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The Last Of The President's Men

The Last Of The President's Men

Author: Bob Woodward

Pages: 304

Edition: Hardcover

List Price: $28

Published: Oct, 2015

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

ISBN: 9781501116445

Highest rank: #8 on 17th, Oct 2015

First entered: 17th, Oct 2015

Number of weeks: 3

Book Summary

“An intimate but disturbing portrayal of Nixon in the Oval Office.” —The Washington Post

Bob Woodward exposes one of the final pieces of the Richard Nixon puzzle in his new book The Last of the President’s Men.

Woodward reveals the untold story of Alexander Butterfield, the Nixon aide who disclosed the secret White House taping system that changed history and led to Nixon’s resignation. In forty-six hours of interviews with Butterfield, supported by thousands of documents, many of them original and not in the presidential archives and libraries, Woodward has uncovered new dimensions of Nixon’s secrets, obsessions and deceptions.

The Last of the President’s Men could not be more timely and relevant as voters question how much do we know about those who are now seeking the presidency in 2016—what really drives them, how do they really make decisions, who do they surround themselves with, and what are their true political and personal values?


Bob Woodward

Name: Bob Woodward

Hometown: Geneva, Illinois

Born: Mar, 1943

About the author:

Robert "Bob" Upshur Woodward is an assistant managing editor of The Washington Post. While an investigative reporter for that newspaper, Woodward, working with fellow reporter Carl Bernstein, helped uncover the Watergate scandal that led to U.S. President Richard Nixon's resignation. Woodward has written 12 best-selling non-fiction books and has twice contributed reporting to efforts that collectively earned the Post and its National Reporting staff a Pulitzer Prize.

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