Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 9 Managing For high-Quality soils


Many of the practices that build up and maintain soil

The role of diversity is critical to maintaining a well-

organic matter enrich the soil with nutrients or make

functioning and stable agriculture. Where many differ-

it easier to manage nutrients in ways that satisfy crop

ent types of organisms coexist, there are fewer disease,

needs and are also environmentally sound. For example,

insect, and nematode problems. There is more competi-

a legume cover crop increases a soil’s active organic

tion for food and a greater possibility that many types of

matter and reduces erosion, but it also adds nitrogen

predators will be found. This means that no single pest

that can be used by the next crop. Cover crops and deep-

organism will be able to reach a population high enough

rooted rotation crops help to cycle nitrate, potassium,

to cause a major decrease in crop yield. We can promote

calcium, and magnesium that might be lost to leaching

a diversity of plant species growing on the land by using

below crop roots. Importing mulches or manures onto

cover crops, intercropping, and crop rotations. However,

the farm also adds nutrients along with the organic

don’t forget that diversity below the soil surface is as

materials. However, specific nutrient management prac-

important as diversity above ground. Growing cover

tices are needed, such as testing manure and checking

crops and using crop rotations help maintain the diversity

its nutrient content before applying additional nutrient

below ground, but adding manures and composts and

sources. Other examples of nutrient management prac-

making sure that crop residues are returned to the soil are

tices not directly related to organic matter management

also critical for promoting soil organism diversity.

include applying nutrients timed to plant needs, liming

acidic soils, and interpreting soil tests to decide on the


appropriate amounts of nutrients to apply (see chapters

Although enhanced soil organic matter management

18 to 21). Development of farm nutrient management

practices go a long way to helping all aspects of soil

plans and watershed partnerships improves soil while

health, other practices are needed to maintain an

also protecting the local environment. And as discussed

enhanced physical and chemical environment. Plants

above, it is possible to overload soils with nutrients

thrive in a physical environment that allows roots to

by bringing large quantities of organic materials such

actively explore a large area, gets all the oxygen and

as manures or composts from off the farm for routine

water needed, and maintains a healthy mix of organ-

annual applications.

isms. Although the soil’s physical environment is

strongly influenced by organic matter, the practices and


equipment used—from tillage to planting to cultivation

Improved soil organic matter management is at the

to harvest—have a major impact. If a soil is too wet—

heart of building better soils—creating a habitat below

whether it has poor internal drainage or receives too

the ground that is suited to optimal root development

much water—some remedies are needed to grow high-

and health. This means adding adequate annual quanti-

yielding and healthy crops. Also, erosion—whether by

ties, tons per acre, of a variety of organic materials—

wind or water—is an environmental hazard that needs to

crop residue, manure, composts, leaves, etc.—while not

be kept as low as possible. Erosion is most likely when

overloading the soil with nutrients from off the farm. It

the surface of a soil is bare and doesn’t contain sufficient

also means reducing the losses of soil organic matter as

medium- to large-size water-stable aggregates. Practices

the result of excess tillage or erosion. But we’re not just

for management of soil physical properties are discussed

interested in the amount of organic matter in soil. Even

in chapters 14 to 17.

if the organic matter content of the soil doesn’t increase


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent