We Are One by Anita B. Sulser PhD - HTML preview

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Light Is...


"Use the light that dwells within you to regain your natural clarity of sight."

– Lao Tzu

Before the Big Bang created the multiverse, not much of anything existed... That which was is not nothing, but it is not anything. It transcends any scale of  measurement, we may conceive with our minds. It merges all, which we require to observe or examine an object empirically... Reference points, such as the past, the present and the future converge. Time occurs simultaneously, while all of space intersects. Duration and distance fades. The content of the universe is absorbed into that from which it came.

We use words to describe awareness or existence. However, more often than not, our descriptions strive the separate the two concepts, as if awareness had its root in our relative existence. We fail to recognize that Awareness is Existence. Both are entwined in their natural state of being. As one, they are prior to name and form.

We aim to define existence to identify its purpose in hope, we may free ourselves from the shackles of reincarnation. Withal, the sole means to liberate ourselves in this life or any other lingers in plain sight, waiting to be recognized... Our true self does not complain, judge or criticize, it is acutely aware every mistake is but a lesson in disguise. With each mistake and every misconception, we are one step closer to perceiving the unadulterated truth. With every effort to comprehend the incomprehensible, we inch toward self-realization. As if we suddenly found ourselves in a dream, we must awaken. We must rattle ourselves into a state of conscious awareness that never ceases.

In our natural state, we do not breathe, eat, drink, dream or sleep. We do not feel hot or cold, pleasure or pain...Light is not born and does not die. In the form of pure awareness, light cannot be created or destroyed. It maintains itself, as it is a self- sustaining reality in itself. It is a body of infinite life-force, which makes it beyond immortal. Immortality in every form is of its own conception... Prior to, it is the embodiment of immortality, for it is Absolute Existence. It is the beginning less end or the endless beginning of all that we know in our journey to realize ourselves as the embodiment of all knowledge.

Contrary to popular belief, there's a fine distinction between consciousness and awareness. Consciousness cannot transcend itself. In other terms, consciousness does not heighten consciousness, awareness does. Consciousness is merely the internalized movement of the universe, including the movement of everything in it on every level. Consciousness requires a spatial and temporal domain, in which to function. It needs an observer and an object/subject to be observed, all-pervasive awareness does not. It simply is...

On a related note, only awareness transcends consciousness, since it is not bound by cause & effect. That being said, the Self cannot be not transcended. At the core of our being, we may only realize what there already is: the all-pervasive awareness of being itself. The key to achieving this is Theta. A brain-wave state, we must learn to access voluntarily through meditation and live in. More importantly, we must  realize our true Self in doing so.

States of consciousness, such as waking, dreaming and sleep must become one, giving way to a fourth state of consciousness. One that realizes all of what I shared with you without needing to be told. A silent, knowingness that rests in infinite awareness. You share consciousness with all, but awareness is all. Every rock, every stone, every pebble of sand, every animal and every person... Without consciousness, matter remains in a state of undetermined probability. In consciousness, this is what we all are. Undetermined probabilities with infinite potential. Alternatively, in awareness, we are simply pure potential without a determinable state of probability. However, we often feel a deep-seated need to define ourselves. This urge to define ourselves limits us. It determines a state of being that remained be undeterminable. So, with every time we define ourselves, we exclude other possibilities, inadvertently reducing our visible potential  even  further. We are not our jobs. We are not our religion. We simply are, without boundaries or restrictions.

To explain, awareness isn't anything. It cannot be anything, for it is. It does not exist in tangible form. Just like a river cannot be the ocean, a fragment of consciousness cannot be the total sum of awareness. Even if we collected all the water in all the worlds, we cannot extract its source. This is the way it is with consciousness. We can give, take and share our consciousness across all of existence for the mere fact that we do already, but we cannot find the root of consciousness through finite experiences that manifest in consciousness. In other words, we cannot find or discern awareness through consciousness. Everything is relative and for as long as a thing is relative, it cannot be absolute. Consciousness is finite as much as it is relative, it exhibits discernible features. It has a beginning and an end, whereas awareness does not. Everything that is relative has its cause and its effect, whereas the absolute is outside the bounds of cause & effect. It does not abide by its laws. Cause & effect determine probabilities, which ultimately take shape, but it cannot determine the undetermined. That which is neither probability nor improbability: Infinity. By definition, we know, its state can never be determined. (Through logical reasoning, we may deduce, the infinite has taken the form as the finite. It may be everything finite at once, as it encompasses the whole of space time on a multidimensional, multi-versal scale.)

So, why is the infinite masquerading itself as the finite? The best way to explain it is to imagine an infinite, spaceless vacuum. A void, in which only light exists. What would happen in such a scenario, when light refracts, bouncing back onto itself...or it were to swirl at its highest pace? Similar to a hologram, or more accurately a holomovement, entire worlds would be created, or at least the appearance of them... However, there is no space or time in a vacuum. Nothing changes. Forms  are created from energy that are then recycled to create other forms. It is as if light daydreams in the dark, and we are the result that dream...As if, we are caught in a trick of light.

Without realizing that we are light, we shall be stuck on this merry-go-round indefinitely. We die, we forget, we remember and then we die again. Each time, we may get a little closer, but we never quite manage to take the leap into what lies directly before/inside us. Who can blame us? We can't see into the unknown. We sure as hell don't want to jump into the dark, not knowing. However, in the end, if we believe in ourselves, we must make a leap of faith into the deepest recesses of our being. Perhaps, we may eventually realize it as the spirit of existence. The great spirit of all that is born from awareness.

Awareness does not divide itself.

Its energies don't flow in limited degrees... 

It is a part of every thought, word and deed.

Anything that could possibly occur originates from it.

Prior to time, there was no past, present or future. There is solely the unknowable potential for all time in all varying forms and deviations. Similar to a probability engine, the possibilities are endless and still undetermined. The only instance that ever applies to our relative existence is the present moment. When the future and the past vanish, the present is all that remains. It is all there is. When we remain in the here and now (without thought, reminders of the past or expectations of the future etc.), the pure essence of time can unfold before us. In all its glorious power, time is the mother of all. To her, every life is sacred. She is the primordial force of all life, bestowing it with its momentum.... Before her, all must bow. In her dream, she pulls the strings. Inside this biophotonic matrix, she keeps the illusion alive. In our hearts, there'll always be room for her, as the archetype of the feminine. The active, ever-changing aspects of our universe. We recognize a part of us in her, not her as the whole, which is the error in our perception limiting our understanding of her.

We dance with time as we dance with death, like a lover. The inherent danger merely heightens the thrill of a seemingly never-ending romance. However, invariably the song must end. Every song ends, but one. The song of all songs. The silent song that is playing quietly in the background since the beginning of time and only ceases at its lateral end. What I speak of is the source of all sound, or more accurately, that which becomes all sound. Prior to the silent sound hidden in all things, there is the deafening sound of an entire existence. We perceive it as a tranquil melody, heard in deep meditation that emanates bliss from within, but in truth, it is the celestial bells of light with which we can find our way back home...

There is a reality buried deep inside us. Our true Self is formless. It has no colour, creed or race, it is all colours, creeds and races. It has no nation, it is all nations. It cannot be subjugated by another form of itself. It is free. It cannot break when bent. It cannot be harmed or killed. Nothing can touch it. It is incorporeal with the conscious choice to remain or depart as long as the illusion of time is ongoing...

However, such great power demands great sacrifice. It