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Nice Racism

Nice Racism

Author: Robin DiAngelo

Publisher: Beacon

ISBN: 9780807074121

Highest rank: #13 on 3rd, Jul 2021

First entered: 3rd, Jul 2021

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary


Robin DiAngelo

Name: Robin DiAngelo

Hometown: San Francisco, California

Born: Sep, 1956

About the author:

Robin J. DiAngelo is an American academic, lecturer, and author working in the fields of critical discourse analysis and whiteness studies. She formerly served as a tenured professor of multicultural education at Westfield State University and is currently an Affiliate Associate Professor of Education at the University of Washington in Seattle. She is known for her work pertaining to white fragility, a term which she coined in 2011.

In a 2011 academic paper she first put forward the concept of white fragility, the notion that the tendency for white people to become defensive when confronted with their racial advantage functions to protect and maintain that advantage.

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