Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 13 Making and using CoMPosts

ProtectInG drInKInG WAter suPPLIes

Composting of manure is of special interest in watersheds that supply drinking water to cities, such as those that serve New York. The parasites Giardia lamblia (beaver fever) and Cryptosporidium parvum cause illness in humans and are shed through animal manure, especial y young stock. These organisms are very resistant in the environment and are not killed by chlorina-tion. Composting of manure, however, is an economical option that kills the pathogen and protects drinking water.


There is evidence that compost application lowers

Composted material is less bulky than the original

the incidence of plant root and leaf diseases, as men-

material, and easier and more pleasant to handle.

tioned. In addition, the chelates and the direct hormone-

During the composting process, carbon dioxide and

like chemicals present in compost stimulate the growth

water are lost to the atmosphere and the size of the pile

of healthy plants. Then there are the positive effects on

decreases by 30–60%. In addition, many weed seeds

soil physical properties that are derived from improving

and disease-causing organisms may be killed by the

soil organic matter. These are some of the broad benefits

high temperatures in the pile. Unpleasant odors are

to plant growth that are attributed to compost.

eliminated. Flies, a common problem around manures

If you have a large amount of organic waste but not

and other organic wastes, are much less of a problem

much land, composting may be very helpful and may

with composts. Composting reduces or eliminates the

create a valuable commercial product that improves

decline in nitrogen availability that commonly occurs

farm profitability. Also, since making compost decreases

when organic materials, such as sawdust or straw, are

the solubility of nutrients, composting may help lessen

added directly to soil. Composting is also very useful for

pollution in streams, lakes, and groundwater. On many

recycling kitchen wastes, leftover crop residues, weeds,

poultry farms and on beef feedlots, where high animal

and manures. Many types of local organic waste, such

populations on limited land may make manure applica-

as apple pumice, lake weeds, leaves, and grass clippings,

tion a potential environmental problem, composting may

can be composted.

be the best method for handling the wastes. Composted

material, with about half the bulk and weight of manure,

and a higher commercial value, can be economically

The reasons for composting and using composts need

transported significant distances to locations where

to be balanced by good practices such as locating

nutrients are needed. In addition, the high temperatures

the pile to minimize runoff and possible pollution

and biological activity during the composting process can

of surface waters. Compost piles may produce odors

help to decrease antibiotic levels in manures, which can

when turned, so it’s best to site piles away from where

be taken up by crops growing on manured land. Compost

neighbors might get a more powerful whiff than they’d

can also be stored easily, so it can be applied when soil

like. Composting in dry regions or under cover may

and weather conditions are optimal.

produce composts that contain relatively high levels of

Without denying the good reasons to compost,

salts, and you may need to apply them at lower rates

there are frequently very good reasons to just add

to avoid damaging plants.

organic materials directly to the soil, without compost-

ing. Compared with fresh residues, composts may not


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent