Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Albert Einstein

Visualize a horizontal line with zero in the middle, and as you move to the left, it says -1, -2 and so on. As you move to the right, it says +1 and +2 etc.

If we want freedom, we must make the decisions and choices that move us to the right side of that scale. The formula for liberation is simply to aim for more pluses than minuses.

Every time we make bad choices for our body, mind and spirit, we move to the minus side of neutral.

We make constant choices daily and can end up at plus 100 or minus 100 by the end of the day.

We will begin to notice over time that the more plus we have, the more plus we want.


When we accumulate little wins, they stack on each other and become significant gains.

Doing this makes us aware of when our choices are minus. That awareness leads us to make better choices and add more 'plus' to our existence.

There will always be a couple of negatives in your life, which is okay. That will happen naturally, but if we notice them, we can correct them.

Eventually, we get to a point where we begin to tip the scales to the plus side. If we can do this 80 % of the time, we will have mastered Pareto's principle and live a happy, healthy life.

We notice things we did not see before when we measure and review our progress.

We start to see ourselves stepping into the person we want to become, and we know a new truth empirically. Success is found in the journey we take, not in the destination we reach.

So, are you struggling to succeed? Maybe today will add more pluses to your personal success scale.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "G”

G is for God

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"

Genesis 1:1

The birds, bees, leaves, trees, rolling rivers, and salty seas.

Antelope through to Zebra, from A-Z, it's a self-nod to things that remind me of God.

Embrace the moments so there will be no regrets. Capture the beauty of the stars, sunrises and sunsets.

Not only did God make such sights for us to experience elation and elevation. The visual display is God displaying divine presence through creation.

Is that too far of a reach for you? Is it a concept that is too hard to grasp?


Maybe it is easier to pretend that God is some guy sitting above the clouds like ancient pictures of Zeus?

It's no accident that the first five words of the bible are "At the beginning God created."

What if everything we see is God? The good and the bad.

Something similar is written in Revelations 22:13, "The Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The first and the last (and everything in between)."

Different points of attention combine to create the quantum field, the universe we live in. The thing we call Source, Chi or Lifeforce.

All of these things are God, and God is everywhere.

She is inside every one of us. That means that right now, inside of you is God's divine nature, and what is God? Creation manifested!

The best way to experience the divine is to create. When we are creating, we are fully present, and the reason is that we are creators made in the image of God. Because of this extraordinary gift, God will manifest through us to create heaven on Earth.

GOD is coming through me to create when I write these words or give a powerful speech. You see, it is not a who but a feeling. A feeling I know to be accurate, a feeling called God.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "H”

H is for Healing

"As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else"