Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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chAPter 15 Preventing and lessening CoMPaCtion

Table 15.1

Types of Compaction and Their Remedies

Compaction Type



Breakdown of surface aggregates

Reduce tillage intensity.

and sealing of surface

Leave residues on surface.

Surface crusting

Poor seedling emergence

Add organic matter.

Accelerated runoff and erosion

Grow cover crops.

Plow with moldboard or chisel plow,

but reduce secondary tillage.

Do primary tillage before winter

(if no erosion danger exists).

Deep wheel tracks

Use zone builders.

Prolonged saturation or standing water

Increase organic matter additions.

Plow layer

Poor root growth

Use cover crops or rotation crops

Hard to dig and resistant to penetrometer

that can break up compact soils.

Cloddy after tillage

Use better load distribution.

Use controlled traffic.

Don’t travel on soils that are wet.

Improve soil drainage.

Don’t travel on soils that are wet.

Improve soil drainage.

Till deeply with a subsoiler or zone builder.

Roots can’t penetrate subsoil


Use cover crops or rotation crops

Resistant to penetrometer at greater depths

that penetrate compact subsoils.

Use better load distribution.

Use controlled traffic.

Don’t use wheels in open furrows.

The impact of surface crusting is most damaging

Reducing Surface Crusting

when heavy rains occur between planting and seedling

Crusting is a symptom of the breakdown of soil structure

emergence. The hard surface crust may delay seedling

that develops especially with intensively and clean-tilled

emergence and growth until the crust mellows with the

soils. As a short-term solution, farmers sometimes use

next rains. If such follow-up showers do not occur, the

tools such as rotary hoes to break up the crust. The best

crop may be set back considerably. Crusting and sealing

long-term approach is to reduce tillage intensity, use

of the soil surface also reduce water infiltration capacity.

tillage and cover cropping systems that leave residue or

This reduction in infiltration increases runoff and ero-

mulch on the surface, and improve aggregate stabil-

sion and lessens the amount of available water for crops.

ity with organic matter additions. Even residue covers

as low as 30% will greatly reduce crusting and provide

important pathways for water entry. A good heavy-duty


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

