Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

ManageMent oF nitrogen and PhosPhorus

. . . an economical use of fertilizers requires that they merely supplement the natural supply in the soil, and that the latter should furnish the larger part of the soil material used by the crop.

—t.l. lyon and e.o. FiPPin, 1909

Both nitrogen and phosphorus are needed by plants

of N. So, when nitrate leaches through soil, or runs off

in large amounts, and both can cause environmen-

the surface and is discharged into streams, eventually

tal harm when present in excess. They are discussed

reaching water bodies like the Gulf of Mexico or the

together in this chapter because we don’t want to do a

Chesapeake Bay, undesirable microorganisms flourish.

good job of managing one and, at the same time, do a

In addition, the algal blooms that result from excess

poor job with the other. Nitrogen losses are a serious

N and P cloud water, blocking sunlight to important

economic concern for farmers; if not managed prop-

underwater grasses that are home to numerous species

erly, a large fraction (as much as half in some cases) of

of young fish, crabs, and other bottom dwellers. The

applied N fertilizer can be lost instead of used by crops.

greatest concern, however, is the dieback of the algae

Environmental concerns with N include the leaching

and other aquatic plants. These plants settle on the bot-

of soil nitrate to groundwater; excess N in runoff; and

tom of the affected estuaries, and their decomposition

losses of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas. For P,

consumes dissolved oxygen in the water. The result is

the main concerns are losses to freshwater bodies.

an extended area of very low oxygen concentrations in

High-nitrate groundwater is a health hazard to

which fish and other aquatic animals cannot live. This is

infants and young animals because it decreases the

a serious concern in many estuaries around the world.

blood’s ability to transport oxygen. In addition, nitrate

Denitrification is a microbial process that occurs

stimulates the growth of algae and aquatic plants just

primarily in surface layers when soils are saturated with

as it stimulates the growth of agricultural plants. The

water. Soil bacteria convert nitrate to both nitrous oxide

growth of plants in many brackish estuaries and salt-

(N2O) and N2. While N2 (two atoms of nitrogen bonded

water environments is believed to be limited by a lack

together) is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere

Photo by Dennis Nolan


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

chAPter 19 ManageMent oF nitrogen and PhosPhorus

damages the environment when excess amounts are

volatilization and

added to a lake from human activities (agriculture, rural


crop uptake

home septic tanks, or urban sewage and street runoff).

This increases algae growth (eutrophication), making

fishing, swimming, and boating unpleasant or difficult.


When excess aquatic organisms die, decomposition


NO -, NH +

removes oxygen from water and leads to fish kills.



runoff and

All farms should work to have the best N and P


management possible—for economic as well as environ-

mental reasons. This is especially important near bodies

of water that are susceptible to accelerated weed or algae


growth. However, don’t forget that nutrients from farms


in the Midwest are contributing to problems in the Gulf


of Mexico—over 1,000 miles away.


There are major differences between the way N and

P behave in soils (figure 19.1, table 19.1). Both N and P


can, of course, be supplied in applied fertilizers. But aside


from legumes that can produce their own N because of

the bacteria living in root nodules, crop plants get their

N from decomposing organic matter. On the other hand,



plants get their P from both organic matter and soil min-

& mineral

erals. Nitrate, the primary form in which plants absorb

runoff and


nitrogen from the soil, is very mobile in soils, while P

movement in soils is very limited.


Most unintentional N loss from soils occurs when

nitrate leaches or is converted into gases by the process

Figure 19.1. Different pathways for nitrogen and phosphorus losses

of denitrification, or when surface ammonium is volatil-

from soils (relative amounts indicated by width of arrows). Based on an

ized. Large amounts of nitrate may leach from sandy

unpublished diagram by D. Beegle, Penn State University.

soils, while denitrification is generally more significant

and not of environmental concern, each molecule of

in heavy loams and clays. On the other hand, most unin-

N2O gas—largely generated by denitrification, with some

tended P loss from soils is carried away in runoff or sedi-

contribution from nitrification—has approximately 300

ments eroded from fields, construction sites, and other

times more global warming impact than a molecule of

exposed soil (see figure 19.1 for a comparison between

carbon dioxide.

relative pathways for N and P losses). Phosphorus leach-

Phosphorus losses from farms are generally small in

ing is a concern in fields that are artificially drained.

relation to the amounts present in soils. However, small

With many years of excessive manure or compost appli-

quantities of P loss have great impacts on water quality

cation, soils saturated with P (often sands with low P

because P is the nutrient that appears to limit the growth

sorption capacity) can start leaking P with the percolat-

of freshwater aquatic weeds and algae. Phosphorus

ing water and discharge it through drain lines or ditches.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

chAPter 19 ManageMent oF nitrogen and PhosPhorus

ProbLeMs usInG excess n fertILIzer

There are quite a few reasons you should not apply more N than needed by crops. N fertilizers are now quite expensive, and many farmers are being more judicious than when N was relatively cheap. However, there are other problems associated with using more N than needed: (1) ground and surface water become polluted with nitrates; (2) more N2O (a potent greenhouse gas and source of ozone depletion) is produced during denitrification in soil; (3) a lot of energy is consumed in producing N, so wasting N is the same as wasting energy; (4) using higher N than needed is associated with acceleration of decomposition and loss of soil organic matter; and (5) very high rates of N are frequently associated with high levels of insect damage.

Also, liquid manure can move through preferential flow

to 30%. Although energy was relatively inexpensive

paths (wormholes, root holes, cracks, etc., especially in

for many years, its cost has fluctuated greatly in recent

clay soils) directly to subsurface drain lines and con-

years, as has the cost of fertilizers, and is expected to

taminate water in ditches, which is then discharged into

be relatively high for the foreseeable future. So relying

streams and lakes (see also chapter 17).

more on biological fixation of N and efficient cycling in

Except when coming from highly manured fields, P

soils reduces depletion of a nonrenewable resource and

losses—mainly as dissolved P in the runoff waters—from

may save you money as well. Although P fertilizers are

healthy grasslands are usually quite low, because both

less energy consuming to produce, a reduction in their

runoff water and sediment loss are very low. Biological N

use helps preserve this nonrenewable resource—the

fixation carried on in the roots of legumes and by some

world’s P mines are expected to run out in the next fifty

free-living bacteria actually adds new N to soil, but there

to one hundred years.

is no equivalent reaction for P or any other nutrient.

Improving N and P management can help reduce

Table 19.1

Comparing Soil N and P

reliance on commercial fertilizers. A more ecologically



based system—with good rotations, reduced tillage, and

more active organic matter—should provide a large pro-

Nitrogen becomes available from Phosphorus becomes available

decomposing soil organic matter. from decomposing soil organic

portion of crop N and P needs. Better soil structure and

matter and minerals.

attention to use of appropriate cover crops can lessen

N is mostly available to plants

P is available mainly as dissolved

loss of N and P by reducing leaching, denitrification,

as nitrate (NO –3)—a form that is

phosphate in soil water—but

very mobile in soils

little is present in solution even in

and/or runoff. Reducing the loss of these nutrients is an

fertile soils, and it is not mobile.

economic benefit to the farm and, at the same time, an

Nitrate can be easily lost in

P is mainly lost from soils by

environmental benefit to society. The greater N avail-

large quantities by leaching to

runoff and erosion. However,

ability may be thought of as a fringe benefit of a farm

groundwater or by conversion to liquid manure application on

gases (N

well-structured soils and those

with an ecologically based cropping system.

2, N2O).

with tile drainage has resulted in

In addition, the manufacture, transportation, and

P loss to drainage water.

application of N fertilizers are very energy intensive. Of

Nitrogen can be added to soils by No equivalent reaction can add

all the energy used to produce corn (including the man-

biological N fixation (legumes).

new P to soil, although many

bacteria and some fungi help

ufacture and operation of field equipment), the manu-

make P more available to plants.

facture and application of N fertilizer represents close


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

chAPter 19 ManageMent oF nitrogen and PhosPhorus


expensive. On crop-livestock farms these soil organic N

Nitrogen and phosphorus behave very differently in

and P sources are typically sufficient to meet the crop’s

soils, but many of the management strategies are actu-

demand, but not always.

ally the same or very similar. They include the following:

Since most plant-available P in soils is relatively

1. Take all nutrient sources into account.

strongly adsorbed by organic matter and clay minerals,

• Estimate nutrient availability from all sources.

estimating P availability is routinely done by soil tests.

• Use soil tests to assess available nutrients.

The amount of P extracted by chemical soil solutions can

• Use manure and compost tests to determine

be compared with results from crop response experi-

nutrient contributions.

ments and can provide good estimates of the likelihood

• Consider nutrients in decomposing crop residues

of a response to P fertilizer additions, which we discuss

(for N only).

in chapter 21.

2. Reduce losses and enhance uptake.

Estimating N fertilizer needs is more complex, and

• Use nutrient sources more efficiently.

soil tests generally cannot provide all the answers. The

• Use localized placement of fertilizers whenever

primary reason is that the amounts of plant-available


N—mostly nitrate—can fluctuate rapidly as organic

• Split fertilizer application if leaching or denitrifi-

matter is mineralized and N is lost through leaching or

cation losses are a potential problem (for N only).

denitrification. These processes are greatly dependent

• Apply nutrients when leaching or runoff threats

on soil organic matter contents, additional N contribu-

are minimal.

tions from organic amendments, and weather-related

• Reduce tillage.

factors like soil temperature (higher temps increase N

• Use cover crops.

mineralization) and soil wetness (saturated soils cause

• Include perennial forage crops in rotation.

large denitrification losses, especially when soils are

3. Balance farm imports and exports once crop needs

warm). Mineral forms of N begin to accumulate in soil

are being met.

Estimating Nutrient Availability

Good N and P management practices

take into account the large amount of

plant-available nutrients that come from

period of significant

total amount

leaching and denitrification

of mineral

soil mineral N,

the soil, especially soil organic matter

N available

normal year

and any additional organic sources like

during the


manure, compost, or a rotation or cover

crop. Fertilizer should be used only to

soil mineral N,

supplement the soil’s supply in order to

wet spring

provide full plant nutrition (figure 19.2).




Organic farmers try to meet all demands

through these soil sources, as additional Figure 19.2. Available N in soil depends on recent weather. After increasing for a period, mineral N

organic fertilizers are generally very

decreases during a wet spring because leaching and denitrification losses are greater than N being converted to mineral forms. More mineral N is available for plants when the spring is drier.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

chAPter 19 ManageMent oF nitrogen and PhosPhorus

per acre in another year. Those are the

plant N

extremes, but, nevertheless, it is a great

challenge to determine the optimum

normal year

economic N rate.



soil or

period of significant


Fixed and Adaptive Methods for

plant N

leaching and denitrification


soil mineral N,

Estimating Crop N Needs

normal year

Several general approaches are used

to estimate crop N needs, and they can

soil mineral N,

be grouped into fixed and weather-

wet spring

adaptive approaches. Fixed approaches




assume that the N fertilizer needs do

not vary from one season to another

based on weather conditions but may

Figure 19.3. Need for supplemental N fertilizer depends on early-season weather.

Note: The amount of mineral N in soil will actual y decrease (not shown) as plants begin to vary because of the previous crop. They

grow rapidly and take up large quantities of N faster than new N is converted to mineral forms.

are useful for planning purposes and

Soil N shown in figure 19.2 and here is the total amount made available by the soil during the work well in dryer climates, but they are

growing season.

very imprecise in a humid climate.

in the spring but may be lost by leaching and denitrifica-

The mass-balance approach, a fixed approach, is

tion during a very wet period (figure 19.2). When corn

the most commonly used method for estimating N fertil-

germinates in the spring, it takes a while until it begins

izer recommendations. It is generally based on a yield

to grow rapidly and take up a lot of N (figure 19.3).

goal and associated N uptake, minus credits given for

Weather affects the required amount of supplemental

non-fertilizer N sources such as mineralized N from soil

N in two primary ways. In years with unusually wet

organic matter, preceding crops, and organic amendments.

weather in the spring, an extra amount of sidedress N

However, recent studies have shown that the relation-

may be needed to compensate for relatively high mineral

ship between yield and optimum N rate is very weak for

N loss from soil (figure 19.3). However, in dry years—

humid regions. While higher yields do require more N, the

especially drought spells during the critical pollination

weather pattern that produces higher yields means (1) that

period—corn yield will be reduced, and the N uptake and

larger and healthier root systems can take up more N, and

needed N fertilizer are therefore lower (not shown in

(2) that frequently the weather pattern stimulates the pres-

figure 19.3). However, you really don’t know at normal

ence of higher levels of nitrate in the soil.

