Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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The ego is the mind interrupting the present moment with chatter and trickery of thought patterns.

In the Western world, the Ego is usually viewed as a person who seems vain or braggadocio and always ‘shows off, as in that guy has a big ego. This description of Ego is hungry for power, money, fame, and lust. These are all lower vibrational frequencies.

This is not the whole story, though. Simply put, Ego arises when we live in fear. So, the braggadocios person is bragging because they fear that no one will love them unless they have all sorts of accomplishments to show, like money, cars or whatever they are bragging about.

The ego can also manifest oppositely. When people say, “No one loves me” or “Poor me, " that is the Ego coming out to play.


Anytime the victim mentality is hard at work, you can be sure the Ego is involved.

In truth, the Ego often feels sorry for itself (or it gets you to feel sorry for it). The ego remains when we are not living in love and