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Daring To Hope

Daring To Hope

Author: Katie Davis Majors

Pages: 224

Edition: Hardcover

List Price: $25.99

Published: Oct, 2017

Publisher: Multnomah

ISBN: 9780735290518

Highest rank: #12 on 7th, Oct 2017

First entered: 7th, Oct 2017

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary

How do you hold on to hope
when you don’t get the ending
you asked for?

When Katie Davis Majors moved to Uganda, accidentally founded a booming organization, and later became the mother of thirteen girls through the miracle of adoption, she determined to weave her life together with the people she desired to serve. But joy often gave way to sorrow as she invested her heart fully in walking alongside people in the grip of poverty, addiction, desperation, and disease.
After unexpected tragedy shook her family, for the first time Katie began to wonder, Is God really good? Does He really love us? When she turned to Him with her questions, God spoke truth to her heart and drew her even deeper into relationship with Him.
Daring to Hope is an invitation to cling to the God of the impossible—the God who whispers His love to us in the quiet, in the mundane, when our prayers are not answered the way we want or the miracle doesn’t come. It’s about a mother discovering the extraordinary strength it takes to be ordinary. It’s about choosing faith no matter the circumstance and about encountering God’s goodness in the least expected places.
Though your heartaches and dreams may take a different shape, you will find your own questions echoed in these pages. You’ll be reminded of the gifts of joy in the midst of sorrow. And you’ll hear God’s whisper: Hold on to hope. I will meet you here.


Katie Davis Majors

Name: Katie Davis Majors

About the author:

Katie Davis Majors moved to Uganda over a decade ago with no idea that this would be the place that God chose to build her home and her family. Today, she is a wife to Benji and mom to her fourteen favorite people. Katie and her family invest their lives in empowering the people of Uganda with education, medical care, and spiritual discipleship. She is also the founder of Amazima Ministries, an organization that cares for vulnerable children and families in Uganda and the author of the New York Times bestseller Kisses from Katie.

Katie J. Davis

Name: Katie J. Davis

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee

Born: Nov, 1989

About the author:

Katie Davis is a young woman with a passion to serve Jesus. Now twenty-two, Katie lives in Uganda, where she is in the process of adopting thirteen little girls and is the founder and director of Amazima, a ministry that reaches hundreds of other children in Uganda. Katie is orginally fomr Nashville, Tennessee, where her parents and brother live. This is her first book. You can read her blog at

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