Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 10 Cover CroPs

Figure 10.2. Velvet bean grown on hillsides in Central America. Left: growing vines; middle: maturing pods; right: mulched under corn crop. Left and middle photos by Ray Bryant.

maturity and harvested for seed, they do not add much

reliably winterkill every year, and the small amounts

in the way of lasting residues or nitrogen.

of extra fall growth and nitrogen fixation may not be

Velvet bean (mucuna) is widely adopted in tropi-

worth the extra cost of the seed compared with peren-

cal climates. It is an annual climbing vine that grows

nial varieties.

aggressively to several feet high and suppresses weeds

Crown vetch is adapted only to well-drained soils,

well (figure 10.2). In a velvet bean–corn sequence, the

but it can be grown under lower fertility conditions than

cover crop provides a thick mulch layer and reseeds

alfalfa. It has been used successfully for roadbank stabi-

itself after the corn crop. The beans themselves are

lization and is able to provide permanent groundcover.

sometimes used for a coffee substitute and can also be

Crown vetch has been tried as an interseeded “living

eaten after long boiling. A study in West Africa showed

mulch,” with only limited success at providing nitrogen

that velvet bean can provide nitrogen benefits for two

to corn. However, it is relatively easy to suppress crown

successive corn crops.

vetch with herbicides to reduce its competition with

Similar tropical cover crops include Canavalia,

corn. Crown vetch establishes very slowly, so it should

Crotalaria, Tephrosia, all of which can be used as

be used only for perennial cover.

mulches after maturing.

Red clover is vigorous, shade tolerant, winter-

hardy, and can be established relatively easily. It is com-

Biennial and Perennial Legumes

monly interseeded with small grains. Because it starts

Alfalfa is a good choice for well-drained soils that are

growing slowly, the competition between it and the

near neutral in pH and high in fertility. The good soil

small grain is not usually great. Red clover also success-

conditions required for the best growth of alfalfa make it

fully interseeds with corn in the Northeast.

a poor choice for problem situations. Where adapted, it

Sweet clover (yellow blossom) is a reasonably

is usually grown in a rotation for a number of years (see

winter-hardy, vigorous-growing crop with an ability to

chapter 11). Alfalfa is commonly interseeded with small

get its roots into compacted subsoils. It is able to with-

grains, such as oats, wheat, and barley, and it grows

stand high temperatures and droughty conditions better

after the grain is harvested. The alfalfa variety Nitro can

than many other cover crops. Sweet clover requires a

be used as an annual cover crop because it is not very

soil pH near neutrality and a high calcium level; it does

winter-hardy and usually winterkills under northern

poorly in wet, clayey soils. As long as the pH is high,

conditions. Nitro continues to fix nitrogen later into the

sweet clover is able to grow well on low-fertility soils.

fall than winter-hardy varieties. However, it does not

It is sometimes grown for a full year or more, since it


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent
