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The Plot

The Plot

Author: Jean Hanff Korelitz

Publisher: Celadon

ISBN: 9781250790767

Highest rank: #13 on 22nd, May 2021

First entered: 22nd, May 2021

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary


Jean Hanff Korelitz

Name: Jean Hanff Korelitz

Hometown: New York City, NY

About the author:

Native New Yorker! Graduated from Dartmouth College and Clare College, Cambridge. I'm the author of six novels: THE UNDOING, originally published as YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN (adapted by David E. Kelley for HBO and starring Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant and Donald Sutherland), ADMISSION (adapted as the 2013 film of the same name, starring Tina Fey, Lily Tomlin and Paul Rudd), THE DEVIL AND WEBSTER, THE WHITE ROSE, THE SABBATHDAY RIVER and A JURY OF HER PEERS, as well as a middle-grade reader, INTERFERENCE POWDER, and a collection of poetry, THE PROPERTIES OF BREATH. Two new novels, THE PLOT and THE LATECOMER, will be published by Celadon Books in 2021 and 2022.

I'm the founder of BOOKTHEWRITER, a New York City based service that offers "Pop-Up Book Groups" where readers can discuss books with their authors. (Online through Spring 2021) Please join our mailing list at to hear about our events.

If you've become aware of my work via THE UNDOING, you should know that my novel differs significantly from the adaptation -- and that's fine with me! Just know that the twists you might be expecting will likely not be there on the page. Other twists, yes, but you'll have to read the book to find them.

If you're trying to reach me, please know that I don't do any communicating through Goodreads, and that includes friend requests and following. (You may also infer that I've read more than the few books listed here, all of which are -- coincidence? -- written by me. I have another GOODREADS account, under another name, with which I keep track of my reading, but it's private.) I'm particularly inept on Facebook, as well, so trying to reach me that way will be spectacularly ineffective. If you want to get in touch, please use the contact form on my website,

Thanks so much for your interest in my work!

Jean Hanff Korelitz

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