sidedress time whether there will be a drought during

Several leading U.S. corn-producing states have

pollination, so there is no way to adjust for that. The

adopted the maximum return to N (MRTN)

actual amount of required N depends on the complex

approach, another fixed approach, which largely aban-

and dynamic interplay of crop growth patterns with

dons the mass-balance method. It provides generalized

weather events, which is difficult to predict. In fact, opti-

recommendations based on extensive field trials, model-

mum N fertilizer rates for corn without organic amend-

fitting, and economic analyses. It is only available for

ments in the U.S. corn belt may vary from as little as 0

corn at this time. The rate with the largest average net

pounds per acre in one year to as much as 250 pounds

return to the farmer over multiple years is the MRTN,


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

chAPter 19 ManageMent oF nitrogen and PhosPhorus

and the recommendations vary with grain and fertilizer

which can then guide sidedress N applications. These

prices. Adjustments based on realistic yield expectation

methods generally require a reference strip of corn that

are sometimes encouraged. The MRTN recommenda-

has received high levels of N fertilizer. This approach

tions are based on comprehensive field information,

has been proven effective for spring N topdressing in

but owing to generalizing over large areas and for many

cereal production, especially of winter wheat, but so far

seasons, it does not account for the soil and weather fac-

there has been limited success using this with corn due

tors that affect N availability.

to more complicated crop and soil N dynamics.

The adaptive approaches, described in the follow-

Environmental information systems and sim-

ing paragraphs, attempt to take into account seasonal

ulation models are now also being employed for N

weather, soil type, and management effects and require

management, with successful applications for wheat and

some type of measurement or model estimate during the

corn. This is an adaptive approach that takes advantage

growing season.

of increasingly sophisticated environmental databases—

The pre-sidedress nitrate test (PSNT) measures

like radar-based high-resolution precipitation esti-

soil nitrate content in the surface layer of 0 to 12 inches

mates—that can be used to provide input information

and allows for adaptive sidedress or topdress N applica-

for computer models. N mineralization and losses are

tions. It implicitly incorporates information on early-

simulated together with crop growth to estimate soil N

season weather conditions (figure 19.2) and is especially

contributions and fertilizer N needs.

successful in identifying N-sufficient sites—those that

do not need additional N fertilizer. It requires a special

Evaluation at the End of the Season

sampling effort during a short time window in late spring,

To evaluate the success of a fertility recommendation,

and it is sensitive to timing and mineralization rates dur-

farmers sometimes plant field strips with different

ing the early spring. The PSNT is usually called the late

N rates and compare yields at the end of the season.

spring nitrate test (LSNT) in the midwestern U.S.

The lower stalk nitrate test is also sometimes used

The pre-plant nitrate test (PPNT) measures

to assess, after the growing season, whether corn N

soil nitrate or soil nitrate plus ammonium in the soil

rates were approximately right or too low or too high.

(typically from 0 to 2 ft) early in the season to guide N

These two methods are neither fixed nor adaptive

fertilizer applications at planting. It is effectively used in

approaches for the current year since evaluation is

dryer climates—like the U.S. Great Plains—where sea-

made at the end of the season, but they may help farm-

sonal gains of inorganic forms of N are more predictable

ers make changes to their fertilizer application rates in

and losses are minimal. The PPNT cannot incorporate

following years. Adaptive management may therefore

the seasonal weather effects, as the samples are analyzed

also include farmer-based experimentation and adjust-

prior to the growing season, which inherently limits its

ment to local conditions.

precision compared to the PSNT.

Recent advances in crop sensing using reflectance


spectroscopy allow adaptive approaches based on

Although N and P behave very differently in soils, the

seasonal weather and local soil variation. Leaf chlo-

general approaches to their management are similar

rophyll meters or satellite, aerial, or tractor-

(table 19.2). The following considerations are important

mounted sensors that measure light reflecting from

for planning management strategies for N and P:

leaves are used for assessing leaf or canopy N status,

Credit nutrients in manures, decomposing


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

chAPter 19 ManageMent oF nitrogen and PhosPhorus

Table 19.2

Comparison of N and P Management Practices
