Used to be anybody could farm. All you needed was a strong back . . . but nowadays you need a good education to understand all the advice you get so you can pick out what’ll do you the least harm.
—verMont saying, Mid-1900s
We have written this book with farmers, farm advi-
properties and nutrients, as well as a chapter on evalu-
sors, students, and gardeners in mind, although we have
ating soil health (chapter 22). In addition, we updated
also found copies of earlier editions on the bookshelves of farmer case studies and added a new one. The case stud-many of our colleagues. Building Soils for Better Crops
ies describe a number of key practices that enhance the
is a practical guide to ecological soil management that
health of the farmers’ soils.
provides background information as well as details of
Many chapters were rewritten, expanded, and reorga-
soil-improving practices. This book is meant to give the
nized for the third edition—some completely. A chapter on
reader a holistic appreciation of the importance of soil
physical properties and issues was divided into two (chap-
health and to suggest ecologically sound practices that
ters 5 and 6), and chapters were added on the principles of
help to develop and maintain healthy soils.
ecological soil management (chapter 8) and on irrigation
Building Soils for Better Crops has evolved over time.
and drainage (chapter 17). The third edition, while still
The first edition focused exclusively on the manage-
focusing on farming and soils in the United States, has a
ment of soil organic matter. If you follow practices that
broader geographical scope; the book has evolved into a
build and maintain good levels of soil organic matter,
more comprehensive treatise of sustainable soil manage-
you will find it easier to grow healthy and high-yielding
ment for a global audience. We have, however, maintained
crops. Plants can withstand droughty conditions better
the use of English units in the book for the convenience
and won’t be as bothered by insects and diseases. By
of our original target audience, although many readers
maintaining adequate levels of organic matter in soil, you
outside North America—and scientists like us—would
have less reason to use as much commercial fertilizer,
perhaps prefer the use of metric units.
lime, and pesticides as many farmers now purchase. Soil
A book like this one cannot give exact answers to
organic matter is that important.
problems on specific farms. In fact, we are purposely
Organic matter management was also the heart of the
staying away from recipe-type approaches. There are just
second edition, but we decided to write a more compre-
too many differences from one field to another, one farm
hensive guide that includes other essential aspects of
to another, and one region to another, to warrant blanket
building healthy soils, such as managing soil physical
recommendations. To make specific suggestions, it is
Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent