Practice Yoga

Practicing yoga or another mindfulness exercise will ensure you are in the moment and not thinking about the destination. Many people who practice yoga say they feel more mindful and they are more concerned about what’s happening to them right now, rather than focusing so far into the future.

Thinking about the future is never a bad idea, but it shouldn’t come with feelings of anxiety or nervousness. Instead, try to focus on the here and now. Even when you aren’t doing yoga.

Tap into Your Self Knowledge

Part of realizing that potential is not a destination is trying to tap into your self-knowledge. Getting to know yourself better and in a more enlightened way will ensure you are trying your best to discover your potential. Focusing on being self-aware will also take your thoughts away from constantly trying to reach the destination.

Once you learn your own self-knowledge, you will also find yourself focusing more and more on getting to know yourself. If you are spending time thinking about things other than just trying to finish the project, you will distract yourself.

Realizing that potential doesn’t have a destination can be a hard task for some. For many people, they want there to be an end game and they want to see the end results. Trying to get over this mentality can be hard for most people.

However, learning to be in the moment and just take the journey is an important life discovery. By taking small steps at a time, you can be sure you are moving forward even when you might not be completely done. Remember that your potential is never finished, so why should there be a final destination?

Uncovering your potential is a life process that’s exciting and worthwhile. Your potential is endless and so is your creativity and the thing you can make better in this world.