Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

nutrient CyCles and FloWs

Increasingly . . . emphasis is being laid on the direction of natural forces, on the conservation of inherent richness, on the acquirement of plant food supplies from the air and subsoil.

—J.l. hills, C.h. Jones, and C. Cutler, 1908

We used the term cycle earlier when discussing the

nutrients. Other flows are unplanned—for example,

flow of nutrients from soil to plant to animal to soil, as

when nitrate is lost from the soil by leaching to ground-

well as global carbon and nitrogen cycles (chapter 2).

water or when runoff waters take nutrients along with

Some farmers minimize their use of nutrient supple-

eroded topsoil to a nearby stream.

ments and try to rely more on natural soil nutrient

When crops are harvested and brought to the barn

cycles—as contrasted with purchased commercial

to feed animals, that is a nutrient flow, as is the return of

fertilizers—to provide fertility to plants. But is it really

animal manure to the land. Together these two flows are

possible to depend forever on the natural cycling of all

a true cycle, because nutrients return to the fields from

the nutrients to meet a crop’s needs? Let’s first consider

which they came. In forests and natural grassland, the

what a nutrient cycle is and how it differs from the other

cycling of nutrients is very efficient. In the early stages of

ways that nutrients move from one place to another.

agriculture, when almost all people lived near their fields,

When nutrients move from one place to another,

nutrient cycling was also efficient (figure 7.1a). However,

that is a flow. There are many different types of nutrient

in many types of agriculture, especially modern, “indus-

flows that can occur. When you buy fertilizers or animal

trial-style” farming, there is little real cycling of nutrients,

feeds, nutrients are “flowing” onto the farm. When

because there is no easy way to return nutrients shipped

you sell sweet corn, apples, alfalfa hay, meat, or milk,

off the farm. In addition, nutrients in crop residues don’t

nutrients are “flowing” off the farm. Flows that involve

cycle very efficiently when the soil is without living plants

products entering or leaving the farm gate are managed

for long periods, and nutrient runoff and leaching losses

intentionally, whether or not you are thinking about

are much larger than from natural systems.

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Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent