April 23rd is celebrated as Spanish Language Day to promote multilingualism and cultural diversity!
The date commemorates the death anniversary of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, a renowned Spanish writer who is widely regarded as one of the world’s preeminent novelists. Interestingly, Spanish Language Day coincides with English Language Day and World Book Day!
So, whether you are learning, improving or just practicing your Spanish, this is a great list of easy-to-read Books you need to add to your TBR Pile!
Emiljano | Tutorials
The Spanish Language Speed Learning Course: Speak Spanish Confidently in 12 Days or Less is the best training material for you, as you will be held by the hand each step of the way - from the basics up to the complicated topics in Spanish. With pronunciation guides, accurate glosses, and ample examples, you will never have any problem understanding each Spanish word and sentence you'll be encountering, until you'll be able to create your own sentences as well.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra | International
Celebrada como la obra literaria más mejor de todo tiempo, aquí, en forma de libro electrónico gratis, se le ofrece Don Quijote”—escrita por el maestro de escritores españoles, Miguel de Cervantes. Toda la comedia y las aventuras del ingenioso hidalgo, y su compañero, Sancho Panza, lo esperan en este sitio de web—¡Gratis! Así que descargue esta gran obra, ¡y disfrute en leerla hoy mismo!
John Ormsby | Biography
By John Ormsby. English translation of a Spanish language history of Spanish novelist, poet, and playwright, Miguel de Cervantes and his work.
Juan Valera | International
eBooks Espanol: Gratis. Free Spanish eBook
Juan Valera | International
eBooks Espanol: Gratis. Free Spanish eBook
Juan Valera | International
eBooks Espanol: Gratis. Free Spanish eBook
Hermann Sudermann | International
eBooks Espanol: Gratis. Free Spanish eBook
Lope de Vega | International
eBooks Espanol: Gratis. Free Spanish eBook
Xu Chima Pérez | Gender Studies
Do you need something fast and easy to use to make sense of Spanish? This Manual is a great tool for those who don´t have the time to learn the language.
Cirilo Villaverde | International
eBooks Espanol: Gratis. Free Spanish eBook
Dr. Elijah Clarence Hills | International
Este libro electrónico gratis contiene una colección de cuentos y poesías interesantes y fáciles para leer que reflejan la vida moderna español. Escogidos y editados con notas y vocabulario por el Doctor de Literatura y Profesor de las Lenguas Romances en la Universidad de Indiana, Elijah Clarence Hills, la selección también incluye ejercicios de método directo, y cuentos como, «Los Consejos de un Padre», por José Echegaray, «Temprano y Con Sol» por Emilia Pardo Bazán, «El Pájaro en la Nieve» por Armando Palacio Valdés,¡ y muchos más! Poemas incluyen «A Todo Hay Que Gane» por Felipe Pérez y González, «¡Bello es Vivir!» por José Zorrilla, y muchos más. ¡Descargue y disfrute en leer esta selección hoy mismo!
Linda Plummer | Educational
Learn the basics of Spanish with this easy-to-understand course.
Various | Tutorials
Modern Spanish Lyrics by various writer and edited by Elijah Clarence Hills And S. Griswold Morley.
Earl Stanley Harrison | International
Esta selección es una colección de cuentos cortos de origen español, inglés, y alemán. Publicada por primer vez en 1912, aquí se le presenta a usted casi 100 años después por medio de libro electrónico gratis. Escrita por Earl Stanley Harrison, el Primer Asistente de Idiomas Modernas en la Escuela Secundaria en Brooklyn, Nueva York, con el objetivo de enseñarle el español diario común rápidamente y simplemente al estudiante u lector. ¡Descárguela, disfrútela, y aprenda con esta selección ahora mismo!
Stephen Davis | International
Cuando Nicolás Copérnico descubrió que la Tierra no era el centro del Universo, todo cambió. Cuando Frederick Miescher descubrió el ADN, todo cambió otra vez. Cuando los físicos cuánticos han descubierto que nuestro universo físico no es real, que es un holograma, todo…¡espera!, nada ha cambiado. Ahora “Las mariposas vuelan libres” ofrece un acceso nuevo y radical a la evolución espiritual. Esta es la edición española de libro original en Inglés "Butterflies are Free to Fly: a New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution," (http://www.free-ebooks.net/search/butterflies+are+free+to+fly). (This is the Spanish edition of the original English book, "Butterflies are Free to Fly: A New and Radical Approach to Spiritual Evol...
A. Rosso | Tutorials
Go on an adventure with Mr. Cloud and Learn Spanish the fun way. You will learn definite and indefinite articles, pronouns, verbs, present tenses, imperatives, adjectives, prepositions, and punctuation. You will also learn body parts, clothing, shapes, numbers, occupations, time and dates. The book touches on the most commonly used nouns and verbs. It also tackles direct and indirect object pronouns, preposition pronouns and possessive pronouns; offering tricks and methods to understand the different types of pronouns. This book is equivalent to a beginner’s level Spanish textbook. Just that it is more fun and interesting.
Diosdado Corrales | Gender Studies
This material is intended to help advanced learners of Spanish in the practicing of the most popular structures based on the comic strip Condorito, which is a truly representation of the Latin American people and culture. This awesome funny bird was created by the Chilean cartoonist René Ríos. The truly Spanish language used in each of Condorito's editions reflects the every-day language structures that are needed for everyone who wants to understand the richness of Spanish, and apply it in their learning progress.
Diosdado Corrales | Gender Studies
This Booklet is intended to help beginning learners of Spanish in their language acquisition. The explanations, videos, exercises, caption recordings and self-evaluation during the learning process are the most useful activities included in this material. The content of this booklet has the following practical aims: • to help learners to get the language skills based on the communicative approach • to develop and consolidate the most frequent structures of Spanish language in present, and future tenses • to introduce to learners thematic units which reflect Hispanic culture and developing skills that are transferable to everyday situations of their own life experience
Diosdado Corrales | Academic Articles
The original version of this Booklet was designed in Canada for the Course No. 103616 «Spanish language for Beginners (Level 2)», and approved by the Ontario College of Teachers on September 26, 2002, for those members, who were interested in learning Spanish as a second language, and wished to attend courses for credit under the Professional Learning Program (PLP). This Manual has held the Copyright Certificate of Registration by Canadian Intellectual Property Office under the title Spanish Language Booklets for Students of Think in Spanish @ Hola Amigos! with the Registration No. 1018542. Since that time this Booklet has been updated day after day, based on my own teaching experience. This Booklet covers the most frequent structures of Spanish in contents that follow: reported ...