Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 12 aniMal Manures

importance for routine manure use. For example, while

forMs of nItroGen In MAnures

the average liquid dairy manure is around 25 pounds of

Nitrogen in manure occurs in three main forms: am-

N per 1,000 gallons, there are manures that might be

monium (NH +), urea (a soluble organic form, easily

10 pounds N or less OR 40 pounds N or more per 1,000


converted to ammonium), and solid, organic N. Ammo-

gallons. Recent research efforts have focused on more

nium is readily available to plants, and urea is quickly

efficient use of nutrients in dairy cows, and N and P

converted to ammonium in soils. However, while

intake can often be reduced by up to 25% without losses

readily available when incorporated in soil, both am-

in productivity. This helps reduce nutrient surpluses on

monium and urea are subject to loss as ammonia gas

farms using only needed P.

when left on the surface under drying conditions—

with significant losses occurring within hours of apply-


ing to the soil surface. Some manures may have half

Effects on Organic Matter

When considering the influence of any residue or organic

or three-quarters of their N in readily available forms,

material on soil organic matter, the key question is how

while others may have 20% or less in these forms. Ma-

much solids are returned to the soil. Equal amounts of

nure analysis reports usual y contain both ammonium

different types of manures will have different effects on

and total N (the difference is mainly organic N), thus

soil organic matter levels. Dairy and beef manures con-

indicating how much of the N is readily available—but

tain undigested parts of forages and may have significant

also subject to loss if not handled carefully.

quantities of bedding. They therefore have a high amount

of complex substances, such as lignin, that do not decom-

systems make manure analyses quite variable. Yet as

pose readily in soils. Using this type of manure results

long as feeding, bedding, and storage practices remain

in a much greater long-term influence on soil organic

relatively stable on a given farm, manure nutrient

matter than does a poultry or swine manure without

characteristics will tend to be similar from year to year.

bedding. More solids are commonly applied to soil with

However, year-to-year differences in rainfall can affect

solid-manure-handling systems than with liquid systems,

stored manure through more or less dilution.

because greater amounts of bedding are usually included.

The major difference among all the manures is that

A number of trends in dairy farming mean that manures

poultry manure is significantly higher in nitrogen and

may have less organic material than in the past. One is

phosphorus than the other manure types. This is partly

the use of sand as bedding material in free-stall barns,

due to the difference in feeds given poultry versus other

much of which is recovered and reused. The other is the

farm animals. The relatively high percentage of dry mat-

separation of solids and liquids with the sale of solids or

ter in poultry manure is also partly responsible for the

the use of digested solids as bedding. Under both situa-

higher analyses of certain nutrients when expressed on a

tions much less organic solids are returned to fields. On

wet ton basis.

the other hand, the bedded pack (or compost barn) does

It is possible to take the guesswork out of estimat-

produce a manure that is high in organic solid content.

ing manure characteristics; most soil-testing laborato-

When conventional tillage is used to grow a crop

ries will also analyze manure. Manure analysis should

such as corn silage, whose entire aboveground portion

become a routine part of the soil fertility management

is harvested, research indicates that an annual applica-

program on animal-based farms. This is of critical

tion of 20 to 30 tons of the solid type of dairy manure


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent