Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 10 Cover CroPs

crop. Cover crops are commonly interseeded at plant-

Intercropping has many benefits. Compared with bare

ing in winter grain cropping systems or frost-seeded

soil, a ground cover provides erosion control, better

in early spring. Seeding cover crops during the growth

conditions for using equipment during harvesting,

of economic crops (figure 10.5c) is especially helpful

higher water-infiltration capacity, and an increase in soil

for the establishment of cover crops in areas with a

organic matter. In addition, if the cover crop is a legume,

short growing season. Delaying the cover crop seeding

a significant buildup of nitrogen may be available to

until the main crop is off to a good start means that the

crops in future years. Another benefit is the attraction of

commercial crop will be able to grow well despite the

beneficial insects, such as predatory mites, to flowering

competition. Good establishment of cover crops requires

plants. Less insect damage has been noted under poly-

moisture and, for small-seeded crops, some covering of

culture than under monoculture.

the seed by soil or crop residues. Winter rye is able to

Growing other plants near the main crop also poses

establish well without seed covering, as long as sufficient

potential dangers. The intercrop may harbor insect

moisture is present (figure 10.7). Farmers using this

pests, such as the tarnished plant bug. Most of the

system usually broadcast seed during or just after the

management decisions for using intercrops are con-

last cultivation of a row crop. Aerial seeding, “highboy”

nected with minimizing competition with the main crop.

tractors, or detasseling machines are used to broadcast

Intercrops, if they grow too tall, can compete with the

green manure seed after a main crop is already fairly

main crop for light, or may physically interfere with the

tall. When growing is on a smaller scale, seed is broad-

main crop’s growth or harvest. Intercrops may compete

cast with the use of a hand-crank spin seeder.

for water and nutrients. Using intercrops is not recom-

Intercrops and living mulches. Growing a

mended if rainfall is barely adequate for the main crop

cover crop between the rows of a main crop has been

and supplemental irrigation isn’t available. One way to

practiced for a long time. It has been called a living

decrease competition is to delay seeding the intercrop

mulch, an intercrop, polyculture (if more than one

until the main crop is well established. This is some-

crop will be harvested), and an orchard-floor cover.

times done in commercial fruit orchards. Soil-improving

intercrops established by delayed planting into annual

main crops are usually referred to as cover crops.

Herbicides, mowing, and partial rototilling are used to

suppress the cover crop and give an advantage to the

main crop. Another way to lessen competition from the

cover is to plant the main crop in a relatively wide cover-

free strip (figure 10.8). This provides more distance

between the main crop and the intercrop rows.

Cover Crop Termination

No matter when you establish cover crops, they are

usually killed before or during soil preparation for the

next economic crop. This is usually done by mowing

(most annuals are killed that way) once they’ve flow-

Figure 10.7. Winter rye interseeded with maturing soybeans.

ered, plowing into the soil, using herbicides, rolling and


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent
