The Queen’s Gambit has everyone obsessed buying chess boards and looking for Books. This after the novel of the same name by the author Walter Tevis, was adapted into a mini-series on TV, captivating the audience and proving that chess is far from boring.
As soon as I immersed myself in the story, I wanted to learn more and read Books about chess, which led me to create this list. So, if you liked The Queen’s Gambit as much as we did, you might also like these Books.
Make your first move, and download them all!
EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT | Self-Improvement
Like the chess game, we are in life like warriors meant to challenge life and the obstacles it supplies to making us life champion. Inside everyone is that craving to challenge life and win. This book will show you how and why the best war tacticians will advice you play chess.
Paul Wiseman | Games
So you know how the pieces move - but what do you do next? The answers are to be found in this book which explains the important knowledge that all good players have at their fingertips. 'Chess For All' is in two parts: The basic skills you need to know in order to become a competent chess player - the Essentials - and then some basic Endgame skills so you don't spoil all your hard work with weak endgame play. (There are already hundreds of books that give tips on mid-games in chess as well as countless monograms about openings etc. but the modest remit of this book is to get you off to a good start).
Regis Warisse | Games
Chess is a great opportunity to develop memory, concentration, creativity and a sense of responsibility. It teaches us to make the right choices at the right time. Winning a game of chess is always a great moment in the life of a player, whether he is a beginner, an enlightened amateur or an International Grandmaster. But to win, you have to know how to win! Tactical mate in 2 exercises are the most popular for beginners and club players to learn winning tactical patterns. Practice seriously with these progressive exercises, based on real games. Practice again and again to become a good chess player and win as many games as you can! The more time you spend training, the stronger you will become.
Pardu Ponnapalli | Games
Imagine a game of chess as it was played at the turn of the last century. Openings were not well understood, every game was a thrilling adventure and full of surprises. Chess is an intellectual struggle with drama. StrongChess brings this sense back to chess. By adding two columns and two extra pieces, it turns conventional chess into a completely different complex game not yet mastered by the computers. Discover the thrill of StrongChess.
S.R. Belding | Games
Smart. Sensational. Stunning. For over a thousand years, checkmate has been the ultimate mental victory. Quite rightly, the emerging sport of chess boxing regards it as the only alternative to physical knockout. Winning feels good, but can a book ever deliver that crushing sensation? I think so. In 101 checkmate tactics, this book trains the reader to visualize, calculate and reflect. Each position is picked, unedited, from a real game between everyday club players. Each problem is followed on the next page by the solution. Why this chess book and not any other? This book is the result of an analysis of over 50 million amateur games. Over several months, a computer searched for every forced mate, before rejecting all but the most instructive for final publication.
Nibaldo Calvo | International
Reinaldo Vera González-Quevedo, oriundo de la provincia de Matanzas, Cuba, obtuvo la segunda y definitiva norma de Gran Maestro en el Festival de Verano Berlín Occidental, en 1988. Entre los palmarés de Reinaldo Vera se encuentran las conquistas de los Campeonatos Nacionales Juveniles en 1976 y en 1979, convirtiéndose así en el primer cubano en obtener dos títulos nacionales de esa categoría. En esta obra se incluyen entrevistas, partidas y datos interesantes que daran al lector una amplia idea de como se forma un ajedrecista en Cuba.
Warisse | Games
Chess is a great opportunity to develop memory, concentration, creativity and a sense of responsibility. It teaches us to make the right choices at the right time. Winning a game of chess is always a great moment in the life of a player, whether he is a beginner, an enlightened amateur or an International Grandmaster. But to win, you have to know how to win! Tactical mate in 2 exercises are the most popular for beginners and club players to learn winning tactical patterns. Practice seriously with these progressive exercises, based on real games. Practice, again and again, to become a good chess player and win as many games as you can! The more time you spend training, the stronger you will become.