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Author: Louise Aronson

Publisher: Bloomsbury

ISBN: 9781620405468

Highest rank: #15 on 22nd, Jun 2019

First entered: 22nd, Jun 2019

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary


Louise Aronson

Name: Louise Aronson

Hometown: San Francisco

About the author:

Louise Aronson is a writer and a doctor whose work appears in literary magazines, newspapers, and medical journals, including Narrative Magazine, the Bellevue Literary Review, the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, New England Journal and Lancet. She is Professor of Medicine at the University of California where she does Housecalls, directs the Northern California Geriatrics Education Center and UCSF Medical Humanities, and leads the Public Medical Writing curriculum. Her first book, A History of the Present Illness, was a finalist for the PEN/Bingham and Chautauqua awards.

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