Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 7 nutrient CyCles and FloWs

to a crop farm will tend to lower the nutrient exports.

tend to be more readily lost to the environment. Even

In order to help balance nutrient imports and

midwestern U.S. cash grain farms that have balanced

exports, routine soil tests should become a part of every

nutrient imports and exports lose nutrients. Nitrogen-

farm’s practices, because they will indicate whether

leaching losses from these farms are having negative

nutrients are being depleted or accumulating to higher

environmental effects on the Mississippi River and Gulf

levels than needed.

of Mexico ecosystems.



There is true nutrient cycling on most farms as crop

Anderson, B.H., and F.R. Magdoff. 2000. Dairy farm character-

istics and managed flows of phosphorus. American Journal of

residues or manures produced by animals fed crops

Alternative Agriculture 15: 19–25.

grown on the farm are returned to the soil. However,

Harrison, E., J. Bonhotal, and M. Schwarz. 2008. Using Manure

there are potentially large flows of nutrients onto and

Solids as Bedding. Report prepared by the Cornell Waste Man-

agement Institute (Ithaca, NY) for the New York State Energy

off of farms, and we are concerned about cases where

Research and Development Authority.

the flows are unbalanced. The inflow occurs as commer-

Magdoff, F., L. Lanyon, and W. Liebhardt. 1997. Nutrient cycling,

cial and organic fertilizers and amendments as well as

transformations, and flows: Implications for a more sustainable

agriculture. Advances in Agronomy 60: 1–73.

animal feeds are imported onto the farm and in manures

Magdoff, F., L. Lanyon, and W. Liebhardt. 1998. Sustainable

and composts brought from off the farm. Exports are

Nutrient Management: A Role for Everyone. Burlington, VT:

mainly in the form of crops and animal products. In

Northeast Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Educa-

tion Program.

general, larger amounts of nutrients are exported off the

Morris, T.F. 2004. Survey of the nutrient status of organic veg-

farm in vegetation (grains, forages, vegetables, etc.) than

etable farms. Search for project report LNE01-144 in the SARE

in animal products. This happens because a high percent

project database,

of the nutrients in the feeds pass through the animal and

Rasmussen, C.N., Q.M. Ketterings, G. Albrecht, L. Chase, and K.J.

Czymmek. 2006. Mass nutrient balances: A management tool

are available as manure. And relatively few nutrients

for New York dairy and livestock farms. In Silage for Dairy

are exported per acre in the form of milk, meat, wool,

Farms: Growing, Harvesting, Storing, and Feeding, pp.

396–414. NRAES Conference, Harrisburg, PA, January 23–25.

etc., compared to the amount exported from crop farms.

Seiter, S., and W.R. Horwath. 2004. Strategies for managing soil

Nutrient flows are of such great concern because as

organic matter to supply plant nutrients. In Soil Organic Matter

nutrient levels decline, the soil rapidly degrades. On the

in Sustainable Agriculture, ed. F. Magdoff and R.R. Weil, pp.

269–293. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

other hand, when nutrients build up on the farm, they


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent
