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Easter Books

Books: 10

Below is a list of 12 free eBooks following the theme of Easter. There are various titles for children, plus more traditional looks at Easter as well as some unique takes and perspectives. No matter...

Books Made to Movies

Books: 29

And the Oscar goes to ... (crowd erupts in cheers).  Alright, so maybe not. But if you're looking for stories that have inspired a multitude of Academy Award winners, then look no...

Women Authors

Books: 11

March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day. To show our thanks and appreciation to all the wonderful women authors who share with us, here are 12 popular ones. However there are many, many...

Valentine's Day Books

Books: 14

Looking for help planning a Valentine's day to remember? Or perhaps a little reading to get into the mood? Or simply ideas on how to have more fun with your special someone? Whichever your flavor...


Books: 20

Entrepreneurship isn't simply about having a great idea. We hear those form all sorts of people all the time. It's rather about implementing these ideas, having the courage to follow-through, often...

New Year's Resolutions: Free Books

Books: 17

The #1 most popular New Year resolution guessed it: "Staying Fit!" (See Nielsen's full list). To help you stay the course, here's a list of great books on various subjects from Weight Loss...

Christmas Books

Books: 19

Tis' the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la, la la la la….can you believe it's that time of the year again?!? If you're ready to get into the Christmas spirit, here is a list of 20 popular...

Best Books 2016

Books: 21

Here they are folks, our best books of 2016! With 25 titles hopefully there's plenty for all tastes. As always you can download any 5 books of your choice at no charge in the PDF format each and...

Thanksgiving Themed

Books: 11

These books aren't strictly about "Thanksgiving" itself, but more along the lines of what this Holiday means to us. They're about being grateful, our roots, learning to be happy, celebrating what we...

Scary Stories

Books: 15

Not for the faint of heart! Here are our Editor's recommendations from deep in our crypt. Some of these FREE spooky books are for adults, some for Children. The latter will be marked (they are...