Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 10 Cover CroPs

dry weight per acre. If a crop like winter rye is grown to

maturity, it can produce 3 to 5 tons of residue.

A five-year experiment with clover in California



showed that cover crops increased organic matter in the




top 2 inches from 1.3% to 2.6% and in the 2- to 6-inch


add N



layer from 1% to 1.2%. Some researchers have found that




of water

cover crops do not seem to increase soil organic mat-


ter. Low-growing cover crops that don’t produce much


organic matter may not be able to counter the depleting






effects of some management practices, such as intensive





tillage. Even if they don’t significantly increase organic


matter levels, cover crops help prevent erosion and add at

least some residues that are readily used by soil organisms.

Figure 10.1. Cover crops have multiple benefits.

Cover crops help maintain high populations of

mycorrhizal fungi spores during the fallow period


between main crops. The fungus also associates with

Cover crops provide multiple potential benefits to soil

almost all cover crops, which helps maintain or improve

health and the following crops, while also helping main-

inoculation of the next crop. (As discussed in chapter 4,

tain cleaner surface and groundwater (figure 10.1). They

mycorrhizal fungi help promote the health of many crop

prevent erosion, improve soil physical and biological

plants in a variety of ways and also improve soil aggre-

properties, supply nutrients to the following crop, sup-

gation.) Cover crop pollen and nectar can be important

press weeds, improve soil water availability, and break

food sources for predatory mites and parasitic wasps,

pest cycles. Some cover crops are able to break into

both important for biological control of insect pests. A

compacted soil layers, making it easier for the following

cover crop also provides a good habitat for spiders, and

crop’s roots to more fully develop. The actual benefits

these general insect feeders help decrease pest popula-

from a cover crop depend on the species and productiv-

tions. Use of cover crops in the Southeast has reduced

ity of the crop you grow and how long it’s left to grow

the incidence of thrips, bollworm, budworm, aphids,

before the soil is prepared for the next crop.

fall armyworm, beet armyworm, and white flies. Living

Organic matter. Grass cover crops are more likely

cover crop plants and their residues also increase water

than legumes to increase soil organic matter. The more

infiltration into soil, thus compensating for the water

residue you return to the soil, the better the effect on

that cover crops use.

soil organic matter. The amount of residue produced by

the cover crop may be very small, as little as half a ton


of dry matter per acre. This adds some active organic

Before growing cover crops, you need to ask yourself

matter, but because most of it decomposes rapidly after

some questions:

the crop is killed, there is no measurable effect on the

• What type of crop should I plant?

total amount of organic matter present. On the other

• When and how should I plant the crop?

hand, good production of hairy vetch or crimson clover

• When should the crop be killed or incorporated into

cover crops may yield from 1 1/2 to more than 4 tons of

the soil?


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent