You can now read your favorite world famous people's biographies. These are the stories of some of the greatest leaders and achievers in history, who have made their own way by hard work and perseverance.
Fred C. Kelly | Biography
THE aim in this book has been to satisfy the curiosity of the average, non-technical reader regarding the work of the Wright Brothers, and to do so as simply as possible. No attempt has been made to go into minute technical details. Nor does the book cover the scientific researches and numerous inventions by Orville Wright since the death of his brother.
Louis Nohl | Biography
Mr. Louis Nohl, the author of the present little volume, has merited for himself in Germany a high reputation as a writer of the biographies of musicians, and some of his larger works have appeared in English on the other side of the Atlantic. The present is the first translation into our language of his shorter Life of Mozart. It will, we trust, prove acceptable to those who desire to learn the chief events in the life of the great composer, to see how his life influenced his compositions, and how his great works are, in many instances at least, the expression of his own joys and sorrows, the picture of his own soul in tones.
Anthony C. Beaver | Religious
So, welcome to The Alpha and Omega Code. I have reversed engineer or reformulated the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John by taking them apart line by line, verse by verse, and code by code to formulate a clearer picture of what Christ's life was like here on earth. This book includes all of his teachings, miracles, and trials, to the bitter end on the cross, his resurrection, showing himself to his disciples, including his final teachings to them before his ascension to heaven sitting at the right hand of God. Never before has the Gospel of Christ been explained like this by overcoming any contradictions and filling in the holes that reading only one Gospel at a time will give you. This is the Harmony of the Gospels at its best.
Mrs. Oliphant | Biography
Margaret Oliphant Oliphant (nee Margaret Oliphant Wilson) (April 4, 1828 - June 25, 1897), Scottish novelist and historical writer, daughter of Francis Wilson, was born at Wallyford, near Musselburgh, East Lothian. Her childhood was spent at Lasswade (near Dalkeith), Glasgow and Liverpool. As a girl she constantly occupied herself with literary experiments, and in 1849 published her first novel Passages in the Life of Mrs Margaret Maitland. It dealt with the Scottish Free Church movement, with which Mr and Mrs Wilson both sympathized, and had some success. This she followed up in 1851 with Caleb Field, and in the same year met Major William Blackwood in Edinburgh, and was invited by him to contribute to the famous Blackwood's Magazine. The connection thus early commenced lasted during her whole lifetime, and she contributed considerably more than 100 articles to its pages, such as a critique of the character of Arthur Dimmesdale in The Scarlet Letter. ... She had now become a popular writer, and worked with amazing industry to sustain her position."
Louis Nohl | Biography
This little work, which is rather an essay upon the personal and musical characteristics of Liszt than a biography of him, as its title indicates, hardly needs more than an informal introduction to the public. It may safely be left to commend itself to readers upon its own merits. Unlike most of his other biographies, Dr. Nohl seems to have addressed himself to this with feelings of strong personal admiration and affection for his hero.
Darren Palmer | Biography
Wilty Quiz eBook – Bio Edition is a true or false fun bio quiz eBook.Each eBook contains events from the authors life and it’s up to you to decide which are true and which are false.Submit your answers to Wilty Quiz to obtain a score certificate and enter the leaderboard.Each eBook purchase includes:20 True or False QuestionsInstant DownloadLicence KeyScore CertificateLeaderboard Entry
Mary Sturgeon | Biography
SOME years ago the writer of this book discovered to herself the work of Michael Field, with fresh delight at every step of her adventure through the lyrics, the tragedies, and later devotional poems. But she was amazed to find that no one seemed to have heard about this large body of fine poetry; and she longed to spread the news, even before the further knowledge was gained that the life of Michael Field had itself been epical in romance and heroism. Then the theme was irresistible.
William E. Hatcher | Biography
Reader; stay a moment. A word with you before you begin to sample this book. We will tell you some things in advance, which may help you to decide whether it is worth while to read any further.
G. Zeinelde Jordan, Se. | Biography
Helping hands are better far than praying lips. -Agnostic, Robert G. Ingersoll Ingersoll the Magnificent "Lips or Hands?" is an autobiographical account of a young atheist recovering from a years-long methamphetamine addiction (1987). By deceitful reason, he happened along a ward-of-the-state nursing home resident, Marjorie. Contrary to his intent to make his point against churches then never return, he returned. She became his adopted "Granny." Her years-long prayers for a visitor fulfilled via a profane, chain-smoking, beer-drinking atheist while unknowingly setting the stage for him (years after her passing) to meet her Lord, The Lord! Publisher: G. Zeineldé Jordan, Se. 2015
Matilda A. Evans | Biography
One of the benefits conferred by education is that of enlightening the mind on the subject of one’s duty. Finding what is duty the manner of discharging it will suggest itself to the alert, the active, and those of industrious and intelligent discernment. Perhaps forever hidden would remain the necessity for certain tasks were it not for the inspiration idealists receive from education.
Agnes Repplier | Biography
The half-century, whose more familiar aspects this little book is designed to illustrate, has spread its boundary lines. Nothing is so hard to deal with as a period. Nothing is so unmanageable as a date.
Letitia MacColl Elton | Biography
It has not been possible, for lack of space, always to tell the old stories in the original words, which are, in almost all cases, the best. If any readers of this book can get a sight of two big volumes called “Drake and the Tudor Navy,” by Julian Corbett, they may consider themselves fortunate. In them there are the most fascinating reproductions of pictures of old fighting ships, and old charts or maps of the taking of Cartagena, St. Domingo, and St. Augustine by Drake’s ships.
B. J. Murdoch | Biography
Another priest, whose work was oftener among old tomes than among men, said slowly and, as was his wont, somewhat seriously, that it surprised him very much to note my eagerness to go to war. He did not consider it in keeping with the dignity of the priest to be so belligerently inclined. Did I not recall that I was an ambassador of the meek and lowly Christ—the Prince of Peace?
Yuri Zakharenkov | Biography
Story of Gary and his family is unique by its amazing turns, which nobody could predict (but everyone told that the way out of Soviet society to western culture was going to be extremely difficult). Some of Gary's old friends considered him as a lucky one, nobody should following his path, they said, it’s too risky. But Gary himself was another opinion – his faith in himself, his trust in his passion and support of his loved ones – those were the guarantees of the success, never mind how hard the impossible task would be.
William White | Biography
During the few past years many biographies of Swedenborg have been offered to the public. Dr. Tafel, of Tübingen, in 1839, collected into one volume the testimonies of Swedenborg’s personal friends, his letters, and various documents relating to him which were scattered through many volumes.
Frank Thomas Bullen | Biography
It may very well be that I am doing something now which is totally unnecessary, indeed that is a foregone conclusion as far as many omnivorous readers are concerned, for they never by any chance read a Preface or an Introduction. But only the other day I was reading an interesting volume of reminiscences, and the writer said that after the publisher had received the manuscript he wrote sternly demanding the reason why there was no Introduction. More, he said that one must be written forthwith, and it was so.
Mrs. Thomas Concannon | Biography
“THEY tell a beautiful and poetical story about the croppies’ graves in Wexford. Many of them carried in their coat pockets wheat seed gathered in the fields to satisfy their hunger. When they were buried in their shallow graves the seed sprouted and pushed its way up to the light, and the peasants, seeing the patches of waving grain here and there by field or wayside, knew that there a poor croppy slumbered. Was not the waving grain an emblem that the blood they shed for Ireland would yet nurture the harvest of Freedom?”
William Barrett Cooper | Biography
William Tyndale (/ˈtɪndəl/;[1] sometimes spelled Tynsdale, Tindall, Tindill, Tyndall; c. 1494 – c. 6 October 1536) was an English biblical scholar and linguist who became a leading figure in the Protestant Reformation in the years leading up to his execution. He is well known as a translator of the Bible into English, and was influenced by the works of prominent Protestant Reformers such as Erasmus of Rotterdam and Martin Luther.
Giovanni Papini | Biography
For five hundred years those who call themselves free spirits because they prefer prison life to army service have been trying desperately to kill Jesus a second time—to kill Him in the hearts of men.
Sarah Bernhardt | Biography
My mother was fond of traveling: she would go from Spain to England, from London to Paris, from Paris to Berlin, and from there to Christiania; then she would come back, embrace me, and set out again for Holland, her native country. She used to send my nurse clothing for herself and cakes for me. To one of my aunts she would write: “Look after little Sarah; I shall return in a month’s time.” A month later she would write to another of her sisters: “Go and see the child at her nurse’s; I shall be back in a couple of weeks.”
John Foxe | Biography
The mystery of history is not completely dark, since it is a veil which only partially conceals the creative activity and spiritual forces and the operation of spiritual laws. It is commonplace to say that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church yet what we are asserting is simply that individual acts of spiritual decision bear social fruit …For the great cultural changes and historic revolutions that decide the fate of nations or the character of an age is the cumulative result of a number of spiritual decisions … the faith and insight, or the refusal and blindness, of individuals. No one can put his finger on the ultimate spiritual act that tilts the balance, and makes the external order of society assume a new form.
Mrs. Oliphant | Biography
Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant (n e Margaret Oliphant Wilson) (4 April 1828 - 25 June 1897), was a Scottish novelist and historical writer, who usually wrote as Mrs. Oliphant. Her fictional works encompass "domestic realism, the historical novel and tales of the supernatural". *Life* The daughter of Francis W. Wilson (c.1788-1858), a clerk, and his wife, Margaret Oliphant (c.1789-1854), she was born at Wallyford, near Musselburgh, East Lothian, and spent her childhood at Lasswade (near Dalkeith), Glasgow and Liverpool. As a girl, she constantly experimented with writing. In 1849 she had her first novel published: Passages in the Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland. This dealt with the Scottish Free Church movement, with which Mr. and Mrs. Wilson both sympathised, and met with some success. It was followed by Caleb Field in 1851, the year in which she met the publisher William Blackwood in Edinburgh and was invited to contribute to the famous Blackwood's Magazine. The connection was to last for her whole lifetime, during which she contributed well over 100 articles, including a critique of the character of Arthur Dimmesdale in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. In May 1852, she married her cousin, Frank Wilson Oliphant, at Birkenhead, and settled at Harrington Square in London. An artist working mainly in stained glass, her husband had delicate health, and three of their six children died in infancy, while the father himself developed alarming symptoms of tuberculosis, then known as consumption. For the sake of his health they moved in January 1859 to Florence, and then to Rome, where Frank Oliphant died. His wife, left almost entirely without resources, returned to England and took up the burden of supporting her three remaining children by her own literary activity.She had now become a popular writer, and worked with amazing industry to sustain her position. Unfortunately, her home life was full of sorrow and disappointment. In January 1864 her only remaining daughter Maggie died in Rome, and was buried in her father's grave. Her brother, who had emigrated to Canada, was shortly afterwards involved in financial ruin, and Mrs. Oliphant offered a home to him and his children, and added their support to her already heavy responsibilities.In 1866 she settled at Windsor to be near her sons who were being educated at Eton. That year, her second cousin, Annie Louisa Walker, came to live with her as a companion-housekeeper. 3] This was her home for the rest of her life, and for more than thirty years she pursued a varied literary career with courage scarcely broken by a series of the gravest troubles. The ambitions she cherished for her sons were unfulfilled. Cyril Francis, the elder, died in 1890, leaving a Life of Alfred de Musset, incorporated in his mother's Foreign Classics for English Readers, The younger, Francis (whom she called "Cecco"), collaborated with her in the Victorian Age of English Literature and won a position at the British Museum, but was rejected by Sir Andrew Clark, a famous physician. Cecco died in 1894. With the last of her children lost to her, she had but little further interest in life. Her health steadily declined, and she died at Wimbledon, London, on 25 June 1897.In the 1880s she was the literary mentor of the Irish novelist Emily Lawless. During this time Oliphant wrote several works of supernatural fiction, including the long ghost story A Beleaguered City (1880) and several short tales, including "The Open Door" and "Old Lady Mary".
Bertha von Suttner | Biography
Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner: The Records of an Eventful Life (Vol. 1 of 2) by Bertha von Suttner
Bertha von Suttner | Biography
Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner: The Records of an Eventful Life (Vol. 2 of 2) by Bertha von Suttner
Derrick King | Biography
Love for a Deaf Rebel introduces readers to a vivacious Canadian woman who was born into a silent world and with the foundation for schizophrenia. There are other books about discovering schizophrenia in the family and about deaf woman-hearing man relationships, but none that tells the true story of a woman who struggled with both.
Stella Ciarlantini | Biography
Stella Ciarlantini lives the ordinary life of a ten-year-old girl. She spends her days talking, laughing, and gossiping with her friends, and her nights studying for tests and exams and doing homework. But when something completely unexpected happens, it turns Stella’s world upside-down. Suddenly, her ordinary life seems like something so sacred and special, and she starts to wish she had appreciated it more. Stella has to stay strong in isolation, but she soon realizes that even though she is alone, she really isn’t alone. Feel Stella’s pain, listen to her cries, but more importantly, see her strength. Stella will soon understand that she really isn’t suffering in silence because she has a whole audience of people rooting for her and cheering her on until the end.
Martin S. Murphy | Biography
A teddy bear tells his human owner's story. This is not a children's story, though. It is about one human being's struggle with being adopted, and the resulting trauma; emigrating from England to Australia; joining a religious order and leaving; questioning his religious beliefs; the first painful experience of heartbreak; difficult years as a public (civil) servant; being an unashamed "Doctor Who" fan; a struggle with severe anxiety and depression; and finally, love and marriage, and moving towards a more positive attitude to life and being made stronger by what he went through. This is one human's unique story, told in a unique way.
Buffalo Bangkok | Biography
This book is not a book. It is a spit in the face. It will not conform to “TL;DR” culture. It will not conform to Cancel Culture. This book is not afraid of vampires. This book is in praise of hair metal and gangsta rap. This book is for CTE survivors and strivers, weirdos, demimondes, the outcasts. This is nothing but a diatribe. This book was inspired by Henry Miller’s “Tropic of Cancer,” and is dedicated to him. This book is ugly. It is deliberately imperfect, much like life itself.
Mohamed Irshath | Biography
In this book, you get an exclusive look into the life of a Renaissance master: Leonardo Da Vinci. He was an Italian Polymath well known for his masterpiece: Mona Lisa and Salvator Mundi (Saviour of the world) which was sold for $400 million through Christie's. If you like the book, I would appreciate your rating and donation.
Ganga N Prasad | Biography
Journey of My Life is an autobiography which is my first publication and it is dedicated to my parents, grandparents, my late husband, my children and grandchildren.
Sarah Gerdes | Biography
The story of Sue Kim, lead singer of The Kim Sisters, has captivated music lovers, history buffs, and fellow entertainment legends alike. Beautiful and talented, the musical prodigy played more than 20 instruments, and sang in multiple languages, was courted by Elvis and Sinatra, but married a man from New York who become the longest running casino boss in US history. Gerdes' book contains dozens of never-before seen personal photographs, letters and images. "Sue's story is an incredible love story, of overcoming adversity against all odds, and one of sacrifice and perseverance. It's time that the rest of the country learned about about her amazing contribution to music and to America and Sarah Gerdes does an excellent job capturing it all." Lucas Foster, Producer, Warp Film
Santidhammo Bhikkhu | Biography
Buddhadasa Bhikku (1906-1993) is one of the most important Buddhist teachers of the twentieth century. As the meditation master of Suan Mokkh Meditation Center in Chaiya, southern Thailand, he propagated Buddhist philosophy and meditation practice among tens of thousands of western visitors from North America, Europe and Australia. When he passed away in 1993, he left behind a massive body of literary works in Thai language, explaining how traditional Buddhist teachings are relevant to the modern world. He inspired generations of teachers, intellectuals, and activists who have spread out across the world, to translate his teachings into practice. He is one of the founders of modern socially engaged Buddhism, and was a key person in the reformation of 20th century Thai Buddhism.
Alissa Pinson | Biography
This autobiography includes the tragic death of her father along with the death of her baby girl, Whitley Reese.