Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 9 Managing For high-Quality soils

bedding or to make compost. Later, these residues

return to contribute to soil fertility as manures or com-

AboveGround croP resIdues

posts. Sometimes residues are removed from fields to

The amount of aboveground residue left in the field

be used by other farmers or to make another product.

after harvest depends on the type of crop and its

There is increasing interest in using crop residues as a

yield. The top table contains the amounts of residues

feedstock for the production of biofuels. This activity

found in California’s highly productive, irrigated San

could cause considerable harm to soil health if sufficient

Joaquin Val ey. These residue amounts are higher

residues are not allowed to return to soils.

than would be found on most farms, but the relative

Burning of wheat, rice, and other crop residues in the

amounts for the various crops are interesting.

field still occurs, although it is becoming less common in

the United States as well as in other countries. Residue

Crop Residues in the

San Joaquin Val ey (California)

is usually burned to help control insects or diseases or to



make next year’s fieldwork easier. Residue burning may

Corn (grain)


be so widespread in a given area that it causes a local air

pollution problem. Burning also diminishes the amount

Broccoli 3

of organic matter returned to the soil and the amount of



protection against raindrop impact.

Wheat (grain)


Sometimes important needs for crop residues and

Sugarbeets 2

manures may prevent their use in maintaining or



building soil organic matter. For example, straw may



be removed from a grain field to serve as mulch in a



strawberry field. These trade-offs of organic materials

Corn (silage)


can sometimes cause a severe soil-fertility problem if



allowed to continue for a long time. This issue is of much

Wheat (after baling)


more widespread importance in developing countries,



where resources are scarce. In those countries, crop resi-

dues and manures frequently serve as fuel for cooking or

heating when gas, coal, oil, and wood are not available.

Residues of Common Crops in the

In addition, straw may be used in making bricks or used

Midwest and Great Plains

as thatch for housing or to make fences. Although it is



completely understandable that people in resource-poor

Corn (120 bu.)


regions use residues for such purposes, the negative

Sorghum (80 bu.)


effects of these uses on soil productivity can be substan-

Wheat (35 bu.)


tial. An important way to increase agricultural produc-

Soybeans (35 bu.)

less than 1

tivity in developing countries is to find alternate sources

for fuel and building materials to replace the crop

—FroM various sourCes

residues and manures traditionally used.

Using residues as mulches. Crop residues or

composts can be used as mulch on the soil surface. This


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent
