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Proof Of Conspiracy

Proof Of Conspiracy

Author: Seth Abramson

Publisher: St. Martin's

ISBN: 9781250256713

Highest rank: #12 on 7th, Sep 2019

First entered: 7th, Sep 2019

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary


Seth Abramson

Name: Seth Abramson

Hometown: Concord, MA

About the author:

Seth Abramson is author of The Suburban Ecstasies (Ghost Road Press, 2009) and a contributing author to The Creative Writing MFA Handbook (Continuum, 2008). In 2008 he was awarded the J. Howard and Barbara M.J. Wood Prize by Poetry. His poems and prose have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Best New Poets 2008, Poetry, American Poetry Review, AGNI, Poets & Writers, and New American Writing. A graduate of Harvard Law School and the Iowa Writers' Workshop, he is currently a doctoral student in English Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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