Who am I? with Comments


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Published: 9 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Who am I? Is a seminal work of Ramana Maharshi. It is terse and deep. For many who are interested, some help is needed to understand what Ramana is teaching and in how to put it into practice. The author of this book writes from his experience of more than 25 years of practice and gives guidance based on this. This book is valuable for both those who are just starting their interest in Self-inquiry and for those with a long standing practice.

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Richard Clarke

Interested in spirituality my whole life, first Buddhism, especially Chan Buddhism. For last 30 years, follower of Ramana Maharshi and Advaita Vedanta. After retirement from Silicon Valley lived for 8 years in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India. Now reside with my wife Carol near Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico. I now offer Ramana Maharshi satsangs and podcasts, courses in Mindfulness Meditation, and I write a weekly HOT Science newsletter. .

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