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Author: Lecrae Moore

Pages: 256

Edition: Hardcover

List Price: $24.99

Published: May, 2016

Publisher: B&H

ISBN: 9781433689123

Highest rank: #19 on 7th, May 2016

First entered: 7th, May 2016

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary

If you live for people's acceptance, you'll die from their rejection.

Two-time Grammy winning rap artist, Lecrae, learned this lesson through more than his share of adversity—childhood abuse, drugs and alcoholism, a stint in rehab, an abortion, and an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

Along the way, Lecrae attained an unwavering faith in Jesus and began looking to God for affirmation. Now as a chart-topping industry anomaly, he has learned to ignore the haters and make peace with his craft. The rap artist holds nothing back as he divulges the most sensitive details of his life, answers his critics, shares intimate handwritten journal entries, and powerfully models how to be a Christian in a secular age.

This is the story of one man's journey to faith and freedom.

*Cover/Interior design by Alex Medina, photography by Mary Caroline Mann


Lecrae Moore

Name: Lecrae Moore

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