General Non-fiction Collection Book

April 27, 2023

From riveting biographies and captivating memoirs to insightful analyses of history and culture, this collection offers a wealth of fascinating perspectives and thought-provoking insights. Whether you're interested in science, politics, philosophy, or business, there's something here for everyone.

Discover the untold stories of historical figures, and delve into the intricacies of modern society. With expertly written prose and rigorous research, these books will challenge your assumptions and deepen your understanding of the world.

So why wait? Take a journey through the pages of our General Non-fiction Collection and immerse yourself in a world of ideas, knowledge, and inspiration.

1 Los Desalmados - Reflexiones

Los Desalmados - Reflexiones

Daniel Lapazano | General Non Fiction


Para aquellos que leyeron mi libro LOS DESALMADOS, les invito a que lean este importante trabajo, ANEXO obligado de aquel que escribí.¿Qué debemos hacer con los DESALMADOS? ¿Existe alguna forma de DETECTARLOS? (mi libro incluye un TEST)Es urgente que las ALMAS se empiecen a “desprogramar” de aquellas ideas nocivas que provienen de la Psicología y la Sociología. Todas esas enseñanzas, lejos de ser ciertas, no buscan otra cosa que ocultar una realidad innombrable: la existencia de la raza antropoide, quien está mezclada con la raza humana.Aunque no lo creas ELLOS VIVEN (They Live!) a costa de nosotros. Mi libro es una caja de cartón y entre sus páginas están las gafas… ¿Tienes miedo de ver otra REALIDAD, o prefieres quedarte en tu seguro mundo?

2 Los Desalmados

Los Desalmados

Daniel Lapazano | General Non Fiction


¿Qué harías si descubrieras que no todos los humanos tienen ALMA? ¿Y qué harías si esos “desalmados” fueran la mayoría de la Humanidad? Esta obra trata sobre esto, sobre el poco conocido tema de los PORTALES ORGÁNICOS. También de los extraterrestres y su relación con los dioses y demonios. ¿Es cierto que existe una única especie humana o es que las apariencias morfológicas engañan? En el texto bíblico “Apocalipsis” se nos habla de la SEGUNDA MUERTE, siendo pocos los que pueden entender el significado de este concepto HERMÉTICO. También se discute la gran diferencia existente entre ALMA y ESPIRITU y la cuestión de la segunda muerte de la cual habla la Biblia. Basado en el trabajo de Corrado Malanga, Credo Mutwa, David Icke, Carlos Castaneda, Andreas Faber-Kaiser, Raymond Moody y más.

3 Viajeros del Tiempo II - La Trampa de la Reencarnación

Viajeros del Tiempo II - La Trampa de la Reencarnación

Daniel Lapazano | General Non Fiction


Continuación de la obra VIAJEROS DEL TIEMPO (2011);El autor continúa su estudio sobre qué nos depara tras la muerte física...¿Es una trampa la reencarnación? ¿Son confiables los SERES DE LUZ? ¿Qué nos espera del otro lado del Túnel? ¿Dónde reside el verdadero lugar de las ALMAS? ¿Son las ECM un fenómeno de abducción alienígena disfrazado de experiencia espiritual? Todo esto y mucho más está tratado aquí en este libro. Tal vez el Cielo no sea tan "cielo"...

4 Viajeros del Tiempo

Viajeros del Tiempo

Daniel Lapazano | General Non Fiction


Obra previa al libro “Viajeros del Tiempo II; La trampa de la reencarnación”, donde hace referencia a las ECM. En este libro (de unas 250 páginas) se hace un repaso extenso de casi todos los fenómenos tanatológicos, lo cual podría considerarse por su envergadura y detalle explicativo como una verdadera “introducción a la tanatología”. El estudio reflexivo de dichos fenómenos llevó al autor a escribir, años después, su continuación “Viajeros del Tiempo II”, donde muestra el trasfondo de dichos fenómenos espirituales. Para aquellos que leyeron “Viajeros del Tiempo II”, la lectura o el repaso de este libro les permite comprender mejor los fenómenos de la muerte y la conciencia, como también del plano astral en donde los espíritus irán tras el abandono definitivo del cuerpo.

5 Tales from a Distant Shore: REVISED EDITION

Tales from a Distant Shore: REVISED EDITION

Tom Wallace | General Non Fiction


This is a little collection of stories where I keep my own voice hidden.The themes they touch on are the big important questions in life. Why do we try to do anything in the world? What are the critical things we need to do to make the world better? What roles do pleasure and community have in changing the world? And, how might our attitudes to gender affect the future?

6 The Return of Jesus Christ

The Return of Jesus Christ

Sophia C. Mackintosh | General Non Fiction


This book will prepare your hearts, teach you to mend your ways, save souls and live a Holy life.

7 Avoid the White Collar Syndrome

Avoid the White Collar Syndrome

Sophia C. Mackintosh | General Non Fiction


Why people continually struggle financially is because all the years they have spent in school they have learnt nothing about money. People learn to work for money but never learn to have money work for themAvoid the White collar syndrome:1. Will teach you how to run a business2. Gain control of your financial futures3. How to avoid bad financial decisions

8 The Financial Markets Secrets Untold

The Financial Markets Secrets Untold

Sophia C. Mackintosh | General Non Fiction


The Financial Markets Secrets UntoldIs a timely masterpiece, with simplified expositories in Forex, Cryptocurrencies, POS Business and ways to trade and succeed in the market.Make sure you get your copy, for your wife, kids and friends.

9 An Exploration on Leadership

An Exploration on Leadership

Sophia C. Mackintosh | General Non Fiction


About The BookThis book “An Exploration of Leadership” is a leader’s guide to efficiency and embracing good leadership through God by His indwelling Holy Spirit in us.

10 A Personal Miracles Journey

A Personal Miracles Journey

Terrence J. Hatch, Karen Delaporte | Religious


This book describes amazing real faith experiences that occurred during the author's life journey. Please download, read, share and rate. Thanks!

11 The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

Sophia C. Mackintosh | General Non Fiction


The Holy Spirit is a person, a comforter, guide and friend, the illustration Dove connotes His peaceful nature, His mission is to build up the body of Christ and prepare us for the soon return of the Head of the Church who is Christ Jesus, so we can stand boldly at the throne of mercy.This book The Holy Spirit is an induction into the supernatural, where the Holy Spirit takes His rightful place inside of you. For our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.And I pray as you study and practice all you’ve learnt from this book, The Holy Spirit will bless you abundantly in Jesus name!

12 The Broken Crane Letters [Part #1]

The Broken Crane Letters [Part #1]

Robby Richardson | General Non Fiction


Messages from the other echo from a lost past...the last melody from a beautiful bird. Whatever you want to call it. These are last letters and words from my sister who passed away 05/21/22 between 12am – 4:30am. This collaborative book of poetry was written in the hopes in giving her the wind to help carry her wings to find her peace. A legacy of a memory and one memory is her love for origami cranes. In Japan, a person that folds a 1,000 origami cranes will be granted one wish by a crane. This is PART 1 of 2 of this wish. A wish I give that she found her peace.

13 Verdades Desnudas

Verdades Desnudas

DG Peron | General Non Fiction


Es un libro que contiene poemas pasionales dejando mensajes a compresión del lector

14 A Boy’s-Eye View of the Arctic

A Boy’s-Eye View of the Arctic

Kennett Longley Rawson | General Non Fiction


TO the lecturer the introduction is the most interesting part of his lecture, in that it is generally so complimentary that his feeling of guilt and a sense of his own inferiority mars somewhat his whole discourse.

15 We Women and Our Authors

We Women and Our Authors

Laura Marholm | General Non Fiction


We German women are accustomed to look upon ourselves as an appendage to or a part of man. Up till now it has been the chief object and the pride of our existence to subordinate ourselves to him, and to look after his comforts. It is so no longer, or at any rate it is not as common as it used to be.

16 Bokwala: The Story of a Congo Victim

Bokwala: The Story of a Congo Victim

Congo resident | General Non Fiction


This story of Bokwala, a Congo victim, has been written in the belief that it will help the friends of the Congo native to see something of how Congo affairs appear when looked at from the standpoint of those whom they most nearly concern in their actual working, i.e., the Congo natives themselves.

