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American Housewife

American Housewife

Author: Helen Ellis

Pages: 208

Edition: Hardcover

List Price: $24

Published: Jan, 2016

Publisher: Doubleday

ISBN: 9780385541039

Highest rank: #19 on 16th, Jan 2016

First entered: 16th, Jan 2016

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary

A sharp, funny, delightfully unhinged collection of stories set in the dark world of domesticity, American Housewife features murderous ladies who lunch, celebrity treasure hunters, and the best bra fitter south of the Mason Dixon line.

Meet the women of American Housewife: they wear lipstick, pearls, and sunscreen, even when it's cloudy. They casserole. They pinwheel. They pump the salad spinner like it's a CPR dummy. And then they kill a party crasher, carefully stepping around the body to pull cookies out of the oven. These twelve irresistible stories take us from a haunted prewar Manhattan apartment building to the set of a rigged reality television show, from the unique initiation ritual of a book club to the getaway car of a pageant princess on the lam, from the gallery opening of a tinfoil artist to the fitting room of a legendary lingerie shop. Vicious, fresh, and nutty as a poisoned Goo Goo Cluster, American Housewife is an uproarious, pointed commentary on womanhood.


Helen Ellis

Name: Helen Ellis

About the author:

Helen Ellis is an American novelist. She is the author of two published novels, as well as several works of short fiction.

Her first novel, Eating the Cheshire Cat, is a dark comedy written in Southern Gothic fiction style. It tells the story of three girls raised in the South, and the odd, sometimes macabre tribulations they endure.

Her second novel, The Turning Book: What Curiosity Kills, is a "teen vampire" story about a 16-year-old girl from the South who is adopted into a wealthy New York City family. The book's plot include shape-shifting, teen romance, and the supernatural.

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