Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 11 CroP rotations

about 500 pounds per acre per year and four years of


alfalfa increased organic matter by 800 pounds per

acre per year. (Keep in mind that these amounts are

grass sod

small compared to the amounts of organic matter in


most soils—3% organic matter represents about 60,000

pounds per acre to a depth of 6 inches.)


Two things happen when perennial forages are


(moldboard plow)

part of the rotation and remain in place for some years

organic matter (%) 1

during a rotation. First, the rate of decomposition of

soil organic matter decreases, because the soil is not

continually being disturbed. (This also happens when


using no-till planting, even for nonsod-type crops,






such as corn.) Second, grass and legume sods develop

extensive root systems, part of which will naturally die

Figure 11.2. Organic matter changes in the plow layer during long-term

each year, adding new organic matter to the soil. Crops

cultivation followed by hay crop establishment.

with extensive root systems stimulate high levels of soil

when the cropping system is changed from a cultivated

biological activity and soil aggregation. The roots of a

crop to a grass or mixed grass–legume sod. However,

healthy grass or legume-grass sod return more organic

the increase is usually much slower than the decrease

matter to the soil than roots of most other crops. Older

that occurred under continuous tillage.

roots of grasses die, even during the growing season,

A long-term cropping experiment in Missouri com-

and provide sources of fresh, active organic matter.

pared continuous corn to continuous sod and various

Rotations that included three years of perennial forage

rotations. More than 9 inches of topsoil was lost during

crops have been found to produce a very high-quality

sixty years of continuous corn. The amount of soil lost

soil in the corn and soybean belt of the Midwest.

each year from the continuous corn plots was equivalent

We are not only interested in total soil organic

to 21 tons per acre. After sixty years, soil under continu-

matter—we want a wide variety of different types of

ous corn had only 44% as much topsoil as that under

organisms living in the soil. We also want to have a good

continuous timothy sod. A six-year rotation consisting

amount of active organic matter and high levels of well-

of corn, oats, wheat, clover, and two years of timothy

decomposed soil organic matter, or humus, in the soil.

resulted in about 70% as much topsoil as found in the

Although most experiments have compared soil organic

timothy soil, a much better result than with continuous

matter changes under different cropping systems, few

corn. Differences in erosion and organic matter decom-

experiments have looked at the effects of rotations on

position resulted in soil organic matter levels of 2.2%

soil ecology. The more residues your crops leave in the

for the unfertilized timothy and 1.2% for the continuous

field, the greater the populations of soil microorgan-

corn plots.

isms. Experiments in a semiarid region in Oregon found

In an experiment in eastern Canada, continuous

that the total amount of microorganisms in a two-year

corn led to annual increases in organic matter of about

wheat-fallow system was only about 25% of the amount

100 pounds per acre, while two years of corn followed

found under pasture. Conventional moldboard plow

by two years of alfalfa increased organic matter by

tillage systems are known to decrease the populations


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent