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Author: Hannah Hart

Pages: 272

Edition: Hardcover

List Price: $23.99

Published: Oct, 2016

Publisher: Dey Street/Morrow

ISBN: 9780062457516

Highest rank: #4 on 22nd, Oct 2016

First entered: 22nd, Oct 2016

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER"By turns hilarious and heartbreaking, Hannah Hart’s new book is a roaring, beautiful, and profoundly human account of an extraordinary life."—John Green "Hannah shares her truth with an honesty that is inspiring—one that makes me believe her when she says that it’s going to get better or that laughter is just around the corner or that you aren’t alone."—Jenny Lawson, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Let's Pretend This Never Happened and Furiously Happy Hannah Hart, wildly popular YouTube personality and author of the New York Times bestseller My Drunk Kitchen, is stirring up tales from her past with a collection of narrative essays about family, faith, love, sexuality, self-worth, friendship and fame.Personal note:Hello, my darlings! I am incredibly pleased to present Buffering: Unshared Tales of a Life Fully Loaded!As a big fan of memoirs, I wanted to try my hand at writing about the events of my life that deserve a little more consideration than can be accomplished in 140-characters or a 6-minute vlog. Now on the cusp of turning 30, I'm ready to expose some parts of my life that I haven't shared before. Before, it was all about privacy, process and time. And now the time has come! I’m ready to put myself out there, for you.  I'm a little nervous about all these vulnerable words going into the world, these tales about my love life, the wrestling I’ve done with faith, how I feel about sex and my family and myself. I’ve had a lot of trials, a lot of errors, but also a lot of passion. Here’s the thing--I've always found comfort in the stories shared by others, so I hope my stories, now that I feel ready to tell them, will bring you some comfort too.And when you read this book please remember: Buffering is just the time it takes to process.Enjoy!Love,Hannah


Hannah Hart

Name: Hannah Hart

Hometown: San Francisco

Born: Nov, 1986

About the author:

Hannah Hart is a Youtuber, comedian, author, actress and somewhat of a chef. Her Youtube channel MyHarto features her weekly My Drunk Kitchen videos. She has also collaborated with a multitude of other Youtubers including her best friends Mamrie Hart and Grace Helbig. Hannah, Grace and Mamrie also co-created the movie Camp Takota where Hannah Hart plays a supporting role of Allison Henry.

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