Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 10 Cover CroPs

some situations.

is grown as a winter crop in the middle and southern

Sudan grass and sorghum-sudan hybrids are fast-

sections of the U.S. Forage radish has gained a lot of

growing summer annuals that produce a lot of growth in

interest because of its fast growth in late summer and fall,

a short time. Because of their vigorous nature, they are

which allows significant uptake of nutrients. It develops a

good at suppressing weeds. If they are interseeded with

large taproot—1–2 inches in diameter and a foot or more

a low-growing crop, such as strawberries or many veg-

deep—that can break through compacted layers, allow-

etables, you may need to delay seeding so the main crop

ing deeper rooting by the next crop (figure 10.4). Forage

will not be severely shaded. They have been reported to

radish will winterkill and decompose by spring, but it

suppress plant-parasitic nematodes and possibly other

leaves the soil in friable condition and improves rainfall

organisms, as they produce highly toxic substances dur-

infiltration and storage. It also eases root penetration and

ing decomposition in soil. Sudan grass is especially help-

development by the following crop.

ful for loosening compacted soil. It can also be used as a

Rape and other brassica crops may function as biofu-

livestock forage and so can do double duty in a cropping

migants, suppressing soil pests, especially root patho-

system with one or more grazings and still provide many

gens and plant-parasitic nematodes. Row crop farmers

benefits of a cover crop.

are increasingly interested in these properties. Don’t

expect brassicas to eliminate your pest problems, how-

Other Crops

ever. They are a good tool and an excellent rotation crop,

Buckwheat is a summer annual that is easily killed by

but pest management results are inconsistent. More

frost. It will grow better than many other cover crops on

research is needed to further clarify the variables affect-

low-fertility soils. It also grows rapidly and completes its

ing the release and toxicity of the chemical compounds

life cycle quickly, taking around six weeks from plant-

involved. Because members of this family do not develop

ing into a warm soil until the early flowering stage.

mycorrhizal fungi associations, they will not promote

Buckwheat can grow more than 2 feet tall in the month

mycorrhizae in the following crop.

following planting. It competes well with weeds because

it grows so fast and, therefore, is used to suppress weeds


following an early spring vegetable crop. It has also been

There are numerous management issues to consider

reported to suppress important root pathogens, including

when using cover crops. Once you decide what your

Thielaviopsis and Rhizoctonia species. It is possible to

major goals are for using cover crops, select one or more

grow more than one crop of buckwheat per year in many

to try out. Consider using combinations of species. You

regions. Its seeds do not disperse widely, but it can reseed

also need to decide where cover crops best fit in your

itself and become a weed. Mow or till it before seeds

system—planted following the main crop, intercropped

develop to prevent reseeding.

during part or all of the growing of the main crop, or

Brassicas used as cover crops include mustard,

grown for an entire growing season in order to build up

rapeseed, and forage radish. They are increasingly used as

the soil. The goal, while not always possible to attain,

winter or rotational cover crops in vegetable and specialty

should be to have something growing in your fields

crop production, such as potatoes and tree fruits. Rape

(even if dormant during the winter) all the time. Other

(canola) grows well under the moist and cool conditions

management issues include when and how to kill or sup-

of late fall, when other kinds of plants are going dormant

press the cover crop, and how to reduce the possibility

for winter. Rape is killed by harsh winter conditions but

of interference with your main crops either by using too


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent


