Yoga Types for Beginners: Yoga Routines & Poses You Can Quickly Start Using! by Morris Brown - HTML preview

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What Is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient Indian philosophy that enhances personal growth and well

being. Although it is a systemic philosophical approach, yoga is not a religion,

but complementary with most spiritual paths. The physical aspect of Yoga

( Hatha Yoga) use poses and focused breathing, requiring concentration and

discipline. The result is a greater union of mind, body and spirit. Anyone,

regardless or body type, age, experience, or physical abilities, can practice yoga.

Pop culture would have us believe that yoga involves contorting your body into

uncomfortable positions while staring at a candle and breathing incense. You

will see that yoga is much more than that. It is a series of exercises that can be

done by almost all people – not just the young who are in shape and healthy.

Yoga can be performed by senior citizens, disabled people, and even children.

Yoga is a tool for gaining body-mind awareness to enhance whatever

spiritual/religious beliefs you have. A yoga session will leave you felling

energized and relaxed. You will work your muscles and will properly align your

bones; you will breathe deeply, oxygenating the lungs and blood; you will

experience true deep relaxation.

By bringing awareness to the body, and working the muscles, you are able to

more deeply relax them then from any other form of exercise. You will gain a

deeper appreciation of your body and mind through yoga in a way that no other

exercise program will. People who have done no physical exercise at all, as well

as Olympic athletes, find enormous benefits from Yoga. The foundation of

traditional yoga is careful alignment of your body as you hold the poses. This

precision and the awareness that comes with it, leads to tremendous growth,

physically, mentally, and emotionally. As in all great arts and sciences, to

become proficient in yoga requires effort, determination, and practice. But then,

the fruit we reap is always in proportion to the seeds we sow and nurture. Thus,

if you are looking for a quick fix, an instant cure, a quelling of surface symptoms

while the true ailment remains unhealed, you will not find satisfaction in yoga.

On the other hand, if you want to keep or regain your health, vitality and vigor; if

you want to feel younger and stronger; and if you are looking for a perfectly

balanced and complete form of exercise that can be started by anyone over seven

years of age, in any condition, and which becomes more challenging as you get

more advanced, yoga is for you! There are many benefits of a regular yoga

practice. Not only does yoga help maintain a healthy lifestyle, it clears your mind

and provide clarity of focus – something we all could use from time to time!

Let’s look at the benefits of yoga