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The Henna Artist

The Henna Artist

Author: Alka Joshi

Publisher: Mira

ISBN: 9780778309451

Highest rank: #14 on 16th, May 2020

First entered: 16th, May 2020

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary


Alka Joshi

Name: Alka Joshi

Hometown: Jodhpur

About the author:

There comes a point in every daughter's life when she begins seeing her mother as a person separate from her family, someone who has an identity outside of motherhood. That was the moment I began re-imagining my mother's life, and that re-imagining became THE HENNA ARTIST. I was born in Rajasthan, India, and moved with my family to the U.S. when I was nine. Even after graduating from Stanford University, and working in advertising and marketing, I never considered becoming an author. But taking my mother to India in her later years changed all that. In 2011, I got my MFA in Creative Writing from the California College of Arts in San Francisco, California. It took 10 years, a lot of research, and many trips to India to complete my debut novel, and I'm thrilled to share my writing and publishing process on YouTube:
I live on the Monterey Peninsula with my husband and two misbehaving pups, so let me know if you're going to be in the neighborhood.

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