17 THE MAIN BATTLE TANK - Still relevant or in need of further evolutionvant or in need of further evolution

THE MAIN BATTLE TANK - Still relevant or in need of further evolutionvant or in need of further evolution

Michel Poulin | Military


This illustrated non-fiction military essay is meant to look at the present situation and possible future of main battle tanks as a weapons system in the face of more and more sophisticated and effective anti-tank weapons used on today’s battlefields. Will the main battle tank continue on as it is today, will it have to evolve in order to stay relevant on the modern battlefield or will it fade away as a viable weapons system?

18 A Modern Slavery

A Modern Slavery

Henry Woodd Nevinson | General Non Fiction


The path is strewn with dead men's bones. You see the white thigh-bones lying in front of your feet, and at one side, among the undergrowth, you find the skull. These are the skeletons of slaves who have been unable to keep up with the march, and so were murdered or left to die.

19 Proven... We are not Alone

Proven... We are not Alone

Peter Evans | General Non Fiction


This tells of many strange things which unfold over many years starting from 1955 to the current day, it contains both my two previous books plus extra information which I believe proves what has never yet been positively Proven

20 Organic Gardening Tips

Organic Gardening Tips

Elena Gilbert | General Non Fiction


Occasionally, the urge to garden could be stomped out by other considerations, like living arrangements or space constrictions. If you live in an apartment, you can’t truly operate a full garden, simply because you don’t truly have a yard! I think that among the best solution for this issue is to grow plants in containers. You may hang these, or simply arrange them on your terrace, window sill or balcony. Simply a couple of baskets or pots, and your whole living area will look much classier and nicer.

21 Inner Conversations Stories about Life

Inner Conversations Stories about Life

Iris | General Non Fiction


Inspires you to think differently about life, society and philosophy and appreciate life through random creative writings and poems."An action is a commitment to something that you are responsible for. This action is a reflection of your limited capability in finding all possible ways of doing something.""Life has its own emotions that one's mind shall never understand.""It is not that we can do whatever we want. It is that we can choose to do whatever we want. We have the freedom to choose but not the freedom of having whatever we chose.""My name is a form of a beautiful limitation in this world."

22 Rescue 911

Rescue 911

Cj Randolph | General Non Fiction


RESCUE 9*1*1 is an AMAZING True LOVE STORY! A LOVE filled with Unthinkable Joy & Hope for all people, everywhere! I double dog dare each of you to read this book! It will utterly change your life, inside-out, top side down!Please download RESCUE 911 & let the promised ANCIENT LOVE unfold inside your own heart! You will never regret taking the challenge! We love you & pray well for each of youCj & Randy

23 Dear All

Dear All

Elena Tsara | General Non Fiction


What is one's goal in life? Living or just surviving? Most of the people don’t give the impression, that they manage their life very well. Although it appears, that we are amongst the very few fortunate beings in our vicinity to exist, we do not seem to cope easily enough. Life is a gift, but we rarely seem to appreciate it. We don’t look utterly happy about being alive, on the contrary we look rather inadequate in the whole art of living, confused, lost. The art of living requires cognition, curiosity, self awareness, as well as challenging everything around us. To understand the problems we face today, we need to know the past. This is a daring, intriguing journey through mankind's ambitious enterprise from the beginning of time. Welcome onboard.

24 Taking Action for a Better Tomorrow

Taking Action for a Better Tomorrow

Jeremy P. Boggess | General Non Fiction


In our world today there are monumental and exponential changes occurring. These changes are happening not just in the local, international, and global arenas, but even within ourselves. Looking at ourselves, our governments, our societies, humanity, and the world in general, many questions and concerns may come to mind. Let us explore these and discuss our responsibilities and the necessary actions that will help guide us into our future. It is important to look beyond isolationism or globalization. There are many different contributing factors to our immediate surroundings, the cultures we live in, and the changing situations that all humanity shares. And there are also many different forms of cause and effect at work. We must examine all of humanity, from the various cultures and subcultures that exist to our individual selves. The purpose of this book is to have you ask a variety of engaging questions, both of yourself and about the world around you. I want to help you explore these deep questions so you can find answers that will ultimately help you survive the intense upheavals of today. -