Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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A tiny egg turns into a larva, becoming a caterpillar before finally transforming into a beautiful butterfly. Likewise, a human being can also change from ugly to beautiful.

The butterfly is a perfect metaphor for the ego. We can transform our ego from the ugly caterpillar leeching onto its existence, scared by what it sees and continuously squirming to and fro to get ahead, yet barely making any progress.

We can transform that slow, repetitive, predictable, agonizing route into a multi-dimensional, multi-directional, stunningly majestic butterfly.


Once the metamorphosis is completed in the fourth stage, a butterfly breaks out of the chrysalis and upon its own strength, it emerges to explore new opportunities.

Opportunities that were previously unseen to the lowly caterpillar become visible. This beautifully transformed creature has a new life and can explore new dimensions of time and space once thought unfathomable.

From a new vantage point, the butterfly can travel far across the planet to witness the Universe beyond the scope of a caterpillar whose entire life is bound to a couple of trees in a park. Become beautiful; become a butterfly.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "U”

U is for Universe

" Ordinary men hate solitude. But the master uses it, embracing

his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe."

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Universe, God, Source, The Tao. All are different names for the same thing.

These are all ways of saying creator or creation.

The Tao describes the Universe as;

everything and nothing

good and bad

up and down

right and wrong


light and dark.

If this is so, then although God has given us all the gifts of creation, the truth is that She is not preoccupied with what any one of us does. The whole thing is one big connected cosmic joke, and each part (good and evil, yin and yang) is necessary for God to experience God.

In this context, God (or the universe) is everything. As that old Santa-looking guy who had conversations with God has told us, there is no-thing which is not God. No-thing!

The creator intentionally made it so the universe can experience itself as one combined conscious entity.

The most beautiful part is that the Universe has started a massive shift to awaken the masses since the turn of the century. It began in earnest in the 1970s. However, it sped up exponentially once the internet was widely used.

Before that, the knowledge was kept to churches, universities, politicians and the ultrawealthy. The internet has changed that.

We can find out anything we want and find out what's going on anywhere in the world that's connected via the internet in a matter of seconds.

Now we are all connected, and I can simultaneously talk to people from every country. We were already connected as part of one universal consciousness. Brothers and Sisters made by God for God.


We became his perfect creation when God made Humans the apex of creativity. That holds with it the meaning that you are an ideal creation precisely the way you are now.

Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "V”

V is for Vision

" If you are not being defined by a vision of the future, then you

are left with the old memories of the past. "