Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 23 Putting it all together

weed control. Look into ways to increase surface cover,

soil, although it is generally limited to shallow depths.

although this is a challenge without the use of chemical

On pastures, regular aeration helps reduce this problem.

weed control. Alternatively, consider more traditional

Livestock farms require special attention to nutri-

erosion control practices, such as strip cropping, as they

ent management and making sure that organic nutri-

work well with rotations involving sod and cover crops.

ent sources are optimally used around the farm and no

negative environmental impacts occur. This requires a

Crop-Livestock Farms

comprehensive look at all nutrient flows on the farm,

Diversified crop-and-livestock farms have an inherent

finding ways to most efficiently use them, and prevent-

advantage for improving soil health. Crops can be fed

ing problems with excesses.

to animals and manures returned to the soil, thereby

providing a continuous supply of organic materials. For

Vegetable Farms

many livestock operations, perennial forage crops are an

Soil quality management is especially challenging on

integral part of the cropping system, thereby reducing

vegetable farms. Many vegetable crops are sensitive to

erosion potential and improving soil physical and bio-

soil compaction and often pose greater challenges in

logical properties. Soil health tests conducted on dairy

pest management. Vegetable lands have generally been

farms in New York consistently show good results for

worked hard over many years and have a long way to go

most soil health indicators, although compaction is still

toward improved soil health. Most vegetable farms are

often a concern. Nevertheless, integrated crop-livestock

not integrated with livestock production, and it is dif-

farms have challenges. Silage harvests do not leave

ficult to maintain a continuous supply of fresh organic

much crop residue, which needs to be compensated with

matter. Bringing manure, compost, or other locally

manure application or cover crops. Minimizing tillage is

available sources of organic materials to the farm should

also important and can be done by injecting the manure

be seriously considered. In some cases, vegetable farms

or gently incorporating it with aerators or harrows,

can economically use manure from nearby livestock

rather than plowing it under. Soil pulverization can be

minimized by reducing secondary tillage, using strip or

zone tillage, and establishing the crops with no-tillage

fIndInG creAtIve soLutIons

planters and seeders.

Dairy farmers in Vermont were concerned about soil

Preventing soil compaction is important on many

health on their corn lands. The colder continental

livestock-based farms. Manure spreaders are typically

climate of the state limits the time window for cover

heavy and frequently go over the land at unfavorable

crop establishment before winter dormancy sets

times, doing a lot of compaction damage. Think about

in. Working together with University of Vermont

ways to minimize this. In the spring, allow the fields to

specialists, the farmers experimented with shorter-

dry adequately (do the ball test) before taking spreaders

season corn varieties that mature seven to ten days

out. If there is no manure storage, building a structure to

earlier and increase the time window for cover crop

hold it temporarily allows you to avoid the most damag-

establishment equivalently. They found that their corn

ing soil conditions. Frost manure injection completely

yields were general y unaffected by the shorter grow-

avoids compacting the soil and, despite the generally nar-

ing season, but their ability to establish cover crops

row time window, should be considered in colder regions.

was greatly enhanced.

Compaction can also result from animal grazing on wet


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent