Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 9 Managing For high-Quality soils


c:n rAtIo of ActIve orGAnIc MAtter


As residues are decomposed by soil organisms, carbon


is lost as CO2, while nitrogen is mostly conserved.

This causes the C:N ratio of decomposing residues


to decrease. Although the ratio for most agricultural

C:N 18

soils is in the range of 10:1 to 12:1, the different types of


organic matter within a soil have different ratios. The


larger particles of soil organic matter have higher C:N


ratios, indicating that they are less decomposed than

smal er fractions (see figure 9.4, right). Microscopic

10 a) greater b) size of c) size d) smaller than

evidence also indicates that the larger fractions are less

than sand


of fine sand size, probably




not active

decomposed than the smal er particles.

Figure 9.4. C:N ratio of different-size fractions of organic matter.

From F. Magdoff, unpublished data, average for three soils.

residue will remain under different crops, rotations, or

recreation. In locations where this occurs, farmers

harvest practices. For example, 3 or more tons per acre of

must be careful to avoid loading the soil with too

leaf, stalk, and cob residues remain in the field when corn

much phosphorus, from either commercial fertilizers

is harvested for grain depending on yield. If the entire

or organic sources.

plant is harvested to make silage, there is little left except

Effects of residue and manure accumula-

the roots.

tions. When any organic material is added to soil,

When “imported” organic materials are brought

it decomposes relatively rapidly at first. Later, when

to the field, you need to decide how much and when

only resistant parts (for example, straw stems high in

to apply them. In general, application rates of these

lignin) are left, the rate of decomposition decreases

residues will be based on their probable contribution to

greatly. This means that although nutrient availability

the nitrogen nutrition of plants. We don’t want to apply

diminishes each year after adding a residue to the soil,

too much available nitrogen because it will be wasted.

there are still long-term benefits from adding organic

Nitrate from excessive applications of organic sources

materials. This can be expressed by using a “decay

of fertility may leach into groundwater just as easily as

series.” For example, 50, 15, 5, and 2% of the amount of

nitrate originating from purchased synthetic fertilizers.

nitrogen added in manure may be released in the first,

In addition, excess nitrate in plants may cause health

second, third, and fourth years following addition to

problems for humans and animals.

soils. In other words, crops in a regularly manured field

Sometimes the fertility contribution of phosphorus

get some nitrogen from manure that was applied in past

may be the main factor governing application rates of

years. So, if you are starting to manure a field, somewhat

organic material. Excess phosphorus entering lakes

more manure will be needed in the first year than will

can cause an increase in the growth of algae and other

be needed in years 2, 3, and 4 to supply the same total

aquatic weeds, decreasing water quality for drinking and

amount of nitrogen to a crop. After some years, you may


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent