You Die, We Grieve, They Rejoice by Michael Burke - HTML preview

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1.  A basic definition:

God, the divine creator of all forms, is all that is and has ever been.  There has never been a time when God did not exist.  As we, his creations grow and experience, God then continues to expand, for we are a part of him.  God is the force from which all life flows.  Just know God is not an individual being or entity.  God is the perfection we seek in all things through our accomplishments and experiences.

Many religious books and texts all have a similar definition of God.  Almost all speak of God in the same manner, and have the same general understanding of who God is.  There are some exceptions, but the majority believes God is the force that brings into existence all forms of every emotion, every action, and every entity of life.

God also creates all new life through the physical and biological processes necessary for life on earth.  We are all living energy forms made in the image of God, and we too have an ability to create in our own right.  This ability was given to us by our loving God.  Even though we cannot create on the same grand scale that our loving God can create, we do create in a similar manner to that of God.

We create and bring things into being through our actions of thought.  If it were not for the negative judgments we hold of other people, we would be creating a more positive world for ourselves to live in.  Whatever your situation is in life at this very moment, you created it.  If you consider it to be a negative situation, then you are the one to create a new situation for yourself, a more balanced situation.  When we make positive or negative changes, everything around us changes.  It’s up to you to create the life you desire to experience, one based on balance between the negative and positive.  On planet earth all life seeks balance.

To provide a simple definition of God, you simply need to look within yourself to your soul.  Your soul image is seen as pure energy, and that is why they say we are made in God’s image, for he is viewed as a vastness of infinite pure energy.  Energy is never destroyed, it only changes form.  There is no good or evil, right or wrong, only various forms in which energy, emotion, thought, and actions are brought forth.  A thought or action on its own is not judged as evil or good by God.  It is mankind who compares the action to previous actions and then judges it to be good or bad.

God is not a vengeful or cruel being who will scold or punish you for the lessons you have chosen to experience in the human form.  For we choose negative and positive lessons to balance out our spiritual growth.  One cannot grow in spiritual awareness without experiencing the negative side of life on earth as well as the positive.  Therefore when we return to our true home, we are the only one to judge the life we just experienced in the human form.  God gives us this right to judge ourselves for the lessons we ourselves chose to experience in the human form.

There are beings that are higher in spiritual development that will help you along your path, both on earth and once you cross over.  There are no beings to deliver punishment or guilt when you are back in your true spirit form. 

God is patient and understanding.  There is no such being as Satan or Lucifer that opposes God; this was created by religion to show the difference between good and evil, right and wrong.  There are no groups of beings who are responsible for acts that you, human beings, declare as evil.  There are no beings set aside simply for the purpose of creating evil thoughts or evil acts. 

Everything, everything, everything is created by God.  All things that you create are the result of God or are assembled in such a way that ‘all’ experience and benefit from your creations, whether negative or positive.  You are not alone in your thinking.  Your thoughts have power and are at the root of your ability to create.

2. Who or What is God?

There is no reality greater than knowing that there is a part of God within your physical body.  It may seem as if you are living two lifetimes, as it were; that of the physical human existence which you enter over and over again learning lessons, and that of the energy being (soul), your true spirit self in your true home world.  It is a matter of learning. 

There is only energy, that which is universal energy in our world, your true home.  You will grow beyond this world of your current physical existence and return to your true home upon your death.  Everyone sooner or later progress and move beyond this current world they inhabit in a physical form.  There is much growth that is achieved by everyone through the experiences of everyone. 

God designed this part of his divine plan so that as we grow and experience life, he too can experience through us, his creations, just as we experience life through God.  All things, ideas, actions, beliefs and thoughts are assimilated.  Each will become the knowledge of the other.

In a nutshell, God is the infinite universal energy, the whole vastness of all life.  God is the goal we are reaching for in life; seeking to have all things brought into a state of perfection in our lives through service to God. 

The greatest service we can aspire to in physical life to be more God-like comes in being of service to mankind through; healing of the sick and infirm, comforting the mourner, assisting the emotionally and mentally confused, giving strength to the overworked and stressed, and guidance to those who have lost their way through drugs, alcohol and desperation.  For mankind, there is no higher service then these accomplishments in the eyes of God.  Do not seek praise or recognition for doing these wonderful things; just know you are fulfilling the true purpose for which you entered this physical world.  To bring love and enlightenment to yourself and to those who are in great need.

That which our world worships and desires such as power, position, authority and wealth is inconsequential to God.  Mankind my value these misguided endeavors, but God values our service to our fellow man.  The service we give out of true love and affection, which serves to build our spiritual character leading us toward our true goal; that of becoming more God-like.

When you leave this physical world and your soul crosses back over to your true home, the world of spirit, just remember that is not the end of life.  So called Heaven is not where you will spend eternity sitting at Gods feet and listening to angels singing divine hymns.  You will continue on your journey seeking to evolve higher, always seeking to become more God-like as you endeavor to grow in spiritual awareness. 

As you continue to grow and expand your spiritual energy, you add this to Gods expanding energy.  The more souls that become God-like, the stronger Gods energy becomes, thus aiding God in bringing balance and order to all life forms, in all the vastness of his creations.  God created souls to be his companions, giving them free will and the ability to create in their own right.

Remember, souls create the negative in order to experience and grow spiritually, God does not create negative energy; we do for our enlightenment.  That is why when you die and cross over; ‘you’ are the one who will judge yourself for what you have done in the human form, not God.  You chose the life you are now living; the events that have played out for your own growth were your choice to experience, not Gods choice for you.


1. What is true Prayer?

 Prayer in its true form deals with what your true intent is for asking the prayer in the first place.  True prayer is a spiritual action which allows a person to look into their soul and see where their strength’s and weaknesses come from.  That inner look into yourself then helps to create a stronger bond between you and God.

People who go to their church, synagogue or mosque and simply say in repetition the same old prayers achieve nothing.  Those who repeat those prayers over and over each day, each week, do so with indifference; for they have ceased long ago to contemplate the true meaning of the words they now utter without thinking.  An example is like the Christians repeating the ‘Lords Prayer’ or the Muslims reciting the same prayer five-times a day facing Mecca.  Neither God, nor his Angels respond to such prayers because the people say them without true sincerity in their hearts.  The correct prayer is that which is done without vanity, without attempting to change something for personal gain and/or selfish reasons. 

True prayer is when an individual desires to help oneself or another person/group to bring forth a positive change while being of service to God and Mankind.  True prayer allows a person to tune into the spirit energy of God, which automatically then attracts its answer by creating a vibration that draws your guardian angel to come forth with help and assistance.

2. How do I say or ask a true prayer?

A true prayer, one from the heart, depends on your intent.  Say your prayer, mentally or out loud, and then envision your positive prayer coming true.  Ask that spirit energy from God be sent so that your prayer comes to pass.  It is only necessary to have in your mind the vision of the completed outcome that you wish to achieve.  Simply focus your thoughts on the outcome you would like to see and visualize your spirit energy leaving your body and affecting the universe.  By doing this, your energy will be brought to the attention of God and his Angels, so to speak, and your prayer will be reviewed and a determination made as to whether divine intervention will come forth or not.

You may ask your humble prayer as often as you wish, for as long as your true intention is of a positive nature, your prayer will radiate out from your heart and deliver the spirit energy into the universe.  Your spirit energy emanates from all around you.  You have the ability to create, which was given to you by God.  You have the mind power to assist in seeing your prayer bring forth your desired result, or at least bring love into the situation you are attempting to help or change.

Just know, not all prayers are acted upon by God and his Angels, due in part to each soul having free will.  Some souls chose to experience hardships, and what seems to be chaos in their lives is in reality their desire to experience the negative side of life for their spiritual growth.  If someone chose to place themselves in a bad situation, God would not interfere to change that situation until that person had learned all they could from it.  After they had experienced and learned from their chosen life lesson, then God would allow your prayers to come forth to aid and heal the person you are trying to help.


1. Is there a Heaven and Hell?

The inventions of ‘Heaven and Hell’ were fabrications made up by organized religions in order to control the uneducated and superstitious people of the physical world.  Religion created them as a control measure to coerce the people into obeying their manmade rules and laws, which they falsely claimed came from God.

If you obeyed the religious authority, they granted your soul the right to go to Heaven and be with God.  If you disobeyed the religious authority, then you were damned to Hell and your soul was given to Satan for all eternity.  It was simply a way in which organized religion could scare people into believing they had power over their lives. 

The average person knows very little of what they truly believe about God, so it was easy for religion to gain control of them through their basic ignorance.  Never underestimate the power of false words to control others; especially when used by someone who is perceived as an authority figure by the people.

2. Is there life after death?

All souls, which are energy beings, were created by God.  God gave us free will so that we could learn to create as he does.  Advanced souls created places like our universe, which have many planets of varying degrees throughout, for souls to go and experience different lessons as souls seek to further develop their spiritual awareness.

If you inhabit a human form right now, you have incarnated to this planet called Earth in order to experience all the many facets of love.  That is what this planet teaches.  True, unconditional love takes many lifetimes for the average soul to master, and that is the journey you are now on.  During each human lifetime, you incarnate with lessons and experiences you need for your spiritual growth.  Some lessons you accomplish, some you do not.

Being born as a baby is how a soul enters this planet.  You enter with no memory of past lives or of the spirit world so you are not distracted while working through the present lifetime.  Without the physical body, your soul could not experience the negative side of life.  The human form is able to experience pain and suffering; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually whereas your soul is not capable of experiencing these negative lessons.

When you have come to the end of the lifetime you chose, then it is time to return to your true home world through the avenue called death.  Death simply allows your soul to detach itself from the body you had chosen for your learning experiences.  Fear not death, for your soul experiences no pain or injury when the physical body dies.  It is truly a very joyous occasion when you return to your true home, where friends and loved ones await your arrival.

3. What is our true home like?

Your soul, which is energy, takes on an ethereal form when it leaves the physical body.  This form resembles the form you held when you were earth bound, except it has no defects and displays itself in near perfection.  This new ethereal form is required in the world of spirit just as you required a physical form while on earth to house your soul.

Since you are pure energy, you require no food, drink or air to breathe when you are back in your true home.  You do not suffer the aging process as your soul is eternal in nature.  This ethereal covering does contain higher emotions, but not like the lower animalistic emotions you now experience in the human form. 

Souls who incarnate to earth and take on the human form all dwell on the same level.  That means you had contact with those who were considered the smartest people at the top, those who were average thinking, and those at the bottom who are considered idiots.  All were living together on the same level as they experienced their chosen lessons. 

In the world of spirit, your true home, there is a separation.  Your soul will live in one of the seven major zones of consciousness with other souls you are in harmony with.  These seven zones are based on how enlightened or spiritually advanced a soul has become.  The law of attraction applies, like attracts like.  As you work to ascend through the sub-levels, each is more sublime then the preceding one.

Each one of the seven major zones has seven sub-levels to it.  These zones and levels are vibrating and spinning at a higher frequency as you ascend through them.  The average soul who is now reincarnating between the spirit world and earth resides in the 3rd major zone, and dwells on one of the seven sub-levels of that major zone.

As an example let’s say as a soul you were living in the spirit world on the 3rd major zone, on sub-level number 4 of that major zone.  You incarnated to earth and were born and you had chosen to be a female.  You lived that life and achieved most of the lessons you wanted to learn and experience.  That life lasted eighty-eight years lets say, and then you died and returned to the world of spirit.  Let’s say during that life your soul advanced spiritually, which means upon your return to the spirit world your soul now advanced to the next sub-level of consciousness it had earned.  Instead of returning to the 3rd major zone, sub-level number 4, you would now go to the 3rd major zone, sub-level number 5.

Once you spiritually grow and progress through all the seven sub-levels of a major zone, you then enter the next major zone and work your way through those seven sub-levels.  For example, when your soul progresses from the 3rd major zone, sub-level number 7 of that major zone, you would then enter the 4th major zone, and start out on sub-level number 1 of that major zone, and then start working your way through that major zone’s sub-levels.  When you reach the 7th major zone, and the 7th sub-level of that major zone and have become spiritually enlightened and have mastered all that is contained therein, you are now ready to ascend to Gods next phase of your soul development.  When you leave the seven major zones your soul will no longer need an ethereal form and you will be seen as pure energy, a beautiful bright light.  You would never again enter a human or ethereal form again.  A whole new adventure awaits your soul as you co-create with God.

4. Where are these major zones located?

The earth is encircled by these seven major zones and sub-levels of consciousness, just as all the planets contain their own individual consciousness of higher or lower vibrations.  All zones of consciousness meet and blend together, so your soul is then prepared to enter into another consciousness on another planetary journey of learning if you so desire.  Souls are always being encouraged in a positive manner to progress forward to be more God-like for their own self awareness.


In this section it will be explained how to bring healing energy to yourself, and also how you can deliver healing energy to others, such as family members and friends.

There are some things to know before the different healing techniques are explained.  No one can receive healing until their soul itself is prepared to accept the healing energy.  It matters not how strong the healing energy is or who is delivering the healing energy, nothing will be healed until that person’s soul is willing to accept it. 

The reason some souls refuse to allow the body they inhabit to be healed may be due to a karmic lesson the soul is learning or experiencing at the time.  For example, if the soul chose to experience a specific disease, such as cancer, then it will refuse to allow healing to take place in the body until the lesson has been learned or experienced for the soul’s spiritual growth.

The following information will provide the basic knowledge needed to instruct you on how to do ‘self healing’ and how to do ’hands-on-healing.’  Please note, when the word ‘spirit’ is used, it does in no way imply a connection to any organized religion.  You can be an enlightened spiritual person and have no affiliation with any religious group.


Everyone has a soul companion or what some term a guardian angel from the world of spirit that is assigned to them during their lifetime on Earth.  Your angel will not intervene in your chosen life unless you ask for help or some specific type of assistance.  Otherwise, your angel will simply observe your life without you even being aware of it.

Now, if you pray or mentally call upon your angel for help, then your soul companion will intervene in your life to help you.  For example, if you catch the flu and you ask for help, then your angel will bring forth healing energy to help you recover from the illness.  If you catch the flu and don’t ask for help, your soul companion will simply allow you to be as sick as you desire.  You have free will and your angel cannot assist you unless you ask.  You have the right to be as sick as you wish.

Begin self healing by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position if possible.  This will help relax your body and mind.  If it is possible, also limit the light and noise that surround you at this time.  Now mentally call to your angel.  For example say, “This is (your name) and I am calling for my angel to please come forth and place a shield of love, strength and protection around me straight from God.  I need healing energy to help me with (state what the disease, injury, or problem is with your physical body).  Thank you or Amen (if you wish to ask it as a prayer).

At this time, if you can reach the afflicted area, place the area or limb between your hands, or simply lay the palm side of your hands on or near the problem site.  If you are unable to reach the area, simply rest your hands in your lap (sitting) or place them by your sides (lying down).  Now after calling your angel, close your eyes and visualize the affected region or injury site becoming filed with a bright healing light.  See the area becoming healthy and whole again.  Visualize the disease being consumed by the healing light.  Feel your body being energized and restored to good health again.

You may repeat this process as often as you require it.  Keep asking for healing energy from your soul companion for as long as you feel the need.  Don’t give up too soon, the physical body takes time to respond and restore itself with the new energy coming to it.  Just remember, some illnesses you have placed in your path to learn a specific lesson, so once the lesson has been experienced, the healing energy will then connect and provide the help you seek.


This technique is used for bringing healing to family and friends who are open to energy healing.  As mentioned before, not all healing concerns a person’s health.  Illness and disease can be brought on for many reasons; such as a learning experience chosen by the person who needs an illness to teach them about deeper unconditional love.  So providing them with healing energy may have no effect until the lesson has been understood.

Healing energy of this type comes from the world of spirit, where your soul companion can draw upon the needed energy there that comes straight from Gods energy.  Your angel can then use your body to deliver the healing energy through you to bridge the gap between this world and the other world.  Your angel can deliver the healing energy without your assistance; it just makes it easier if they use you as the delivery system for the person you are trying to help.

When you ask your soul companion in the other world to bring hands-on-healing, you are giving your permission to use your body for this healing.  Do not send your energy to the person you are helping, let that healing energy come only from your angel or you may take back into your body some of the sickness from the person you are in physical contact with.

Follow this basic procedure in hands-on-healing before you start:

Once you have gotten the persons permission to give them healing, relax yourself by taking three deep breath’s.  Before touching the person, close your eyes and mentally call for your angel or soul companion and ask that they place a shield of protection around you straight from God.  This shield will keep any negative energy from coming back to you during the energy transfer.

Some people may not feel comfortable with you touching them, and that is alright.  You yourself may be concerned about having to touch the person, then simply don’t.  You can still deliver the healing energy without making physical contact.

For example, if your friend comes to you with a migraine headache and you both agree to the giving and receiving of healing energy, you can have your friend sit upright in a chair so that you can stand behind them.  If your friend doesn’t mind being touched, then place the palm of your right hand on the right side of their head near their ear, and do the same with your left hand.  If they don’t want to be touched, then simply hold your hands in the same positions, but move them out about an inch or two from their head.  Between your hands is where the energy field will be.  As your angel sends the healing energy through your body, down your arms to your hands, the energy will pass between your right and left hand into their head.  So you do not have to touch the person to send the energy into them.

While you are allowing the healing energy to pass through you into your friend or family member, visualize that person in your mind smiling and in a state of good health.  Visualization aids in helping with the healing energy your angel is sending through you. 

Most energy transfers last only between five and ten minutes, so once you feel nothing else is coming through you, simply stop.  Mentally thank your soul companion for the healing and you are finished for now.  You and your friend can decide how often you wish to repeat the hands-on-healing depending on the injury or illness.


Before you incarnate into a human form, you go through a process while you are still in the world of spirit.  There are higher evolved souls who help you plan out the lessons you wish to experience in the human form to aid your spiritual growth. 

Part of this process also includes choosing those soul companions who will help guide you once you incarnate to earth.  These beings will make sure the lessons you chose are placed in your life path, whether you pass or fail the lessons is up to you.  Should you fail to understand a lesson, your soul companions will attempt to bring about a similar experience so that you can still have more opportunities to learn the lesson.  You are not judged; you are simply working to advance your spiritual awareness.  What lessons you do not learn or understand during this life will simply be placed in your next incarnation.

Those souls who agreed to assist you make up a basic core group of three or more individuals.  For a better understanding a brief definition of each member and their main function will be given as it pertains to your life in the human form.  Each member shall be called by a name that will give you a better understanding of their function and level of advancement; this is just to help you understand the system of hierarchy.

  1. The ‘Master Teacher’ is the top member of your core group.  That entity from the point of spiritual awareness is the highest evolved energy soul in your life.  His main function is to observe and watch over the others who are assisting you in this lifetime.  If he sees that something is amiss, he makes any necessary corrections that are needed pertaining to them and/or your human incarnation.  When your life becomes concerned with death, he has the final say as to whether your soul may leave the physical body it occupies, or if your soul will remain in the body.  Depending on what you chose and what you did with your free will, he will decide at what point you can leave the earth to return home.  If you have progressed as far as possible, then he will alert the others and instruct them to bring you home.  If he feels you still have lessons that you can still accomplish, then your soul will not be allowed to leave the human form.  For example, say you were in a very serious vehicle accident and you sustained much damage to your physical body.  Say this was not something you chose to experience, but the free will of another human caused this to happen.  There is so much damage that you are at death’s door.  Your Master Teacher now will look at what lessons you still wanted to learn and/or experience.  He will discuss this with the others in your group and consult with your soul to see if you think you can continue on in a damaged body or not.  Say you try to convince him that you can still achieve your goals even in a damaged body.  He will decide if your core group will intervene with healing energy to keep your physical form alive so you can recover or decide if your physical body is too damaged to complete your lessons and have them remove your soul and let the body expire.  The ultimate decision on your life is up to your Master Teacher.
  2. The main entity that oversees your life, sometimes on a daily basis, is the one most people call their ‘Guardian Angel’ or simply their ‘Angel.’  This soul is not a true angel, but doesn’t mind being called an angel for our limited understanding.  The title for this soul in the world of spirit would be that of ‘Doctor’ in front of their name.  Doctor in this case would not imply a medical doctor, but would be a soul, who has earned, for our understanding, their PhD in a certain educational discipline, such as ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ for example.  This advanced soul companion then who has agreed to assist you with the life you are now living will respond to you when you pray or ask for healing or seek guidance in your life.  They take on the role of what we would call a ‘Guardian Angel.’  They have the power and ability to intervene in your physical life.  Your Angel’s main function is to help you learn and experience the lessons you chose for your spiritual advancement.  Your Guardian Angel then is observed and watched over by your Master Teacher.  There is what you would term ‘True Angels’ that do exist as a different type of soul grouping.  These true angels are very highly advanced beings that do not normally interact with people on an individual basis.  They are so powerful and spiritually evolved, that they concentrate on issues dealing with the many differing phases of consciousness, which impact the multitude of planetary systems throughout the different universes.
  3. There are other soul companions who agree to assist you and your guardian angel during your life in the human form.  They are usually friends you have in the world of spirit or they may be those souls who are studying those who incarnate into a human form and have agreed to work with you.  Their basic function is to assist your guardian angel with helping you achieve yours goals.  Your angel will then instruct and watch over them as they perform certain tasks he has assigned them.  Many times, your guardian angel has other things he must attend to in his life and so one of your soul companions will stay in tune to your vibration should you call out for help or assistance of some type.  If something dyer should happen they are in a position to alert your guardian angel immediately who would then come and take charge of the situation. 

The average person has this basic core group who is watching over them while they are in the human form.  Just know there a